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Latest Android advanced interview questions summary, Android interview questions and answers

2022-07-07 21:49:00 InfoQ

Lasted six months , We've finally sorted out the most comprehensive and up-to-date Android Interview question analysis !
Chapter contents
Chapter one :Android  Basics   The second chapter of the interview question :Android  senior   The third chapter of the interview question : Open source framework practical interview Analysis Chapter 4 :Java  Chapter 5 of interview questions :Flutter Full analysis of relevant interview questions Chapter 6 : A big factory Android A collection of high frequency interview questions

This latest interview analysis includes Tencent 、 Baidu 、 millet 、 Ali 、 Letv 、 Meituan 、58、 Cheetah 、360、 Sina 、 The questions asked in the interview of Sohu and other front-line Internet companies plus real questions, technical points and thinking analysis can be said , If you know this PDF Most of the knowledge inside ( Well-known , Rather than a deep understanding of the principles and Architecture ), Go to any Internet company for an interview 20k The above mobile development jobs are simple .

This article will explain the hot repair technology in detail from the following aspects :

  • What is thermal repair ?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of thermal repair ?
  • Hot fix framework classification
  • Technical principles and characteristics
  • Analysis of actual cases
  • Thermal repair technology selection

1、 What is thermal repair ?

Hot fix is to issue patches , Let installed clients update dynamically , Users don't have to re install APP, Can fix software defects .

2、 Advantages and disadvantages of thermal repair ?

advantage :

No need to republish ; User no sense repair , The price is small ; The success rate of repair is high , Minimize the loss .

Insufficient :

·  Patches can only be applied to a single client version , As the version difference increases, the size of the patch increases ;

·  Patches don't support all changes , for example AndroidManifest;

·  The patch can't achieve the update success rate of code or resources 100%.

3、 Common hot fix frames

The simple classification is as follows :

The reasonable classification is as follows :

4、 Technical principles and characteristics

native Solution ;

Dex Pile insertion scheme ( Public comment Nuwa Refer to its implementation and open source );

Instant Run  Hot swap principle, etc ;

5、 Analysis of actual cases

QQ Space ;

Wechat hot patch scheme :

Meituan Robust etc. ;

6、 How to choose thermal repair technology ?

1、 Ali Dexposed

2、 Ali AndFix

3、QQ Space

4、 Meituan Robust

5、 WeChat Tinker

6、 Ali Sophix
Now new technologies are emerging , If every time a new technology comes out , If we all go deep into it , It's easy to distract . New technology may be a long time before we can use it in our work , When the new technology learned can not be applied , It's easy for us to forget , In the end, when it really needs to be used , And start all over again ( Although it's faster to get started ).

I think as a technical person , We should embrace new technology , When you enter this industry, you should know that it's never too late to learn , So in the face of new technology , Don't contradict , Just embrace change .

Flutter  It's obviously a whole new technology , And for this new technology, at the beginning of its release , Take a month to learn it , The cost is really high . But take a day over the weekend to experience its development process , Learn about its advantages and disadvantages 、 What can or cannot be done . At this time , It's not something we can't accept .

If you have the time , Actually, read it through  Flutter  Documents , It's the most comprehensive one  Flutter  The process of understanding . But if we only have  8  Hours of time , I want to focus on some of the most noteworthy points .

( Cross platform development (
)、java Fundamentals and principles , Customize view、NDK、 Architecture design 、 performance optimization 、 Complete commercial project development, etc )

