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Centos 7.9 install PostgreSQL14.4 steps
2022-07-31 01:09:00 【auspicious sailing】
PostgreSQLInstallation steps
(1) Environment description
System: Centos 7.9
Software: PostgreSQL 14.4
(2) Software download
(3) Unzip the database installation package
tar -zxvf postgresql-14.4.tar.gz
(4) Compile
cd postgresql-14.4/./configure --prefix=/usr/local/postgresql
(5) Installation
make && make install
(6) Create directories data, log
mkdir /usr/local/postgresql/datamkdir /usr/local/postgresql/log
(7) Add user postgres and empower
useradd postgreschown -R postgres.postgres /usr/local/postgresql
(8) Modify the system environment variables of the postgres user
su - postgresvi.bash_postgres
Write the following at the end
export PGHOME=/usr/local/postgresqlexport PGDATA=/usr/local/postgresql/dataexport PGLIB=/usr/local/postgresql/libexport PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$PGHOME/binexport LC_ALL=en_US.UTF8export LANG=en_US.UTF8
Make the configuration file take effect
(9) Initialize the database
su postgres/usr/local/postgresql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/postgresql/data/
(10) Modify the configuration file
vim /usr/local/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf
Add a line at the end of the file
host all all trust
TYPE: pg connection method, local: local unix socket, host: tcp/ip connection
DATABASE: specify the database
USER: Specifies the database user
ADDRESS: ip address, which can define a certain host or a certain network segment, 32 means check the entire ip address, which is equivalent to a fixed ip, 24 means only check the first three bits, and the last bit is between 0 and 255any one
METHOD: Authentication method, commonly used are ident, md5, password, trust, reject.
md5 is a commonly used password authentication method.
The password is a plaintext password sent to the database. It is not recommended to use it in a production environment.
trust is that you can log in as long as you know the database user name. It is not recommended to use it in a production environment.
reject is to reject authentication.
(11) Start the service
pg_ctl start -l /usr/local/postgresql/log/pg_server.log
(12) Login to the database
psql -U postgres -d postgrespsql (14.4)Type "help" for help.postgres=#
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