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SQL Server knowledge gathering 9: modifying data
2022-07-07 10:44:00 【꧁ small ۣۖ Pigeon ۣۖ Puzi ۣۖ ิ꧂】
The first 9 section . Modifying data
1. insert sentence
insert Statement to add a new row to the table , Here are insert The most basic form of a statement :
INSERT INTO table_name (column_list)
VALUES (value_list);
First , table_name Specify the name of the table to insert . Usually , The table name is referenced by the schema name ,
for example production.products , among production Is the pattern name , products It's the name of the table .
secondly , column_list Specify a list of one or more columns in which to insert data . The list of columns must be enclosed in parentheses with commas Separator column .
If the column does not appear in the column list , be SQL Server Must be able to provide insert values , Otherwise, you cannot insert rows .
SQL Server Automatically use the following values for the columns available in the table , But it won't appear in INSERT In the column list of the statement :
If the column has [IDENTITY] attribute , Is the next increment value .
If the column has a specified default value , Default .
If the data type of the column is timestamp data type (timestamp), The default is the current timestamp value .
If the column can be NULL value , Then use NULL .
Third , To be in VALUES Clause provides a list of inserted values . Each column in the column list must have a corresponding value in the value list . Besides , The list of values must be enclosed in parentheses .
Create a file called promotions New table of :
CREATE TABLE sales.promotions (
promotion_id INT PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY (1, 1),
promotion_name VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,
discount NUMERIC (3, 2) DEFAULT 0,
start_date DATE NOT NULL,
expired_date DATE NOT NULL
stay sales A schema named promotions New table of . promotions The table has five columns , Include : Promotional identification number
(promotion_id), name (name), discount (discount), Start date (start_date) And expiration date
promotion_id Is the identification column , So when adding a new row to the table ,SQL Server Its value will be automatically filled .
1. basic INSERT
The following statement inserts a new line into promotions surface :
INSERT INTO sales.promotions (
'2020 Summer sales ',
In this example , by promotions The four columns in the table specify values . But not for promotion_id Specify a value for the column , because SQL Server Will automatically provide a value for this column .
If INSERT Statement executed successfully , Will return the number of rows inserted .
(1 row affected)
To verify the result of the insert operation
2. Insert an explicit value into the identity column
Usually , Do not specify a value for the identity column , because SQL Server The value... Will be provided automatically . however , In some cases , You may want to insert values in the identity column , For example, data migration inserts explicit values for identity columns , You must first execute the following statement :
To turn off identity insertion , Please use a similar statement :
stay promotion Insert the value identifying the column in the table :
SET IDENTITY_INSERT sales.promotions ON;
INSERT INTO sales.promotions (
'2020 Spring Promotion ',
SET IDENTITY_INSERT sales.promotions OFF;
3.Insert Multiple lines
To add multiple rows to a table at once , Please use the following form of INSERT sentence :
INSERT INTO table_name (column_list)
In this grammar , Do not use a single value list , Instead, insert using multiple comma separated lists of values .
Use this form of INSERT sentence , The number of rows that can be inserted at one time is 1000 That's ok
If you haven't created promotions surface , You can use the following CREATE TABLE sentence :
drop table if exists sales.promotions;
CREATE TABLE sales.promotions (
promotion_id INT PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY (1, 1),
promotion_name VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,
discount NUMERIC (3, 2) DEFAULT 0,
start_date DATE NOT NULL,
expired_date DATE NOT NULL
The following statement adds multiple rows to promotions surface :
-- Delete all records in the table first
DELETE FROM sales.promotions;
-- Start inserting
INSERT INTO sales.promotions (
'2020 Summer sales ',
'2020 Autumn promotion ',
'2020 Winter promotions ',
2. insert into select sentence
To insert data from another table into another table , Please use the following SQL Server INSERT INTO SELECT sentence :
INSERT [ TOP ( expression ) [ PERCENT ] ]
INTO target_table (column_list)
In this grammar , The row returned by the query statement is inserted target_table .
This query is a valid way to retrieve data from any other table SELECT sentence .
It must return with column_list The data corresponding to the column specified in
For the convenience of demonstration , Now create a addresses surface :
CREATE TABLE sales.addresses (
street VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,
city VARCHAR (50),
state VARCHAR (25),
zip_code VARCHAR (5)
1. Insert all rows of a table into another table
The following statement will customers All addresses in the table are inserted into addresses In the table :
INSERT INTO sales.addresses (street, city, state, zip_code)
To verify the insertion results , Please use the following query :
3.update sentence
To modify the existing data in the table , Please use the following UPDATE Sentence syntax :
UPDATE table_name
SET c1 = v1, c2 = v2, ... cn = vn
[WHERE condition]
In the above grammar ,
First , Specify the name of the table from which to update data .
secondly , Specify the columns to update c1 , c2 , … , cn And the value v1 , v2 , … vn A list of .
Third , stay WHERE Clause to select the updated row .WHERE Clauses are optional . If you don't specify WHERE Son sentence , Then all rows in the table will be updated .
Create a file called taxes New table of .
drop table if exists sales.taxes;
CREATE TABLE sales.taxes (
state_tax_rate DEC(3, 2),
avg_local_tax_rate DEC(3, 2),
combined_rate AS state_tax_rate + avg_local_tax_rate,
max_local_tax_rate DEC (3, 2),
updated_at datetime
Execute the following statement to insert data taxes surface :
1. Update all lines
The following statement updates taxs A single column of all rows in the table :
UPDATE sales.taxes
SET updated_at = GETDATE();
In this example , Statement will updated_at The value in the column is changed to GETDATE() Function returns the system date and time .
