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How to redraw the header of CListCtrl in MFC
2022-07-01 19:24:00 【mary288267】
MFC Medium CListCtrl It is actually composed of two controls , One is the header control , One is list control . Sometimes , We need to redraw the header , Make it meet the requirements of specific scenarios .
This paper introduces CListCtrl Redrawing method of header , The effect of custom header is as follows .
One 、 from CHeaderCtrl Derive a custom header class CCustomHeader
MFC The class representing the header control in is CHeaderCtrl, We derive a new class from it CCustomHeader .
The header file is :
class CCustomHeader : public CHeaderCtrl
virtual ~CCustomHeader();
// Set the alignment of header cells , See DrawText Text alignment format in function
virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);
UINT m_nTextAlignFormat; // Heading text alignment
Implementation file
// CCustomHeader.cpp: Implementation file
#include "pch.h"
#include "TestCustomHeader.h"
#include "CCustomHeader.h"
// CCustomHeader
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CCustomHeader, CHeaderCtrl)
void CCustomHeader::SetTextAlign(UINT uFormat)
m_nTextAlignFormat = uFormat;
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CCustomHeader, CHeaderCtrl)
void CCustomHeader::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
ASSERT(lpDrawItemStruct->CtlType == ODT_HEADER);
TCHAR lpBuffer[256];
hdi.mask = HDI_TEXT;
hdi.pszText = lpBuffer;
hdi.cchTextMax = 256;
GetItem(lpDrawItemStruct->itemID, &hdi);
pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC);
HGDIOBJ hOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
// Draw the button border
::DrawFrameControl(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC, &lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH);
// Draw text
::DrawText(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC, lpBuffer, _tcslen(lpBuffer),
&lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem, m_nTextAlignFormat);
Please note that , In the implementation file , We rewrote DrawItem Virtual functions ; Therefore, when the header control is self drawn , Called every time you draw DrawItem function , In this function, we get the... Of the header control DC, Then you can draw .
Please also note that in DrawItem The following functions used in :
BOOL GetItem( int nPos, HDITEM* pHeaderItem ) const;
explain : This function can get the information of each item of the header control (Retrieves information about a header control item.)
Using this function , We get the title content of each item in the header .
Two 、 Use custom header class CCustomHeader
Create a dialog based program , Add :
CListCtrl m_wndLstMain; // Represents the list control itself
CCustomHeader m_wndHeader; // The header control that represents the list control
stay OnInitDialog Add to function :
BOOL CTestDlg::OnInitDialog()
//.... Omit
// TODO: Add additional initialization code here
CRect rect;
m_wndLstMain.InsertColumn(0, _T(" full name "), LVCFMT_LEFT, rect.Width() / 3);
m_wndLstMain.InsertColumn(1, _T(" class "), LVCFMT_LEFT, rect.Width() / 3);
m_wndLstMain.InsertColumn(2, _T(" Student number "), LVCFMT_LEFT, rect.Width() / 3);
m_wndLstMain.InsertItem(0, _T(" Zhang San "));
m_wndLstMain.SetItemText(0, 1, _T(" Class one "));
m_wndLstMain.SetItemText(0, 2, _T("001"));
m_wndLstMain.InsertItem(1, _T(" Li Si "));
m_wndLstMain.SetItemText(1, 1, _T(" Class one "));
m_wndLstMain.SetItemText(1, 2, _T("002"));
m_wndLstMain.InsertItem(2, _T(" Wang Wu "));
m_wndLstMain.SetItemText(2, 1, _T(" Class one "));
m_wndLstMain.SetItemText(2, 2, _T("003"));
// Subclass the header of the list control
CHeaderCtrl* pHeader = m_wndLstMain.GetHeaderCtrl();
HDITEM hdItem;
hdItem.mask = HDI_FORMAT;
for (int i = 0; i < m_wndHeader.GetItemCount(); i++)
m_wndHeader.GetItem(i, &hdItem);
hdItem.fmt |= HDF_OWNERDRAW; // Add self drawing style
m_wndHeader.SetItem(i, &hdItem);
//.... Omit
Note in the above function , We first initialize CListCtrl object , Created multiple columns and children , And then use it GetHeaderCtrl() The function found CListCtrl Object's header control , Last call SubclassWindow Subclass the header control and bind it to m_wndHeader( This is our overridden header control class object ).
however , That's not the end , We need to change every item in the header to self drawn style , such , Only when the header is redrawn DrawItem function , The specific code is :
HDITEM hdItem;
hdItem.mask = HDI_FORMAT;
for (int i = 0; i < m_wndHeader.GetItemCount(); i++)
m_wndHeader.GetItem(i, &hdItem);
hdItem.fmt |= HDF_OWNERDRAW; // Add self drawing style
m_wndHeader.SetItem(i, &hdItem);
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