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Differences between ts and JS
2022-07-02 06:52:00 【Rivers I】
ts and js difference
Ruan Yifeng ts Official website http://ts.xcatliu.com/introduction/what-is-typescript.html
ts Official website https://www.tslang.cn/docs/home.html
typescript yes javascript A superset of type , Can be compiled into pure javascript, , Can cross browser , Running across platforms
If you care about development speed , Fast iteration , Then I suggest you continue to use it JavaScript. If you need high stability , So we suggest you use TypeScript.
data type
js Basic data type :number string boolean undefined null symbol
js The reference data type of : Object array function
ts Define data types
compile :tsc home.ts
function :node home.js
Direct operation ts Document explanation https://yunan.blog.csdn.net/article/details/108339140
function ts-node file name .ts
- Basic data type
let Variable name : data type = value
// Data type definition
let num:number = 100;
let str:string = 'hello'
let flag:boolean = true;
let timer:undefined = undefined;
let obj:null = null;
By default null and undefined Is a subtype of all types ; That means you can put null and undefined Assign to any type of variable
- Any type
Use any keyword Define any type
let Variable name :any = value;
// You can change it later
Example let str:any=100;
- How to define a function
- The parameter type definition of the function
function f(str:string, ...){
function fn(str:number){
- Definition of function return value
// The function has a return value
function Function name ( Parameter name : Parameter type ): Type of return value {
return value; // value For example, it conforms to the type you define
function sum(a:number,b:number):number{
return a+b;
// Function has no return value Use void keyword
function Function name ( Parameter name : Parameter type ):viod{
// Functions don't need to return values
function red(a,d):void{
// If the return value of the function is an object
function f(n:string, a:number):{
return {
name:n, age:a}
function f(n:string, a:number):{
return {
name:n, age:a}
console.log(f("hello",100));//{ name: 'hello', age: 100 }
- ts Type inference of
TypeScript Will infer a type when there is no specific type , This is the type inference
let x = 100; // In this case ts Will use type inference
If there is no assignment at the time of definition , No matter whether there is any assignment after that , Will be inferred as any Type without being checked at all :
- Implicitly any type
let str; // Infer by type Infer as Any type
str = 'hello';
str = 100;
Joint type
Joint type (Union Types) Indicates that the value can be one of several types . Use | Symbol
let Variable name : data type 1 | data type 2 | ... = value ;// value It can be Any one of the types ; Later, it can be changed to any one of the defined types
let arr:number|string=100
- Define an array
let Variable name :[number, string] = [1, '3'];
let Variable name :[number | string, string] = [1, '3'];
let str:[number | string, string] = [1, "3"];
console.log(str);//[1, "3"];
Type of object - Interface
stay TypeScript in , We use interfaces (Interfaces) To define the type of object .
// An interface is defined Person, The interface name is capitalized
interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
// Then a variable is defined tom, Its type is Person
let tom: Person = {
name: 'Tom',
age: 25
- Optional attribute
Define optional properties adopt ? : If some attributes are optional , It can be defined as an optional attribute , adopt Add ? Realization
interface Person{
let stu:Person = {
- Define any attribute ( It is also dispensable )
[propName: data type ] :any Use [propName: string] Defined any attribute to take string Type value .
