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Linkage between esp8266 and stc8h8k single chip microcomputer - Weather Clock
2022-07-02 05:55:00 【I don't know who】
be based on ESP8266 And STC SCM Weather Clock ( Include DS18B20、TFT、 A serial port 、 External interrupt 、ESP8266、STC、API etc. )
One 、 Design background
I have studied this semester , Although skilled 51 The use of single chip microcomputer , But it is only limited to the use of different modules , There is no linkage between modules , This time, I took the opportunity of the final assignment , I extend the linkage between modules to the linkage between microcontrollers , These years are hot “ The Internet of things ”、“ All things connected ” Such nouns urge me to except STC8H8K64U Outside , I chose ESP8266NodeMCU This single chip microcomputer is used to complete the first step —— Interconnection of two objects . A smart screen with multi-function display is convenient for people's life , Reduce the process of obtaining information .
Two 、 Design objectives
1. Realization STC8H8K64U And ESP8266NodeMCU Serial port communication
2. Give Way ESP8266NodeMCU Successfully connected WiFi
3. utilize ESP8266NodeMCU Get the regional weather 、 Information such as temperature and time
4. stay STC8H8K64U Implemented on DS18B20 Real time detection of ambient temperature
5. utilize STC8H8K64U Transfer all data to TFT And display
6. Use the external interrupt key to control TFT On and off of the display
3、 ... and 、 Block diagram and some connection methods
STC Of TXD And RXD Mouth to mouth ESP8266TXD and RXD
Single chip microcomputer in TFT Color screen corresponding interface
Four 、 Introduction to single chip microcomputer and module functions
STC8H8K64U It has been used this semester with super anti-interference 、 At a low price 、 High speed 、 Low power consumption is the goal 8051 Single chip microcomputer (8 It's a plane ), Most of the data received in this project 、 Processing is carried out on this MCU .
2、 ESP8266NodeMCU
ESP8266NodeMCU It's an integrated Wifi Functional MCU Development board (32 It's a plane ), It can be connected directly wifi, Diversified development environment , It is also a popular IOT chip . Mainly used in this project ESP8266 Connect to the computer hotspot ( Connected to the Internet ), Then use the Internet to know the weather API, Acquisition time 、 The weather 、 Regional temperature and other information .
3、 DS18B20
DS18B20 It is a common high-precision single bus digital temperature measurement chip . Small size , Low hardware overhead , Strong anti-interference ability , Features of high precision . In this project ,DS18B20 And STC8H8K64U Cooperate with real-time measurement of ambient temperature .
4、TFT Liquid crystal display
TFT The main components of LCD include : Fluorescent tube 、 Light guide plate 、 Polarizer 、 Filter 、 Glass substrate 、 Alignment membrane 、 Liquid crystal materials 、 Thin mode transistor, etc . In this project , It uses 1.44 " TFT Color screen (IIC agreement ), It is used to display the data information sent by MCU , Including display pictures 、 region 、 temperature 、 Weather text messages .
Img2Lcd Software
5、 DS18B20 As a temperature comparison
Already in TFT The area temperature is displayed on the screen , The subsequent addition of an ambient temperature is more humanized , Displays room temperature . Single bus DS18B20 The operation is relatively simple , Pay attention to the delay and data format .DS18B20 Accuracy of 11 position , And it is stored in two bytes , You need to move the high bit to the left when you finally get the data 8 Bit later or lower 8 position , And then multiplied by the 0.625( In order to keep one decimal point ), Take out each bit and put it in the array , stay TFT When displaying, add 0x30 Convert bit string form , Successful show .
DS18B20 Data storage format
because TFT Functions and other header files and ESP8266 Too many library files , I have packed and uploaded , Welcome to the homepage to download .
