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With the implementation of MapReduce job de emphasis, a variety of output folders

2022-07-06 18:25:00 Full stack programmer webmaster

Hello everyone , I meet you again , I'm the king of the whole stack .

Summarize a problem encountered in previous work .

background : Operation and maintenance and scribe from apacheserver Pushed to the log record again and again , So here ETL Deal with ongoing heavy . There is a need for multiple folders according to the output type of the business . Easy to hang partition , Use back . There is no problem with these two requirements, and they are handled separately , One mapreduce It's over , It takes a little skill .

1、map input data , After a series of processing . When the output :

        	file = (result.toString().hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF)%400;
        }else if(ttype.equals("client")){
        	file = (result.toString().hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF)%260;
        	file = (result.toString().hashCode()& 0x7FFFFFFF)%60;
        tp = new TextPair(ttype+"_"+file, result.toString());
        context.write(tp, valuet);

valuet It's empty. , Nothing there? .

I have three types here .other,client,wap, Respectively represent the log source platform . Output by folder according to them . result It's the whole record .

file What you get is the final output file name ,hash. Bit operation , The purpose of taking modulus is to balance the output .

map The output structure of <key,value> =(ttype+”_”+file,result.toString()) The purpose of this is : Ensure that the same records get the same key, At the same time, save the type .partition To press textPair Of left, That's it key, It ensures that all records to be written to the same output file later will go to the same reduce In go to . One reduce Can write multiple output files . However, an output file cannot come from multiple reduce, The reason is very clear . Such words are probably 400+260+60=720 Output files , The amount of data in each file is almost the same ,job Of reduce Count what I set here 240, This number, together with modulus 400,260,60 It's all based on my data , To avoid reduce Data skew . 2、reduce Method de duplication :

 public void reduce(TextPair key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException
        rcfileCols = getRcfileCols(key.getSecond().toString().split("\001"));
        context.write(key.getFirst(), rcfileCols);


No iteration , Yes, the same key Group . Output only once . Note that there job Comparator used , It must not be FirstComparator, But the whole textpair Right comparison .( Compare first left. Compare again right) The output file format of my program is rcfile. 3、 Multi folder output :

public class WapApacheMutiOutputFormat extends RCFileMultipleOutputFormat<Text, BytesRefArrayWritable> {
	Random r = new Random();
	protected String generateFileNameForKeyValue(Text key, BytesRefArrayWritable value,
			Configuration conf) {
		    String typedir = key.toString().split("_")[0];

			return typedir+"/"+key.toString();


there RCFileMultipleOutputFormat I inherited it from FileOutputFormat His writing . Mainly achieved recordWriter.

Finally output the weight removed , Sub folder data file .

The key to understanding , Mainly partition key Design .reduce principle .

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Publisher : Full stack programmer stack length , Reprint please indicate the source :https://javaforall.cn/117394.html Link to the original text :https://javaforall.cn


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