interface Person {
name: string;
age?: number;// Optional attribute
[propName: string]: any;// Any type
let tom: Person = {
name: 'Tom',
gender: 'male'// It can be any type
- Define read-only properties
adopt readonly keyword
read-only : Read only constraints exist the first time an object is assigned a value , Not the first time you assign a read-only property :
interface Person {
readonly name:string;
// read-only Effective in this link
let stu1:Person = {
name:' Zhang San ',
stu1.name=" Li Si "// Read only property cannot be modified
Function return value , The return value is an object
interface Person {
name: string;
age: number
// Function return value , The return value is an object
function Stu1(a:Person):{
name:string, age:number}{
let newStu = {
name:' Zhang San ', age:100}
newStu.name = a.name;
newStu.age = a.age;
return newStu
var res = Stu1({
name:' Li Si ', age:18})
console.log(res);//{name:' Li Si ', age:18}
The type of array
- 「 type + square brackets 」 notation
let str1:number[]=[1,3,4,5];
- Tuples : Limit the type of each element in the array , It also limits the number of elements in the array ;
( Tuples are not arrays , It just conforms to the specification of array )
let arr2:[number, string] = [1, 'hello']
- adopt Generics of arrays Array< data type >
let arr3:Array<number> = [21,4,45,23]
let arr4:Array<string> = ['ajds']
- Define the array through the interface [index:number] What is limited is the type of array index value , Next is the type of elements in the qualified array
interface a{
// [index:number]:number
// let arr5:a = [1,4,5,6]
let arr5:a = ['234', '345', '35432']
Allow arbitrary values in the array :any[]
let arr6:any[] = [23, '345', {
Type of function
Function declarative
function fun(a:number, b:number){
Function expression
let fun2 = function(a:number, b:number){
// Limit return value
function fun(a:number):number{
// the second number Is the limited return value ( Also called output )
return a + 100;
Write the complete format of the function
// For the way of function expression
// Variable names can be different when defining functions , But the data type must be consistent
// distinguish => and es6 Arrow function of arrow number Here is the type of specified output value , It's not an arrow function
let fun2:(x:number, y:number) => number = function(a:number, b:number):number{
return a + b; // return type
Be careful : Arrow function right number Is the output type ,
Outside the brackets on the right number Is the return value type
If the arrow is in a real function expression ( Is used when declaring functions ), It means specifying the type of the return value of the function , In addition, the representatives are all arrow functions
let fun2:(x:number, y:number) => string = (a:number, b:number):string=>{
// The second arrow is the arrow function
return (a + b).toString();
- Optional parameters
function f(x?:number){
- Default parameter
function f(x:number, y = 100 ){
- The remaining parameters We may not be sure about the number of parameters : At this time, you can use the remaining parameters (rest Parameters )
function fun(a:number, b:number, ...args:number[]){
console.log(a, b, args); //1 3 [ 4, 6, 8 ]
fun(1, 3, 4, 6, 8)
function overloading
function overloading : Functions with the same name implement different functions according to different parameter types and numbers
// Define function overload types
function Function name ( Parameters : data type 1): return type 1;
function Function name ( Parameters : data type 2): return type 2;
// Definition of function implementation
function Function name ( Parameters : data type 1 | data type 2): data type 1 | data type 2{
// Logical processing
function Function name ( Parameters :any):any{
// Logical processing
Concrete realization :
x: {
suit: string; card: number; }[] The parameter passed in is one json object , Form like :
//1 Define the type of overloaded function : It defines the function type
function pickCard(x: {
suit: string; card: number; }[]): number;
// let a = 100;// You can't write here and report errors
function pickCard(x: number): {
suit: string; card: number; };
// 2 Defined function !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Function type definitions and function definitions cannot There is no code
function pickCard(x:any):any{
if(typeof x == 'object'){
return 100;
}else if(typeof x == 'number'){
return {
suit:'hello', card:100}
console.log(pickCard(100));//{suit:'hello', card:100}
suit:'213423', card:100}]));//100
Enumeration type : Using enumerations, we can define some named constants . Enumerations can be used to express intent clearly or to create a set of differentiated use cases . TypeScript Supports numeric and string based enumeration .
// By keyword enum Define enumeration types
// Once the enumeration type is defined : Enumeration of numeric types , There will be default values , The default value is from 0 Start ; The default value will increase in turn enum Per{
// Feel free to customize ; The custom is the name of the constant , Without assigning values to constants , The default of constants is from 0 At the beginning
A,// Default A=0
/*Per[1] This is done by enumerating values of type Get the name of the enumeration type [] The number in is Enum the value of the type ; Not the index value */
// You can manually specify the value of the enumeration type enum E {
a, // The first enumeration name does not specify a value , The default is from 0 Start
d = 12, // Specified value , The specified value is used
c, // No value specified , It will automatically increment from the previous enumeration value
f = 16
//console.log(E[0], E[12],E[13]);//a b c
//console.log(E.a, E.b, E.c);//0 1 13
console.log(E['a'], E['b'], E.c);//0 1 13
// There are two ways to access enumeration types :
// The first is to access the enumeration type name through the enumeration value Enumerate variable names [ value ];
// The second is to access the enumeration type value through the enumeration type name Enumerate variable names . Enumeration constant name perhaps Enumerate variable names [' Enumeration constant name '] ;
Generic (Generics) It means defining functions 、 Interface or class , Do not specify specific types in advance ,
And when you use it, you specify a feature of type .
