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Pytorch model trains practical skills and breaks through the bottleneck of speed
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Reading guide
One step by step Guide to , Very practical .
Let's face it , Your model may still be in the stone age . I bet you still use 32 Bit accuracy or GASP Even in one GPU Training .
I understand, , There are all kinds of neural network acceleration guides on the Internet , But one checklist None ( There is now a ), Use this list , Step by step, make sure you squeeze all the performance out of your model .
This guide ranges from the simplest structure to the most complex changes , Can make your network get the most benefit . I'll show you an example Pytorch Code and can be in Pytorch- lightning Trainer Related to the use of flags, So you don't have to write the code yourself !
** Who is this guide for ?** Any use Pytorch People who do in-depth learning model research , Like researchers 、 Doctor 、 Scholars, etc , The model we're talking about here may take you a few days of training , Even weeks or months .
We will talk about :
Use DataLoaders
DataLoader Medium workers Number
Batch size
Gradient accumulation
Reserved calculation chart
Move to a single
16-bit Mixed precision training
Move to multiple GPUs in ( Model replication )
Move to multiple GPU-nodes in (8+GPUs)
Thinking model acceleration techniques
You can Pytorch The library of Pytorch- lightning Find every optimization I've discussed here .Lightning Is in Pytorch A package above , It can train automatically , At the same time, it gives researchers complete control over key model components .Lightning Use the latest best practices , And minimize where you might go wrong .
We are MNIST Definition LightningModel And use Trainer To train the model .
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
model = LightningModule(…)
trainer = Trainer()
1. DataLoaders
This is probably the easiest place to get speed gain . preservation h5py or numpy The era of files to speed up data loading is gone , Use Pytorch dataloader Loading image data is simple ( about NLP data , Please check out TorchText).
stay lightning in , You don't need to specify a training cycle , Just define dataLoaders and Trainer They will be called when they need to .
dataset = MNIST(root=self.hparams.data_root, train=train, download=True)
loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)
for batch in loader:
x, y = batch
model.training_step(x, y)
2. DataLoaders Medium workers The number of
Another amazing thing about acceleration is that it allows batch parallel loading . therefore , You can load nb_workers individual batch, Instead of loading one at a time batch.
# slow
loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)
# fast (use 10 workers)
loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True, num_workers=10)
3. Batch size
Before you start the next optimization step , take batch size Increase to CPU-RAM or GPU-RAM The maximum range allowed .
The next section focuses on how to help reduce memory usage , So that you can continue to add batch size.
remember , You may need to update your learning rate again . A good rule of thumb is , If batch size double , Then the learning rate will double .
4. Gradient accumulation
When you've reached the computing resource limit , Yours batch size Still too small ( such as 8), Then we need to simulate a larger batch size To make a gradient descent , To provide a good estimate .
Suppose we want to achieve 128 Of batch size size . We need to batch size by 8 perform 16 Forward and backward , Then perform the optimization step again .
# clear last step
# 16 accumulated gradient steps
scaled_loss = 0
for accumulated_step_i in range(16):
out = model.forward()
loss = some_loss(out,y)
scaled_loss += loss.item()
# update weights after 8 steps. effective batch = 8*16
# loss is now scaled up by the number of accumulated batches
actual_loss = scaled_loss / 16
stay lightning in , It's all done for you , Just set up accumulate_grad_batches=16
trainer = Trainer(accumulate_grad_batches=16)
5. Reserved calculation chart
One of the easiest ways to burst your memory is to log your memory loss.
losses = []
print(f'current loss: {torch.mean(losses)'})
The question above is ,loss Still contains copies of the entire diagram . under these circumstances , call .item() To release it .
![1_CER3v8cok2UOBNsmnBrzPQ](9 Tips For Training Lightning-Fast Neural Networks In Pytorch.assets/1_CER3v8cok2UOBNsmnBrzPQ.gif)# bad
# good
Lightning Will be very careful , Make sure that copies of the calculation diagram are not retained .
6. Single GPU Training
Once you have completed the previous steps , It's time to enter GPU Trained . stay GPU Training on will make multiple GPU cores The mathematical computation between is parallelized . The acceleration you get depends on what you use GPU type . I recommend personal use 2080Ti, Company use V100.
