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Golang system ping program to detect the surviving host (any permission)

2020-11-08 13:42:00 Brother K8

advantage : Support arbitrary permissions , Unlike ICMP Administrator permission is required
shortcoming : Slow speed , Scan one C It's about 10 About seconds
usage : Ladon PingScan

Use LadonGo
go get github.com/k8gege/LadonGo


package main
import (
//go run pingtest.go -host k8gege.org
var (
	host string

func init() {
	flag.StringVar(&host, "host", "", "IP/Host/Domain")

func main() {
if host == "" {
	println("Please " + os.Args[0] + " -h")

res,err := ping.CmdPing(host)
//res,err := CmdPing("k8gege.org")
if err==nil && res==true {
fmt.Println(host+" IsOnline")


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