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Pytest: begin to use
2022-08-01 21:16:00 【Love to eat caraway】
I've been a bit sluggish lately.,As a result, the article has not been updated.,最近想把pytest+allureOrganize a collection of articles.It is also easier to search for information.
[ 安装pytest需要:python3.7+ 或者python3 ]
pip install -U pytest # -U 是更新的意思
C:\Users>pytest --version
pytest 7.1.2
新建一个.py文件,and create a function and a test:
def function(x: int):
return x + 1
def test_function():
assert function(5) == 5
============================= test session starts =============================
collecting ... collected 1 item
sample_test.py::test_function FAILED [100%]
sample_test.py:12 (test_function)
6 != 5
Expected :5
Actual :6
<Click to see difference>
def test_function():
> assert function(5) == 5
E assert 6 == 5
E + where 6 = function(5)
sample_test.py:14: AssertionError
============================== 1 failed in 0.07s ==============================
Process finished with exit code 1
[100%]Is the total progress all use cases,FAILEDDid it fail to run?,pytestThe specific failure reason will be displayed,失败的原因是因为function(5)返回的不是5,和实际结果5不等于.
pytest将在当前目录及其子目录中运行以 test_*.py 开头 或 *_test.py all of the ending form.py文件.更一般地说,It follows the standard is the test discovery rule.
Assertion throws an expected exception
使用raisesAssert that some code throws an expected exception:
import pytest
def raise_func():
raise SystemExit()
def test_function():
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
PS E:\git_code\python-code\pytestProject\cases> pytest -q .\sample_test.py
. [100%]
1 passed in 0.01s
If the expected exceptionSystemExit()will execute quietly.-q 则是以 .The form shows whether the operation passed(is run in short form and output).
Multiple tests in a class
More often we want some test cases to be placed in a group.pytestIt is also possible to create a class that contains multiple tests:
class TestSample:
def test_sample_one(self):
x = "one"
assert "o" in x
def test_sample_two(self):
x = "hello"
assert hasattr(x, "check")
pytest根据 python 测试发现的约定发现所有测试,So it will find twotest_开头的测试函数.不需要进行初始化,Just make sure to prefix your class withTest前缀,Otherwise the class will be skipped(hasattr用于判断对象是否包含对应的属性).
============================= test session starts =============================
collecting ... collected 2 items
sample_class_test.py::TestSample::test_sample_two PASSED [ 50%]FAILED [100%]
sample_class_test.py:17 (TestSample.test_sample_two)
self = <sample_class_test.TestSample object at 0x0000016B9D19FEB0>
def test_sample_two(self):
x = "hello"
> assert hasattr(x, "check")
E AssertionError: assert False
E + where False = hasattr('hello', 'check')
sample_class_test.py:20: AssertionError
========================= 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.07s =========================
从上述结果可以看到,The first test case runs through,第二个测试用例运行失败,By throwing assertion exception information,Can clearly locate where the problem is.
Place the test case is in a class:
Test cases can be Shared some fixtures used in class(如:前置条件、变量等).
Can better manage and maintain a module's test cases.
Something to keep in mind when doing multiple tests in a class is,每个测试都有一个唯一的类实例.就像下面这样:
class TestDemo:
value = 0
def test_sample_one(self):
self.value = 1
# assert self.value == 1
def test_sample_two(self):
print("\ntest_sample_two实例", self)
# assert self.value == 1
============================= test session starts =============================
collecting ... collected 2 items
sample_demo_test.py::TestDemo::test_sample_one PASSED [ 50%]
test_sample_one实例 <sample_demo_test.TestDemo object at 0x0000012836F6FD60>
sample_demo_test.py::TestDemo::test_sample_two PASSED [100%]
test_sample_two实例 <sample_demo_test.TestDemo object at 0x0000012836F6FA00>
============================== 2 passed in 0.01s ==============================
从结果可以看到,Each test corresponds to an instance address,while the two tests are shared class properties(value=0),But in order to ensure the independence of the test,Do data isolation operations as much as possible(Better not to share data,To avoid invalid screening abnormalities).
To request a only temporary directory
Sometimes temporary test data may be used,You can use the temporary directory file to deal with.就像下面这样:
content = "哈哈哈哈......呵呵呵呵"
def test_sample_needsfiles(tmp_path):
d = tmp_path.joinpath("sub")
d = d.joinpath("hello.txt")
print("\n文件路径:", d)
tmp_path是pytestBuilt-in device provided,返回的是pathlib类,针对pathlibThe methods provided by the module can be called.
joinpath(“sub”)It is assigned to the splicing path afterd,d.mkdirIs to create a temporary directory.
joinpath(“hello.txt”)Is spliced file,并重新赋值给d,no reassignment,直接使用变量dIt will throw the file does not have permission.
write_textwrite data to file,read_textis to read the data from the file.
============================= test session starts =============================
collecting ... collected 1 item
sample_needsfiles_test.py::test_sample_needsfiles PASSED [100%]
============================== 1 passed in 0.02s ==============================
In order to guarantee the uniqueness of the temporary directory,这里的“pytest-46”changes every time it runs,此刻是46,,When running again it is47了.
】,备注“入群”, 大家可以一起探讨交流软件测试,共同学习软件测试技术、面试等软件测试方方面面,还会有免费直播课,收获更多测试技巧,我们一起进阶Python自动化测试/测试开发,走向高薪之路.
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