Generic : < Custom values > Representative data type , The later stage is determined by the type you import such as : <T> <M> <A>
function f<M>(arg:M):M{
// first m Is a generic The second is the type of the incoming value The third is the return value type
return arg;
Types of assertions (Type Assertion) Can be used to manually specify the type of a value
grammar : value as type
// Interface constraint Types of assertions
interface Cat {
name: string;
run(): void;
interface Fish {
name: string;
swim(): void;
// Types of assertions : I know what I'm doing , So no need ts Help us judge the type
function getName(animal: Cat | Fish) {
//return animal.name;//HEISE
// animal.run(); Report errors
//animal.swim(); Report errors
// Types of assertions ( I know I want to use it Fish Interface )
(animal as Fish).swim()
let str = getName({
name: 'HEISE', swim: function () {
console.log(" function ")
console.log(str);// function
Generic constraint
// Generic constraint
// When using generic variables inside a function , Because I don't know what type it is in advance , So you can't manipulate its properties or methods at will :
function test<T>(a: T[]):T{
// return a.length; // Report errors : Generic constraint ( Because at this time, you don't know what type the return value is )
return a[2]
test<number>([1,3,54,6]));// 4 54
es6 The usage of middle class 1
Use class Defining classes , Use constructor Define the constructor .
adopt new When generating a new instance , The constructor will be called automatically .
class Animal {
// Instance object properties
// Constructors constructor Method is the default method of a class , Define private properties
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
// The public way
sayHi() {
// Static methods
static say() {
//class Of getter and setter
get name() {
return 'Jack';
set name(value) {
console.log('setter1: ' + value);
//Vue The principle of two way data binding based on , The data was hijacked ,(object.definedProper), It is through get and set Method realization , It can only be intercepted once
TypeScript The usage of middle class
class Person {
constructor(name:string='hello') {
//hello Is the default value
let a = new Person();// If the value is transferred here , Will use
console.log(a);//Person { name: 'hello' }
console.log(a.name); // Jack
public private and protected
TypeScript You can use three access modifiers (Access Modifiers), Namely public、private and protected.
public The decorated property or method is public , Can be accessed anywhere , By default, all properties and methods are public Of
private The decorated property or method is private , It cannot be accessed outside the class where it is declared
protected The decorated property or method is protected , It and private similar , The difference is that it is also accessible in subclasses
class Animal {
public name:any;// Public property
public constructor(name:any) {
this.name = name;
let a = new Animal('Jack');
console.log(a.name); // Jack
a.name = 'Tom';
console.log(a.name); // Tom
private The decorated property or method is private , Can only be accessed inside a class
class Animal {
private name:any;
constructor(name:any) {
this.name = name;
sayHi() {
return `My name is ${
let a = new Animal('Jack');
console.log(a.sayHi()); // My name is Jack
Use private ( private ) Decorated property or method , Access is also not allowed in subclasses :
class Animal {
private name:any;
public constructor(name:any) {
this.name = name;
class Cat extends Animal {
constructor(name:any) {
Replace with protected Protected ones will not report errors
class Animal {
protected name:any;
public constructor(name:any) {
this.name = name;
class Cat extends Animal {
constructor(name:any) {
Initialization of read-only attributes , Or at the time of declaration , Or in the constructor
class Animal {
readonly name;
public constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
let a = new Animal('Jack');
console.log(a.name); // Jack
a.name = 'Tom';
// Report errors Cannot assign to 'name' because it is a read-only property.
Type the alias
Type aliases are used to give a type a new name .
Type aliases are sometimes very similar to interfaces , But it can be used for raw values , Joint type , Yuanzu and any other types that need handwriting
adopt type Keyword definition type alias
type Name = string;// to string It's a nickname name
type NameResolver = () => string;// The type alias can also be a function ( Define a function , The return value of the function is string type , there )
If the arrow is in a real function expression ( Is used when declaring functions ), It means specifying the type of the return value of the function , In addition, the representatives are all arrow functions
type NameOrResolver = Name | NameResolver;// Comprehensive type
function getName(n: NameOrResolver): Name {
if (typeof n === 'string') {
return n;
} else {
return n();
console.log(getName("string" character string )// In the case of strings
let res=getName(function(){
//else The situation of
return 'hello'
In the above example , We use type Create type aliases .
Type aliases are often used for union types .
Declaration file
declare var num:number;// Declare a variable
declare function jQuery(selector: string): any;// Declared a method
num = 100;
Declaration file : Extension .d.ts ; Format : Custom filename .d.ts
ts Will automatically find the declaration file
When using third-party libraries , We need to refer to its declaration file , To get the corresponding code completion 、 Interface prompt and other functions .
We usually get one like this id yes foo The elements of :
// or
But in ts in , The compiler doesn't know $ or jQuery What is it? 1:
// ERROR: Cannot find name 'jQuery'.
At this time , We need to use declare var To define its type 2:
declare var jQuery: (selector: string) => any;
In the above example ,declare var It doesn't really define a variable , Only global variables are defined jQuery The type of , Only for compile time checking , It will be deleted in the compilation result . The result of its compilation is :
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