SQL Server Send the following message :
(2 rows affected)
This means that there is 2 The row record has been successfully updated .
The following query is used to verify the update results :
It is clear from the output that , updated_at The column has been updated with the current date value .
2. Update multi column example
The maximum local tax rate is 1% The state , The following statement will increase the maximum local tax rate 2% , And an increase in the average tax rate 1% .
UPDATE sales.taxes
SET max_local_tax_rate += 0.02,
avg_local_tax_rate += 0.01
max_local_tax_rate = 0.01;
4. delete sentence
To delete existing data in the table , Please use the following DELETE Sentence syntax :
DELETE FROM table_name
[WHERE condition]
In the above grammar
First , Specify the name of the table from which you want to delete data .
secondly , stay WHERE Clause to select the row to delete .WHERE Clauses are optional . If you don't specify WHERE Son sentence , Then all rows in the table will be deleted .
With sales.taxes For example
Delete sales.taxes In the table state( state ) by ‘Alabama’ The data of
delete from sales.taxes where state= 'Alabama' ;
(1 Row affected )
Delete all numbers in the table
delete from sales.taxes ;
5.Merge sentence
Suppose there are two tables named : source Table and target surface , And it needs to be based on source The matching values in the table are updated target surface .
Yes Three situations :
source There are some in the table target Rows that do not exist in the table . under these circumstances , Need to put source Insert rows in the table into target In the table .
target There are some in the table source Rows that do not exist in the table . under these circumstances , Need from target Delete row from table .
source Some rows of the table have the same as target The rows in the table have the same key . however , These rows have different values in non key columns . under these circumstances , Need to use from source Table value update target The rows in the table .
The following figure illustrates source Table and target Table and corresponding operations : Insert , Update and delete :
If used alone INSERT , UPDATE and DELETE sentence , You must construct three separate statements , To use the source In the table The matching row data is updated to target surface .
however ,SQL Server Provide MERGE Statement to perform three operations at the same time . Here are MERGE Sentence syntax :
MERGE target_table USING source_table
ON merge_condition
THEN update_statement
THEN insert_statement
First , stay MERGE Clause source_table Table and target_table surface .
secondly , merge_condition determine source_table How the rows in the table relate to target_table The rows in the table match . It is similar to On join In Clause join Conditions . Usually , Use the key column of the primary key or unique key for matching .
Third , merge_condition There are three states : MATCHED , NOT MATCHED and NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE .
MATCHED : These are the rows that match the merge criteria . In the picture , They are displayed in blue . For matching lines , Need to use source_table The values in the table are updated target_table Rows and columns in the table .
NOT MATCHED : These are source_table The rows in the table , target_table There are no matching rows in the table . In the figure in , They are displayed in orange . under these circumstances , Need to put source_table Add rows from the table to target_table surface . NOT MATCHED BY TARGET Also known as target mismatch .
NO MATCHED BY SOURCE : These are target_table In the table and source_table Any row in the table does not match That's ok . They are shown in green . If you want to target_table Table and source_table Data synchronization in the table , be You need to use this matching condition to start from target_table Delete row from table .
1. SQL Server MERGE Statement example
Suppose there are two tables : sales.category and sales.category_staging , They store sales by product category .
Reference to Next create statement :
CREATE TABLE sales.category (
category_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
category_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
amount DECIMAL(10 , 2 )
INSERT INTO sales.category(category_id, category_name, amount)
VALUES(1,'Children Bicycles',15000),
(2,'Comfort Bicycles',25000),
(3,'Cruisers Bicycles',13000),
(4,'Cyclocross Bicycles',10000);
CREATE TABLE sales.category_staging (
category_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
category_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
amount DECIMAL(10 , 2 )
INSERT INTO sales.category_staging(category_id, category_name, amount)
VALUES(1,'Children Bicycles',15000),
(3,'Cruisers Bicycles',13000),
(4,'Cyclocross Bicycles',20000),
(5,'Electric Bikes',10000),
(6,'Mountain Bikes',10000);
To use sales.category_staging ( Source table ) The value in updates the data to sales.category ( Target table ), Please use the following MERGE sentence :
merge sales.category t using sales.category_staging s
on s.category_id = t.category_id
when matched -- Matched data , Update according to the data of the new table
then update set t.category_name =s.category_name,t.amount = s.amount
when not matched by target -- Unmatched data in the target table , Insert here
then insert (category_id,category_name,amount)-- You cannot write the alias of the table
values (s.category_id,s.category_name,s.amount)
when not matched by source -- Data not found in source table , Delete here
then delete;
The execution process is shown in the figure below
In this example , Use two tables category_id The value in the column is used as the merge condition .
First , sales.category_staging In the table id The value is 1 , 3 , 4 The row of matches the row in the target table , therefore , MERGE Statement update sales.category Category names and in the table amount The value in the column .
secondly , sales.category_staging In the table id The value is 5 and 6 My line is sales.category There is no , therefore MERGE Statement to insert these rows into the target table .
Third , sales.sales_staging There is no sales.category The table has id The value is 2 The line of , therefore , MERGE Statement will delete this line .
In the combined results , sales.category The data in the table and sales.category_staging The data in the table is fully synchronized
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