Find less than or equal to n And with the n The number of Coprime numbers
Coprime exhaustive method
- Coprime : The coprime of two numbers means that the greatest common divisor of the two is 1
- Maximum common divisor method : division , Minimum common multiple : Divide the larger value by the greatest common divisor times the smaller value
division :
- A larger number a Take the smaller number b, Obtained modulus value c
- If modulo equals 0 Then the greatest common divisor is the modulus value , Otherwise, go on to the next step
a And c Take the mold again , Go back to step two
// Find the greatest common divisor gcd And the greatest common multiple lcm // 36 24 36/24 // 24 12 24/12 // 0 The ending maximum common divisor is 12 // Find the least common multiple // lcm(a, b) = (a * b)/gcd(a, b) public static int gcd(int a, int b){ //a>=b // division if (b==0){ return a; } return gcd(b,a%b); }
- Exhaust to n, One by one, judge the number and n Whether the greatest common divisor of is 1, That is, whether it is coprime
Conclusion : Can achieve , But the time complexity is too high
Take Euler function to find
In number theory , Right integer n, The Euler function is less than or equal to n And n The number of Coprime numbers .
n As a positive integer n,p1、p2 ……pn As a positive integer n Prime factor of
n Prime factor of : both n The factor of , It is also the number of prime numbers
computing method :
example :
Finding prime numbers : The factor is only 1 And itself
A single prime number n The judgment of the
Judge in turn 2 To
The number of is n Whether the modulo value is equal to zero , There is any one that is not prime
When p Greater than
when , Number of Representatives p You must get a value less than
The sum of the number of is greater than
Pairwise factor of , Not prime
from 2 To n The judgment of prime numbers of
Non exhaustive , The exhaustive time complexity is O(n), Use the prime sieve method to O(
To ensure efficiency , Prime number is false, The total number is true
- Mark 2 To n All numbers of are prime numbers , by false, The default value of Boolean array is false, There is no need to mark them one by one
- from 2 Number of start tags , Find the first one for false Number of numbers p
Number of tags p A multiple of is a composite number , That is to say true, Multiples are marked from p
p Start , Till number p be equal to
, End mark
reason :
p The factor of the multiple of must have p, Does not satisfy the prime number condition , Each time from p
p The start tag is due to p-1 The part of has been marked , Do not repeat the marking ,
4) Make the next number p Is a number that is not marked as a composite number , That is, the value is still 333333false Number of numbers , Repeat step three
5) Mark as false Of , That is, all the outputs of prime numbers
- When the prime number sieve method is adopted to obtain the prime number , The operation of multiple marking can be modified to multiply by (1-1/p), So that every number can be multiplied by its prime factor
In turn, they are stored in the array , Finally, output the results in turn .
public static int f1(int n){ int res = n; for (int i = 2;i*i<=n;i++){ if (n % i==0){ res = res / i*(i-1);//res/i while (n % i == 0){ n/=i; } } } if (n>1){ res = res/n*(n-1); } return res; } // The value of Euler function in the interval public static int[] f2(int n){ int[] count = new int[n+1]; for (int i = 1;i <= n;i++){ count[i]=i; } for (int i =2 ;i <= n;i++){ if (count[i] == i){ for (int j = i;j <= n;j+=i){ count[j] = count[j]/i*(i-1); } } } return count; }
Knowledge point :
- greatest common divisor 、 Minimum common multiple
- Single prime judgement
- Prime sieve method : Ethmoidal method
- Euler function