At first glance , It can be overwhelming , But you really just need to do two things :1) Move your model to GPU, 2) Whenever you run data through it , Put the data in GPU On .
# put model on GPU
# put data on gpu (cuda on a variable returns a cuda copy)
x = x.cuda(0)
# runs on GPU now
If you use Lightning, You don't have to do anything , Just set up Trainer(gpus=1)
# ask lightning to use gpu 0 for training
trainer = Trainer(gpus=[0])
stay GPU When you're training on , The main thing to be aware of is the limitation CPU and GPU The number of transfers between .
# expensive
x = x.cuda(0)# very expensive
x = x.cpu()
x = x.cuda(0)
If memory runs out , Don't move data back to CPU To save memory . Asking for help GPU Before , Try to optimize your code in other ways or GPU Between the memory distribution .
Another thing to note is call coercion GPU Synchronous operation . Clearing memory cache is an example .
# really bad idea. Stops all the GPUs until they all catch up
however , If you use Lightning, The only thing that can go wrong is in defining Lightning Module when .Lightning You will pay special attention not to make such mistakes .
7. 16-bit precision
16bit Precision is an amazing technique for halving memory usage . Most models use 32bit Precision figures for training . However , Recent research has found ,16bit Models can also work well . Mixed precision means using 16bit, But keep the weight and so on in 32bit.
To be in Pytorch Use in 16bit precision , Please install NVIDIA Of apex library , And make these changes to your model .
# enable 16-bit on the model and the optimizer
model, optimizers = amp.initialize(model, optimizers, opt_level='O2')
# when doing .backward, let amp do it so it can scale the loss
with amp.scale_loss(loss, optimizer) as scaled_loss:
amp The bag will handle most of the things . If the gradient explodes or tends to 0, It even zooms loss.
stay lightning in , Enable 16bit There is no need to modify anything in the model , You don't need to do what I wrote above . Set up Trainer(precision=16)
That's all right. .
trainer = Trainer(amp_level='O2', use_amp=False)
8. Move to multiple GPUs in
Now? , It became very interesting . Yes 3 Kind of ( Maybe more ?) Methods to do more GPU Training .
branch batch Training
The first method is called “ branch batch Training ”. This policy copies the model to each GPU On , Every GPU get batch Part of .
# copy model on each GPU and give a fourth of the batch to each
model = DataParallel(model, devices=[0, 1, 2 ,3])
# out has 4 outputs (one for each gpu)
out = model(x.cuda(0))
stay lightning in , You just need to add GPUs The number of , Then tell trainer, Nothing else to do .
# ask lightning to use 4 GPUs for training
trainer = Trainer(gpus=[0, 1, 2, 3])
Model distribution training
Sometimes your model may be too big to fit completely into memory . for example , Sequence to sequence models with encoders and decoders may take up 20GB RAM. In this case , We want to put the encoder and decoder in separate GPU On .
# each model is sooo big we can't fit both in memory
# run input through encoder on GPU 0
encoder_out = encoder_rnn(x.cuda(0))
# run output through decoder on the next GPU
out = decoder_rnn(encoder_out.cuda(1))
# normally we want to bring all outputs back to GPU 0
out = out.cuda(0)
For this type of training , stay Lightning You don't need to specify any GPU, You should put LightningModule Put the module in the correct GPU On .
class MyModule(LightningModule):
def __init__():
self.encoder = RNN(...)
self.decoder = RNN(...)
def forward(x):
# models won't be moved after the first forward because
# they are already on the correct GPUs
out = self.encoder(x)
out = self.decoder(out.cuda(1))
# don't pass GPUs to trainer
model = MyModule()
trainer = Trainer()
A mixture of the two
In the case above , Coders and decoders can still benefit from parallelization operations .
# change these lines
self.encoder = RNN(...)
self.decoder = RNN(...)
