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Redis standalone startup

2022-07-06 16:46:00 Daily enlightenment

(1) Copy /usr/local/tmp/redis-5.0.5/ in redis.conf The configuration file

# cd /usr/local/tmp/redis-5.0.5/

# cp redis.conf /usr/local/redis/bin/

(2) Modify the configuration file

# cd /usr/local/redis/bin/

# vim redis.conf

hold daemonize The value of is determined by no It is amended as follows yes

The modification effect is as follows :

stay redis5 Configuration file needs to be modified in redis.conf Allow external access , Two changes are needed .

​ Comment out the following


  The modification effect is as follows :

protected-mode yes Change to no  

(3) start-up redis

# ./redis-server redis.conf  

(4) restart redis

# ./redis-cli shutdown

​# ./redis-server redis.conf  

(5) Start the client tools

stay redis5 The client tool in provides functions for commands



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