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Campus second-hand transaction based on wechat applet

2022-07-06 01:49:00 wqq_ one billion one hundred and two million two hundred and fi

With the rapid development of China's economy , People have a growing demand for mobile phones , All kinds of mobile phone software are also widely used , But for mobile phone data information management , Various software for mobile phones are also loved by users , Campus second-hand transactions are widely used by users , For convenience, users can manage the data and information of campus second-hand transactions at any time , A management system based on campus second-hand transaction is developed .
The design of campus second-hand transaction is mainly to consider the functions of the system in detail , After determining the functions to be realized, the interface is designed , In the middle of this, we should also consider how to better combine functions and pages , It is convenient for users to easily and clearly find the information they need , And the later operability of the system platform , Carry out technical development through detailed understanding of information content .
The development and utilization of campus second-hand transactions refer to the existing mature technology , Source code as template , Analyze the combination of function adjustment and the actual needs of campus second-hand transaction management , This paper discusses the use of second-hand transaction management based on campus .

development language :Java
frame :ssm
JDK edition :JDK1.8
The server :tomcat7
database :mysql
Database tools :Navicat11
Development software :eclipse/myeclipse/idea
Maven package :Maven3.3.9

Applet framework :uniapp
Applet development software :HBuilder X
Small programs run software : Wechat developers

Overview and design analysis of campus second-hand trading system project , The main content is the specific analysis of the platform , The design of the database is , Data use mysql database , And for the design of the system, a more humanized operation design is adopted , The error information in the system can be handled and fed back in time .
The design of second-hand transaction based on campus is based on the existing mobile phone , The administrator server can be realized ; home page 、 Personal center 、 User management , Commodity classification management 、 Commodity information management 、 Announcement information management 、 User complaint management 、 Administrator management 、 System management 、 Order management and other functions . User friendly client ; home page 、 Commodity information 、 Announcement information 、 My detailed understanding and statistical analysis . The module relationship diagram established according to the system functional requirements is shown in the figure below :
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chart 4-2 User function module diagram

Small program end
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Back end management interface
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Objective record
pick want I
Abstract II
Chapter one Clue On 1
1.1 Background of the topic 2
1.2 Research status 3
1.3 research contents 7
Chapter two Introduction to development tools and key technologies 8
2.1 WeChat developer tools 8
2.2 Small program framework and directory structure introduction 8
2.3 JAVA technology 8
2.4 Mysql database 8
2.5 SSM frame 8
The third chapter Systems analysis 10
3.1 Demand analysis 10
3.2 Feasibility analysis 10
3.2.1 Technical feasibility : Technical background 10
3.2.2 Economic feasibility 11
3.2.3 Operational feasibility : 11
3.3 Performance analysis 11
3.4 System operation flow 12
3.4.1 Administrator login process 12
3.4.2 Information addition process 12
3.4.3 Information deletion process 13
Chapter four System design and implementation 15
4.1 System architecture design 15
4.2 Development process design 15
4.3 Database design 16
4.3.1 Entity ER chart 16
4.3.2 Data sheet 18
The fifth chapter system implementation 21
5.1 User client function implementation 24
5.2 Administrator Server Function Implementation 24
Chapter six System testing 27
6.1 Test purpose 27
6.2 Test plan design 27
6.2.1 The test strategy 27
6.2.2 Test and analysis 28
6.3 test result 28
junction On 29
reference 30
Cause thank 31


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