# to these
# now each RNN is based on a different gpu set
self.encoder = DataParallel(self.encoder, devices=[0, 1, 2, 3])
self.decoder = DataParallel(self.encoder, devices=[4, 5, 6, 7])
# in forward...
out = self.encoder(x.cuda(0))
# notice inputs on first gpu in device
sout = self.decoder(out.cuda(4)) # <--- the 4 here
The use of multiple GPU What to consider when :
If the model is already in GPU Yes ,model.cuda() Will not do anything .
Always put input on the first device in the device list .
It's expensive to transfer data between devices , Use it as a last resort .
Optimizer and gradient will be saved in GPU 0 On , therefore ,GPU 0 The memory used on the GPU Much more .
9. multi-node GPU Training
Every... On every machine GPU There's a copy of the model . Each machine gets part of the data , And only training in that part . Every machine can synchronize gradients .
If you've done that , So you can now train in a few minutes Imagenet 了 ! It's not as hard as you think , But it may require you to know more about computing clusters . These instructions assume that you are using SLURM.
Pytorch Allow multi node training , By copying each... On each node GPU On the model and synchronize the gradient . therefore , Every model is in every GPU Independently initialized on , Essentially train independently on a partition of the data , Except that they all receive gradient updates from all models .
At a high level :
At every GPU Initializes a copy of a model on ( Make sure to set the seed , Let each model be initialized to the same weight , Otherwise it will fail ).
Divide the data set into subsets ( Use DistributedSampler). Every GPU Only train on its own kid set .
stay .backward() On , All copies receive gradient copies of all models . This is the only communication between models .
Pytorch There's a good abstraction , be called DistributedDataParallel, It can help you achieve this function . To use DDP, You need to do 4 Things about :
def tng_dataloader():
d = MNIST()
# 4: Add distributed sampler
# sampler sends a portion of tng data to each machine
dist_sampler = DistributedSampler(dataset)
dataloader = DataLoader(d, shuffle=False, sampler=dist_sampler)
def main_process_entrypoint(gpu_nb):
# 2: set up connections between all gpus across all machines
# all gpus connect to a single GPU "root"
# the default uses env://
world = nb_gpus * nb_nodes
dist.init_process_group("nccl", rank=gpu_nb, world_size=world)
# 3: wrap model in DPP
model = DistributedDataParallel(model, device_ids=[gpu_nb])
# train your model now...
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 1: spawn number of processes
# your cluster will call main for each machine
mp.spawn(main_process_entrypoint, nprocs=8)
However , stay Lightning in , Just set the number of nodes , It will deal with the rest of the things for you .
# train on 1024 gpus across 128 nodes
trainer = Trainer(nb_gpu_nodes=128, gpus=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
Lightning And it comes with a SlurmCluster Manager , It can help you submit SLURM The correct details of the assignment .
10. welfare ! More on a single node GPU Faster training
The fact proved that ,distributedDataParallel Than DataParallel Much faster , Because it only performs gradient synchronous communication . therefore , A good hack It's using distributedDataParallel Replace DataParallel, Even if you train on a single machine .
stay Lightning in , It's easy to get distributed_backend Set to ddp And set up GPUs To achieve .
# train on 4 gpus on the same machine MUCH faster than DataParallel
trainer = Trainer(distributed_backend='ddp', gpus=[0, 1, 2, 3])
Thinking about model acceleration
Although this guide will provide you with a series of tips for improving network speed , But I'm going to explain to you how to think through bottlenecks .
I divided the model into several parts :
First , I want to make sure there are no bottlenecks in data loading . So , I used the existing data loading solution I described , But if you don't have a solution that meets your needs , Consider offline processing and caching to high-performance data storage , such as h5py.
Next, let's see what you're going to do in the training steps . Make sure you move forward fast , Avoid too much computation and minimization CPU and GPU Data transfer between . Last , Avoid doing something that will reduce GPU The speed thing ( This guide introduces ).
Next , I try to maximize my batch size, This is usually due to GPU Memory size limit . Now? , Need to focus on using big batch size How to be in multiple GPUs Distribute and minimize latency ( such as , I might try to be in more than one gpu Upper use 8000 + Effective batch size).
However , You need to be careful with big batch size. For your specific problem , Please refer to the relevant literature , Look at what people are ignoring !
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