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Don't look! Full interpretation of Alibaba cloud's original data lake system! (Internet disk link attached)
2020-11-08 11:01:00 【Programmer interview】
Today, I'd like to share with you a complete interpretation of alicloud's original data lake system , Pull down at the end of the text to get the link to the network disk
1. Alibaba cloud releases cloud native data lake system heavily
2. Data Lake storage OSS
be based on OSS Of EB Level data Lake
- Data Lake speeds up
3.1 be based on JindoFS+OSS Building an efficient data Lake
3.2 JindoFS Cache accelerates machine learning training on the data lake
3.3 JindoTable Data Lake optimization and query acceleration
3.4 JindoDistCp Data Lake offline data migration best practices
4. Data Lake construction (DLF)
4.1 Implementation and challenges of data Lake metadata service
4.2 Multi engine integration mining data value on the lake
4.3 Multi data source one-stop access to the lake
4.4 Data Lake construction service collocation Delta Lake Get along well with CDC Real time Lake entry
5. Cloud native computing engine
5.1 Cloud native computing engine challenges and solutions
5.2Serverless Spark The elastic weapon of - EMR Shuffle Service
6. Data Lake governance
Data Lake development and governance platform DataWorks
Click on the link to get the full document link :https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LRKZFvU-qYitmKJLEXDTpQ Extraction code :67hn
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