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China law network joins hands to observe the cloud, and the online system is a full link observable platform

2022-07-05 18:45:00 InfoQ

2022  year  6  month , China law network is fully online
Observation cloud
, Covering the production environment and core applications , Realize the end-to-end full link observability from user access to system logs , The overall system reliability achieves a qualitative transition .
【 Project background 】
Chengdu Hualu Network Service Co., Ltd ( Abbreviated as China Law Network www.66law.cn) Founded on  2004  year , Dig deep into the Internet  +  The legal profession  18  year , It is the largest one-stop online legal service platform in China . By  2022  year  1  month , The current registered user of the platform  1.6  Billion , Registered lawyer  40  ten thousand , It accounts for two-thirds of the total number of lawyers in the country , Registered law firm  1.5  Thousands of families , New media fans are super  2000  ten thousand ; Daily independent user visits  1100  ten thousand , Daily consultation volume  16.5  ten thousand , The total number of consulting services reached  4  Billion ; The content of high-quality legal knowledge is super  9  Billion bars , Nianpu legal person Zida  50  Billion ; Since its establishment, the cumulative number of registered enterprises has reached  400  All around , Annual registration  30  All around .
With the rapid growth of website visits , The background system architecture of chinalaw is becoming more and more complex , Application iterations are becoming more frequent . In order to continuously provide users with high-quality digital platform service experience , Ensure the continuous and stable operation of the business , China Law Network IT  The development, operation and maintenance team is facing increasing pressure .
Sometimes the indicators of the system clearly show that everything is normal , However, some visiting users reported intermittent failures , The team needs to traverse each system log , In extreme cases, it may take dozens of minutes to locate the root cause , I have nothing to do with martial arts , It is difficult to estimate the repair time of the fault . Build a system that can comprehensively monitor the operation status of the system , Discover fault symptoms in real time , Quickly and accurately locate the root cause of the fault , And a monitoring platform that can adapt to front-end business changes at any time , Become the top priority of the team .
【 Introduction to observation cloud 】
Observation cloud
 www.guance.com , new generation  SaaS  Full link data observable platform , The first batch of products in China to be awarded by the China Academy of information technology 「 Observability platform technology capability 」 highest level 「 Advanced level 」 authentication , Realize unified collection 、 Uniform label 、 Unified storage and unified interface , Bring a fully functional, integrated and observable experience . Observation cloud energy full environment high base data collection , Support multi-dimensional information intelligent retrieval and analysis , And provide powerful user-defined programmability , Keep the system running under control , The root cause of the fault has nothing to hide .
China law network is the first seed user of cloud observation , With the joint efforts of the two teams , After a long time 1  Years of repeated testing and polishing , And countless updates and optimizations , The observation cloud full link observable solution has finally lived up to expectations , He handed in an answer sheet with almost full marks , The new generation of observable platform of China law network has been officially launched recently .
Now , Chinalaw has
Set RUM +  Container monitoring  + APM +  Log analysis  +  Visualization panel
Unified observable platform in one , The session path of each front-end user can be seen at a glance , Delay per system request (Latency)、 Traffic (Traffic)、 error (Errors) And saturation (Saturation) Can be analyzed by correlation , The fault location time has been shortened to seconds . And the platform also has a high degree of openness and programmability , Through simple configuration settings or scripting , It can adapt to various new business needs . China Law Network  IT  Development and operation team , practice  SRE( System reliability engineering ) Our ability has been transformed qualitatively , It also greatly improves the service satisfaction of website users .
future , Chinalaw will continue to work with
Observation cloud
Together , Explore more advanced technologies and best practices of observability , Escort the rapid development of the platform , Contribute more to the development of digitalization of China's legal industry .
【 Introduction to chinalaw 】
Chengdu Hualu Network Service Co., Ltd ( Abbreviated as China Law Network www.66law.cn) Founded on  2004  year , Dig deep into the Internet  +  The legal profession  18  year , It is the largest one-stop online legal service platform in China . With 「 Let everyone enjoy universal benefits 、 High quality 、 Efficient legal services 」 For the mission , For individuals 、 Enterprises and governments provide services including law popularization 、 Consulting services 、 One stop legal services including non litigation legal services and offline lawyer matching services . And is committed to becoming a world-renowned one-stop legal service platform , Work with lawyers , Create a healthy legal ecosystem for users .
Depending on the 「 Law popularization Services 」「 Consulting services 」「 Non litigation legal services 」 and 「 Offline lawyer matching service 」 Four core functions , Chinalaw.com has built the broadest ocean of big data for legal services ; By taking the lead in guiding paid consulting in Internet Law , Big data 、 Artificial intelligence and other related technologies and practical experience 、 Fully integrate laws and regulations , Connect users and lawyers , It has built the largest professional legal matchmaking in China 、 trading platform ; Through planning and opening up 、 Upstream and downstream links of shared legal services , Basically build an ecosystem of legal services , At present, we are making great strides towards the goal of digitalization of legal industry and legal digitalization industry .
Chinalaw.com once built and developed the public legal service center of Chengdu high tech Zone 「 High tech legal shoes 」 Public procedures and legal advisory services ; Cooperate with Chongqing Judicial Bureau to build the first Chongqing legal Industrial Park in China ; Sign a contract with Sichuan Tianfu New Area Management Committee , Join hands to empower and specialize in the development of special new small and medium-sized enterprises in the central legal affairs District of Tianfu with legal science and Technology ; meanwhile , Hualu has also built a production, teaching and research practice base with the University of Electronic Science and Technology , Jointly build with Chengdu University Law School 「 Internet + law 」 Innovation research base , Sign a strategic cooperation agreement with Chengdu University of Information Engineering .
It has three national certified high-tech enterprises ,2021  The first certification of fledgling Eagle enterprise in seed stage ,2021  Provincial gazelle enterprise certification ,2019  Chengdu shanggui unified enterprise ,2019  In, the first batch of gazelle enterprises in the high tech Zone , Sichuan honest private enterprise ,WCEC 2017  Annual most valuable brand award ,2017  The most popular award in the industry of the year , The most influential award in China's e-commerce industry , The most investment value award in the mobile Internet industry , Member of Sichuan Internet Industry Federation , Member units of Chengdu Internet Industry Federation .
While keeping in mind the mission and vision of the enterprise , Chinalaw.com does not forget its original intention and actively practices corporate social responsibility , Work together with Youwei foundation, the first charity organization in China that focuses on the public welfare and love cause of legal people , Successfully organized and implemented a series of love with wide social impact in the legal circle 、 Assistance projects , Effectively safeguard and help the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups , Widely praised by all sectors of society , Jointly promote the development of public welfare undertakings .
By 2022  year  1  month , The current registered user of the platform  1.6  Billion , Registered lawyer  40  ten thousand , It accounts for two-thirds of the total number of lawyers in the country , Registered law firm  1.5  Thousands of families , New media fans are super  2000  ten thousand ; Daily independent user visits  1100  ten thousand , Daily consultation volume  16.5  ten thousand , The total number of consulting services reached  4  Billion ; The content of high-quality legal knowledge is super  9  Billion bars , Nianpu legal person Zida  50  Billion ; Since its establishment, the cumulative number of registered enterprises has reached  400  All around , Annual registration  30  All around .

