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The comprehensive result of the case statement, do you know it?[Verilog Advanced Tutorial]
2022-07-31 01:56:00 【myhhhhhhhh】
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case的综合结果,will you?
本专栏为作者在 【数字IC手撕代码】【数字IC笔试面经分享】【数字IC工具解析】 以外开设的第四个独立专栏,旨在学习并提供有关Verilog硬件描述语言中非基础性的高阶语法特性知识,因本身专栏的独特定位,因此作者并不会涉及基础Verilog语言如阻塞式非阻塞赋值,过程块,数据类型等内容;同时受限于作者知识有限,本专栏也不会涉及System Verilog的相关内容,若按照IEEE的相关标准来看,本专栏将会聚焦Verilog-2005,即“IEEE Std 1364-2005”以及之前的有关内容,提供相关的IC设计领域语法特性.以下为Verilog的进阶框图,有更多学习需求的读者可以检索相关英文标准进行学习.
在【数字IC手撕代码】Verilog固定优先级仲裁器|题目|原理|设计|仿真中,We discussed briefly aboutcasethe serial synthesis result of the statement andparallel综合结果,This problem is easily overlooked,但却很重要,Because of a serial structure and a parallel structureSTAAnalyze timing paths that are not the same length,假如ASICThe design engineer mistakenlycaseas parallelcase,may cause a reduction in the overall circuit frequency,and lead to more serious consequences,such as inconsistent,除此以外,case语句的错误使用,还有可能造成锁存器或无法综合的情况出现,In this article, we will explain and reflect in detail.
2.1 caseSynthesize out the latch
以下的casesentence will synthesizelatch,原因是case的May be incomplete,以下面的代码为例,默认sel为2‘b11的时候,y的值保持,that occurs during the synthesislatch.
[email protected](a or b or c or sel)
2'b00 : y = a;
2'b01 : y = b;
2'b10 : y = c;
2.1.1 解决方式一
针对这种情况,我们有两种解决方法,one for the wholesel的可能情况,i.e. supplementsel = 2’b11的可能性
[email protected](a or b or c or sel)
2'b00 : y = a;
2'b01 : y = b;
2'b10 : y = c;、
2’b11 : y = d;
2.1.2 解决方式二
Two for the familiar and common increasedefault语句,如下所示,We can also avoidlatch,因为2’b11is included in thedefault里面了.
[email protected](a or b or c or sel)
2'b00 : y = a;
2'b01 : y = b;
2'b10 : y = c;
default: y = d;
2.2 caseSynthesized parallel structure
We usually discusscaseStatements are parallel structures,比如代码如下
[email protected](a or b or c or sel)
2'b00 : outc = a;
2'b01 : outc = b;
2'b10 : outc = c;
2’b11 : outc = d;
The comprehensive results of this code is4选1的mux,如下图所示,即为并行结构,但并非所有的caseStatements are synthesized into parallel structures.
2.3 caseSynthesized serial structure
如以下代码,caseThe combined result of the statement appears与if嵌套相似的串行结构
那么我们如何去判断caseIs statement synthesis serial or parallel??If the following coderequest这个值为4’b1111的话,If it is a parallel structure,Then the statements from the third line to the sixth line都会被执行,即产生了冲突,So it should be a parallel structure,换言之,通过遍历条件在case中是否只会被执行一次,我们可以判断caseThe synthesis result is serial or parallel.
[email protected](*)
request[3] : grant_reg = 4'b1000;
request[2] : grant_reg = 4'b0100;
request[1] : grant_reg = 4'b0010;
request[0] : grant_reg = 4'b0001;
default: grant_reg = 4'b0000;
Although the picture does not match the code,但是串行结构的结构是相似的,The judgment of the circuit structure is sequential,这种写法的case和ifStatement achieves the same function,can also be rewritten.
2.4 不可综合的case语句
x和z的casemore likely to be unsynthesizable,对于casex而言,The former imitation willxValues are entered as don't care,Then the simulation will put thexPropagation in the gate-level model,冲突出现.
casezSimilar problems also arise,虽说casezCan write more concise expression,Such as priority encoder and address decoder, etc.,但与casex相似的,casezThere is also a problem of incorrect matching.
相关的语句casez和casex虽然在前仿Corresponding comparisons can be made in,但有关x或zThe state code isnot integratable,required in use多加注意.
更多的内容可以参考“CummingsSNUG1999Boston_FullParallelCase”这是一篇来自1999Years of English Papers,共有20页,But the content inside is not out of date today,googleRelated articles to read.
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