ESP8266 Main function code ( Parts that do not contain libraries )
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> //ESP8266 Bring your own library , No installation required
#include <ESP8266_Seniverse.h> //https://github.com/taichi-maker/ESP8266-Seniverse
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <NTPClient.h>
const char* ssid = "xxxxxxxxx"; // Connect WiFi name ( Enter your own WiFi name )
const char* password = "xxxxxxxxx"; // Connect WiFi password ( Enter your own WiFi password )
// Knowing weather HTTP Request the required information
// Please modify the following information , Fill in your private key of knowing weather and the city and temperature unit that need to get weather information
// If you need to know more about Xinzhi weather API The list of cities and other information provided , Please go to the official product documentation website of Xinzhi weather :
// https://www.seniverse.com/docs
const char* reqUserKey = "StYr2Swd9ftD4b7-H"; // Private key
const char* reqLocation = "shenzhen"; // City , You can use "ip" Automatically identify requests IP Address
const char* reqUnit = "c"; // Celsius (c)/ Fahrenheit (f)
NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP, "ntp.aliyun.com"); //NTP Address
WeatherNow weatherNow; // establish WeatherNow Object is used to get weather information
void setup(){
connectWiFi(); // Connect wifi
// Configure Xinzhi weather request information
weatherNow.config(reqUserKey, reqLocation, reqUnit);
timeClient.setTimeOffset(28800); //+1 District , The offset 3600,+8 District , The offset 3600*8
void loop(){
// Update weather information
//Serial.println(F("======Weahter Info======"));( Because I want to send data from the serial port , Output prompt when testing , These prompts are commented during transmission )
//Serial.print("Server Response: ");
//Serial.println(weatherNow.getServerCode()); // Get the server response code
//Serial.print(F("Weather Now: "));
Serial.println(weatherNow.getWeatherText()); // Get the current weather ( String format )
//Serial.print(F(" "));
//Serial.println(weatherNow.getWeatherCode());// Get the current weather ( Integer format )
//Serial.print(F("Temperature: "));
Serial.println(weatherNow.getDegree()); // Get the current temperature value
//Serial.print(F("Last Update: "));
//Serial.println(weatherNow.getLastUpdate()); // Get the time when the server updates weather information ( I don't know why my computer gets the wrong time , Wrong timestamp , So I changed the following method to get the time )
} else {
// Update failed
//Serial.println("Update Fail...");
//Serial.print("Server Response: "); // Output the server response status code for users to find problems
//Serial.println(weatherNow.getServerCode()); // The error code description of Xinzhi weather server can be obtained through the following website
} // https://docs.seniverse.com/api/start/error.html
unsigned long epochTime = timeClient.getEpochTime();
// Print time
int currentHour = timeClient.getHours();
int currentMinute = timeClient.getMinutes();
// Connect WiFi
void connectWiFi(){
WiFi.begin(ssid, password); // Start the network connection
Serial.print("Connecting to "); // The serial port monitor outputs network connection information
Serial.print(ssid); Serial.println(" ..."); // Tell the user NodeMCU Is trying to WiFi Connect
int i = 0; // This program statement is used to check WiFi Whether the connection is successful
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
// WiFi.status() The return value of the function is determined by NodeMCU Of WiFi Determined by the connection state .
delay(1000); // If WiFi If the connection is successful, the return value is WL_CONNECTED
Serial.print(i++); Serial.print(' '); // Here through While Circulation NodeMCU Check every second WiFi.status() Function return value
} // meanwhile NodeMCU Read the connection time of the monitor output through the serial port in seconds .
// This second reading is through the variable i Add it every second 1 To achieve .
Serial.println(""); // WiFi After successful connection
Serial.println("Connection established!"); // NodeMCU Will output through the serial port monitor " Successful connection " Information .
Serial.print("IP address: "); // It will also output NodeMCU Of IP Address . This function is achieved by calling
Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); // WiFi.localIP() Function to implement . The return value of this function is NodeMCU Of IP Address .
What we should pay attention to in the above part is , There is a problem in obtaining the weather timestamp , The time can only be updated every time you burn , And slow 5-15 minute , So I use another method to get time
STC8H8K Main function code
#define uchar unsigned char
#define uint unsigned int
bit busy;
sbit DQ = P3^3; // Single bus interface
uchar j = 0;
uchar i = 0;
char xdata tem[3][15];
char Rev[15];
int datacount;
unsigned int templen;
uint flag = 0;// Timer count
