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[network security] network asset collection
2022-07-02 15:33:00 【Penguin jumping stairs】
What are network assets ?
Network assets are mainly computers ( Or communication ) Various devices used in the network . It mainly includes the host 、 Network devices ( Router 、 Switches etc. ) And safety equipment ( Firewall, etc ).
The term "network assets" comes from Robert, an American information technology pioneer · Metcalf invented the Ethernet .1973 year , Robert · Metcalf invented a standard for information connection , So that computers at different distances can connect with each other , This kind of network was called Ethernet ( Now the World Wide Web ). When using this network , Customers must buy network cards . Network owners want to get more benefits from using the network , The use scale of network cards must reach a certain number , That is, the value of the network depends on the number of network connection servers and the number of network users . The underlying principle is : The cost of network usage is related to the number of network cards used ; Or say , The value of the network is directly proportional to the square of the number of network users . This kind of network effect based on the number of network users , Called network assets .
How do we collect ?
When we get the site that needs to be tested , We need to collect as much information about network assets as possible in the following ways .
Using plug-ins
Google plug-in unit Wappalyzer
Here we use the webmaster's home as a test website
We can see the server after the plug-in is installed 、web frame 、js The library and other information are displayed , This is how we use this plug-in . Through this plug-in, we can know the version of the website and find some version vulnerabilities for verification .
Using the website
lookup ip
2.What's that site running? | Netcraft
Bypass cdn Inquire about ip
c Segment query
Subdomain query
whois Inquire about
Webmaster Tools - Home of stationmaster
fofa Website information collection
grammar :
Search for... From the title “ Beijing ”
from http Search in the head “elastic”
body=" Cyberspace mapping "
from html Search the text for “ Cyberspace mapping ”
Find the same website fingerprint
Search site type assets
Search the root domain with qq.com Website .
icp=" Beijing ICP Prove 030173 Number "
Find the record No “ Beijing ICP Prove 030173 Number ” Website
Search site type assets
Find sites that contain js/jquery.js The assets of the
Search site type assets
lookup js The source code matches the asset
lookup cname by "ap21.inst.siteforce.com" Website
lookup cname contain “siteforce.com” Website
Search using this icon The assets of the
Limited to FOFA Senior members use
from url Mid search ”.gov.cn”
Search with host As name
Find corresponding “6379” Port assets
from ip Search in contains “” Website
Search with ip As name
Inquire about IP by “” Of C Segment assets
The query server status is “402” The assets of the
Query website type data
Inquire about quic Agreement assets
Search for the specified protocol type ( Valid when port scanning is turned on )
Search for specific countries ( code ) The assets of the .
Search for assets in a specified Administrative Region .
Search for assets in a specified city .
Search for certificates (https perhaps imaps etc. ) With medium baidu The assets of the .
cert.subject="Oracle Corporation"
The search certificate holder is Oracle Corporation The assets of the
The search certificate issuer is DigiCert Inc The assets of the
Verify that the certificate is valid ,true It works ,false Invalid
Limited to FOFA Senior members use
Search for JARM The fingerprint
banner="users" && protocol="ftp"
Search for FTP Agreement with users Assets of text .
Search all agreement assets , Support subdomain and service Two kinds of
Search all agreement assets
Search for CentOS assets .
Search for IIS 10 The server .
Search for Microsoft-Exchange equipment
after="2017" && before="2017-10-01"
Time range search
Search assignments asn The assets of the .
org="LLC Baxet"
Search assignments org( organization ) The assets of the .
Search assignments udp The assets of the agreement .
Exclude counterfeiting / Fraud data
Exclude honeypot data
Limited to FOFA Senior members use
Search for ipv6 The assets of the
Search for ipv6 The assets of the , We only accept true and false.
Search for domain name assets
Search for domain name assets , We only accept true and false.
Query the number of open ports equal to "6" The assets of the
Limited to FOFA Member use
The number of open ports queried is greater than "6" The assets of the
Limited to FOFA Member use
The number of query open ports is less than "12" The assets of the
Limited to FOFA Member use
Search open at the same time 80 and 161 Port of ip
Search open at the same time 80 and 161 Port of ip assets ( With ip Asset data in units )
Search for Chinese ip assets ( With ip Asset data in units ).
Search for Chinese ip assets
Search for ip assets ( With ip Asset data in units ).
Search for assets in a specified Administrative Region
Search for the ip assets ( With ip Asset data in units ).
Search for assets in a specified city
Search for 2021-03-18 After the ip assets ( With ip Asset data in units ).
Search for 2021-03-18 After the ip assets
Search for 2019-09-09 Former ip assets ( With ip Asset data in units ).
Search for 2019-09-09 Former ip assets
shodan Network information collection
grammar :
port port
product The software or product used
os Type of operating system
version: Search for the specified software version , for example version:"1.3.2"
net: Search for the specified IP Address or subnet , for example net:""
html.title Webpage title
http.html Web content
http.server http Request returned server The type of
http.status http The status of the request return response code
hostname Host type
http.favicon.hash icon Corresponding hash
vuln CVE Hole number , for example :vuln:CVE-2014-0723
country: Search for a specific country , for example country:"CN"
city: Search for a specific city , for example city:"Beijing"
org: Search for a specific organization or company , for example org:"google"
isp: Search for the specified ISP supplier , for example isp:"China Telecom"
zoomeye Zhong Kui's eyes
Logical operations
Certificate search
IP And domain name information related search
Fingerprint related search
Time node interval search
Other searches
utilize Google grammar
Google grammar
1、site: Specify domain name
2、inurl: Search the URL you need
3、allintext: A character in the body is a keyword search
4、allintitle: Title Search
5、define: words
6、filetype: File in specified format
7、info: Basic information of the website
8、link: View connections
utilize an instrument
Subdomain excavator
Polar bear scanner
The breadth of information collection represents the depth in the whole process of network detection , Information collection is the most important preparation
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