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Common - magic number 7

2022-07-06 18:06:00 Night drift ice

Numbers can be seen everywhere in daily life , Chinese people generally don't like 4, because 4 The homonym of is death .

and 8 The homophonic sound of is hair , Loved by many people .

Foreigners generally hate 13, Because it was Judas who betrayed Jesus at the last supper .

There are still some buildings without 13、14 Layer of .

That's about numbers 7, It's a magic number .

In Psychology ,7 It is an incredible number called by scholars , Most people's short-term memory capacity is only 7 individual , More than the 7 One will forget , So most people put the memory content in 7 Within units . Human short-term memory capacity to retell 7 The number of digits is normal .

"The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information", This is the most cited paper in Psychology .

1956 In Psychological Review Published on , The author is from the psychology department of Harvard University George A. Miller. It is often interpreted as thinking that the number of objects that an ordinary person can hold in short-term memory is 7±2. This is also known as Miller's law (Miller's law).

The following is about 7 The feat

A week 7 God . Now the system of seven days a week in common use all over the world was first established by Constantine the great (ConstantinetheGreat) To develop . He was in A.D 321 year 3 month 7 Officially announced on 7 Day is a week , It has been used since then . The English name of seven days a week is Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday. Although these names have also experienced different changes , But it still has one thing in common —— They are all God's names .

There are seven continents in the world .

The rainbow has seven colors .

The score has seven notes .

There are seven wonders in the world .

Genesis in the Bible , God made all things in the world in six days , On the seventh day, I stopped work and rested . God blessed the seventh day , Make it holy .

Later, I had weekends on Saturdays and Sundays , The weekend is also a condition for China's entry into the WTO

God uses 7 God created Adam , Use Adam's first 7 One rib created Eve .

Satan's original body is a fire dragon with seven heads , There are seven fallen angels called Satan . To 16 After a century , Christianity more directly uses the image of Satan's seven demons to represent the seven evils , That is what we usually call the seven sins , The difference is arrogance 、 jealousy 、 rage 、 lazy 、 greedy 、 Gluttony and greed . Compared with the seven deadly sins , There are seven virtues , They are humility 、 Warm and pure 、 Be good at giving 、 Chastity 、 moderate 、 Enthusiastic and generous .

Neves .

In western culture , Seven is generally regarded as a lucky number , But there is Lucky 7 That's what I'm saying .

Buddhism and 7 There is also a deep margin :“ Buddha walks in seven steps ”、“ Seven step raw lotus ”. Buddha says , save one life , Better to build a seven level butcher .

Sakyamuni became a Buddha in seven days and seven nights , I sat under the bodhi tree for seven days .

There are seven dwarfs in the fairy tale .

China's 7 relevant

Tanabata Festival 、 Seven fairies .

The big dipper .

July 1st is our army day .

Human death “ Do seven ” From the seventh day after death , Relatives every 7 Heaven set a fasting meeting for a memorial , Before and after 7 Time , The end of forty-nine days , There are seven , two seven , 37 , Originated from Taoism .

The ancients believed that after death 7 Heaven will reincarnate , Every time 7 The day is a period , When it expires, it will be born again , So the second day after death 7 Heaven will set up a throne for the dead .

There's another way of saying that , There are many levels on the road from the dead to the underworld , every 7 The sky will pass a pass .

For the dead “ Do seven ”, In fact, it is to protect him from reaching the underworld , Lest you become a ghost .

In the novel, isolation is usually seven or forty-nine days .

Seven character quatrains .

The number of births . The seventh day of the first month of the Chinese Lunar New Year , The seventh day of the first month , by “ Man's Day ”, It refers to the myth and legend event that Nuwa created human beings on the seventh day .

On man's day , There is also a very important activity —— Climbing . As the saying goes, people go up high , Climbing is also a kind of spiritual sustenance and expectation .

According to Jin dongxun 《 Ask about etiquette and customs 》 In the clear , From the first day to the seventh day of the new year , They are chicken day 、 Dog day 、 Pig day 、 Sheep day 、 Niu ri 、 Maggie 、 Man's Day .

stay 《 Zhouyi 》 In the number of images , Seven is the hexagram , For the West 、 autumn 、 The symbol of a girl .

The book of changes says , week , Seven days a cycle .

Autumn begins in July , The seventh day of July is the seventh day of the month , If this day is designated as the festival when girls on earth beg for dexterity from Vega , Is a very reasonable thing .

In ancient times “ Seven women and eight men ” The said .

So-called “ Seven women and eight men ”, It refers to women every 7 year , Men every 8 year , There will be an obvious change in physiology .

Five elements of yin and Yang : The sun 、 The moon 、 gold 、 wood 、 water 、 fire 、 soil

Gourd baby has 7 brother .

Cao Pi forced Cao Zhi to make a poem in seven steps .

The Guqin has seven strings

“ The Guqin originally had five strings , It symbolizes gold 、 wood 、 water 、 fire 、 soil , Press the palace inside 、 merchant 、 horn 、 A kind of 、 plume . In those days, King Wen of Zhou paid tribute to his dead son Bo YIKAO , Added a string . Later, when King Wu attacked Zhou , In order to increase the morale of the soldiers , Another string is added , So Guqin is also called “ Civil and military lyre ”.”

In Chemistry 7

In order to accurately measure the taste , People created a and 7 Closely combined taste Standards ——PH value . So let's do some science ,PH It's Latin. “Pondushydrogenii” The abbreviation of the word (Pondus= Pressure hydrogenium= hydrogen ), So it is also called the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration . It is hydrogen ion in solution (H) A scale of activity , That is, in the general sense, the measurement standard of the acidity and alkalinity of the solution . Usually pH The value is a value between 0 and 14 Number between , When pH<7 The solution is acidic , When pH>7 The solution is alkaline , When pH=7 The solution is neutral . It's strange ,7 As the acid-base dividing line , But this 7 Not designated out of thin air , Because the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration of ideal pure water is exactly 7.


In calculation , Use them separately 1、2、3、4、5、6 Remove to 7, They are all infinite circular decimal (17 It also has this characteristic ).

for example :







The circular section of the decimal part is in 7 position .

The number in the decimal place will not change , It's just position exchange .

142857, We took it from 1 Ride to 6 have a look :

142857 × 1 = 142857

142857 × 2 = 285714

142857 × 3 = 428571

142857 × 4 = 571428

142857 × 5 = 714285

142857 × 6 = 857142

142857 × 7 =  999999



7 individual 1 The number formed is multiplied by itself (1111111×1111111) The figure is 1234567654321!


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