uchar sec = 15,min = 20,hour = 8;
uchar code t_display[]={
// Standard font
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0xBF,0x86,0xDB,0xCF,0xE6,0xED,0xFD,0x87,0xFF,0xEF,0x00,0x40}; //0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. -
uchar code T_COM[]={
0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80}; // Bit code
void DS18B20_Reset();
void DS18B20_WriteByte(u8 dat);
u8 DS18B20_ReadByte();
void delay_us(u8 us);
u16 ReadTemperature();
void DisplayTemperature(u16 temp);
void Delay1ms() //@11.0592MHz
unsigned char i, j;
i = 15;
j = 90;
while (--j);
} while (--i);
void Nixie(uchar i, uint j)
P6 = 0xFF;
/*---------------------------- gpio Initialize to quasi two-way port ----------------------------*/
void gpio()
P0M1 = 0x00; P0M0 = 0x00; // Set as quasi two-way port
P1M1 = 0x00; P1M0 = 0x00; // Set as quasi two-way port
P2M1 = 0x00; P2M0 = 0x00; // Set as quasi two-way port
P3M1 = 0x00; P3M0 = 0x00; // Set as quasi two-way port
P4M1 = 0x00; P4M0 = 0x00; // Set as quasi two-way port
P5M1 = 0x00; P5M0 = 0x00; // Set as quasi two-way port
P6M1 = 0x00; P6M0 = 0x00; // Set as quasi two-way port
P7M1 = 0x00; P7M0 = 0x00; // Set as quasi two-way port
/*---------------------------- Send byte ----------------------------*/
void SendData(uchar dat)
while (busy);
busy = 1;
SBUF = dat; // The data to be sent is stored SBUF
/*---------------------------- UART1 initialization -----------------------------*/
void InitUART(void)
SCON = 0x50; //8 Bit data
P_SW1= P_SW1 & 0x3F;
AUXR |= 0x40; // Timer 1T Pattern
AUXR &= 0xFE;
TMOD &= 0x0F;
TMOD |= 0x20; //8 Bit auto reload mode
TL1 = 0xDC; //
TH1 = 0xDC;
TR1 = 1; // Turn on timer 1
ES = 1; // Enable serial port interrupt
EA = 1;
uchar menu[4];
uchar DS18TFT[5];
void main(void)
unsigned int temp = 0;
unsigned char i = 0;
unsigned char flag = 1;
uchar select = 1;
gpio(); //gpio initialization
InitUART(); // Serial initialization
initTFT(); // initialization TFT
//Timer0Init(); // Timer 0 initialization
renovateTFT(WHITE); // Refresh the screen with white
bl=1; // Turn on the screen light
IT0=1;// Edge jump trigger
tem[0][i]=' ';
tem[1][i]=' ';
tem[2][i]=' ';
tem[1][3] = 'C'; // The temperature is only in double digits , Preset the third digit as Celsius
DS18TFT[4] = 'C';
temp = ReadTemperature();
/* menu[0] = temp/100; menu[1] = temp%100/10 + 10; //+10 It's for the nixie tube to show points menu[2] = temp%10; Nixie(2,menu[0]); Nixie(1,menu[1]); Nixie(0,menu[2]); */
DS18TFT[0] = temp/100 + 0x30;
DS18TFT[1] = temp%100/10 + 0x30;
DS18TFT[2] = '.';
DS18TFT[3] = temp%10 + 0x30;
//displayASCII8X16(10, 0, time, 16, BLACK, WHITE);
displayASCII8X16(10, 0, tem[2], 6 , BLACK, WHITE);
displayASCII8X16(60, 0, "ShenZhen ", 9, BLACK, WHITE);
displayASCII8X16(10, 20, "weather:", 9, BLACK, WHITE);
displayASCII8X16(10, 40, tem[0], 10, BLACK, WHITE);
displayASCII8X16(10, 60, "tempture:", 9, BLACK, WHITE);
displayASCII8X16(10, 80, tem[1], 4, BLACK, WHITE);
displayASCII8X16(50, 80, DS18TFT, 5, BLACK, WHITE);
/*---------------------------- UART interrupt -----------------------------*/
void Uart() interrupt 4 using 1
uchar temp;
uchar i=0;
if (RI)
RI = 0; // After receiving characters ,RI clear 0
temp = SBUF;
Rev[datacount] = temp;
templen = datacount;
datacount = 0;
tem[1][0] = Rev[0];
tem[1][1] = Rev[1];
tem[1][2] = Rev[2];
}else if((Rev[0]-48)<=9)
tem[2][0] = Rev[0];
tem[2][1] = Rev[1];
tem[2][2] = Rev[2];
tem[2][3] = Rev[3];
tem[2][4] = Rev[4];
tem[0][i] = Rev[i];
if (TI)
TI = 0; // After sending characters TI clear 0
busy = 0; // After sending one character busy clear 0
void delay_us(u8 us)
/************************************** Reset DS18B20, And check whether the equipment exists **************************************/
void DS18B20_Reset()
CY = 1;
while (CY)
DQ = 0; // Send low level reset signal
delay_us(240); // Delay at least 480us
DQ = 1; // Release the data cable
delay_us(60); // wait for 60us
CY = DQ; // Detect the presence of pulses
delay_us(240); // Wait for the device to release the data line
/************************************** from DS18B20 read 1 Bytes of data **************************************/
u8 DS18B20_ReadByte()
u8 i;
u8 dat = 0;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) //8 Bit counter
dat >>= 1;
DQ = 0; // Start time slice
delay_us(1); // Delay waiting for
DQ = 1; // Prepare to receive
delay_us(1); // Reception delay
if (DQ) dat |= 0x80; // Reading data
delay_us(60); // Wait for the end of the time slice
return dat;
/************************************** towards DS18B20 Write 1 Bytes of data **************************************/
void DS18B20_WriteByte(u8 dat)
char i;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) //8 Bit counter
DQ = 0; // Start time slice
delay_us(1); // Delay waiting for
dat >>= 1; // Send out the data
DQ = CY;
delay_us(60); // Wait for the end of the time slice
DQ = 1; // Restore the data cable
delay_us(1); // Recovery delay
// function : u16 ReadTemperature()
// describe : Read the temperature function .
// Parameters : none.
// return : Temperature value .
u16 ReadTemperature()
u16 TempH, TempL, Temperature;
DS18B20_Reset(); // Device reset
DS18B20_WriteByte(0xCC); // skip ROM command
DS18B20_WriteByte(0x44); // Start converting commands
while (!DQ); // Wait for the conversion to complete
DS18B20_Reset(); // Device reset
DS18B20_WriteByte(0xCC); // skip ROM command
DS18B20_WriteByte(0xBE); // Read temporary storage command
TempL = DS18B20_ReadByte(); // Read the low temperature byte
TempH = DS18B20_ReadByte(); // Read high temperature byte
if(TempH & 0xf8) // Judge whether it is a bit negative
MinusFlag = 1; // Set the negative number flag
Temperature = (TempH<<8) | TempL;
Temperature = ~Temperature + 1;
Temperature *= 0.625; //0.0625 * 10, Retain 1 Decimal places
MinusFlag = 0; // Clear the negative flag
Temperature = (((TempH<<8) | TempL) * 0.625); //0.0625 * 10, Retain 1 Decimal places
return Temperature;
void INT0() interrupt 0
flag++; // Add... Every time you press 1
flag = 0;
if(flag == 1)
bl = 0;
bl = 1;
STC There is also a small display in this part of the code bug, Because there are few kinds of weather in Shenzhen , I will be lazy to fix the data of the receiving serial port as an array of a certain length , The display is also a fixed length , If you change to other areas, there may be more kinds of weather , Incomplete display occurs , It's just a small problem , You can modify it slightly .
TFT Show function
Screen swiping function
/************************************************* Function name :renovateTFT function : Refresh the display with color Entrance parameters :int color Color choices Return value : nothing *************************************************/
void renovateTFT(int color)
unsigned char i,j;
setTFTRegion(0, 0, 128-1, 128-1);
for (i = 0; i < 128; i ++)
for (j = 0;j < 128; j ++)
Display text function
/************************************************* Function name :displayASCII8X16 function : Show ASCII code , The size is 8*16 Pixels Entrance parameters : unsigned int x0, Place coordinates x unsigned int y0, Place coordinates y unsigned char *s, Displayed string unsigned int forecolor, Foreground color unsigned int backgroundcolor The background color Return value : nothing *************************************************/
void displayASCII8X16(unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned char *s, unsigned int size, unsigned int forecolor, unsigned int backgroundcolor)
int i,j,x,y,xx;
long int ulOffset;
char xdata ywbuf[32];
for(i = 0; i< size; i++)
if(s[i] >= 161)
ulOffset = (long int)s[i] * 16;
for (j = 0; j < 16; j ++)
ywbuf[j] = Zk_ASCII8X16[ulOffset+j];
for(y = 0; y < 16; y++)
for(x = 0; x < 8; x++)
if(ywbuf[y] & (0x80 >> x))
xx = x0 + x + i * 8;
putPixel(xx, y + y0, forecolor);
xx=x0 + x + i * 8;
putPixel(xx, y + y0, backgroundcolor);
Background image function , We need to use it first. Img2Lcd Mold the picture ( Pay attention to the size of the picture , Generally, you can get several thousand elements of the array , Need to add code Store in ROM in )
void showimage(const unsigned char *p) // Show 40*40
int i,j,k;
unsigned char picH,picL;
dsp_single_colour(WHITE); // Clear the screen
setTFTRegion(45*j,45*k,45*j+39,45*k+39); // Coordinate settings
picL=*(p+i*2); // The data is low in the front
6、 ... and 、 Result display
Be careful : The two lines here are connected to the computer only for power supply , Be sure to disconnect one when downloading and burning , Otherwise, there will be serial port conflict , Burning failed , If you can't test successfully , Please leave a message or a private letter in the comment area .
Sentiment :
This is the most homework class I have ever seen , Three credit courses have more homework than two five credit courses combined , This is also the course I learned the most ,51 assembly 、Proteus、 Memory relationships 、 Various operations of digital tube 、 Key details 、 interrupt 、 A serial port 、AD transformation 、DS18B20、LCD1602、LCD12864、TFT、ESP8266NodeMCU、API Etc., etc. , Although three codes a week + experiment + Select fill in blank ( The one who can't find the answer ) It really hurts my hair hahaha , But I really thank this teacher very much .
Thank you very much for watching , One day , You will see me grow into a towering tree .
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