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How to test MDM products

2022-07-04 17:42:00 Digital unobstructed connection

AEAI MDM It is the basic data management platform in the family of digital connect products , Ensure the correctness of master data in each system 、 Reusability and versatility . In terms of system application , Master data management is the core of many business systems of an enterprise 、 The data that needs to be shared most ( Master data ) Integration , Centralized data cleaning and standardization , And integrate the unified 、 complete 、 accurate 、 Authoritative master data , Distributed to application systems that need to use this data , Including all business systems and decision support systems .

Before a product goes online , There will be one way or another bug, With the following MDM Products continue to expand functions , Although its interface UI Or the function will be adjusted , But the overall construction and use of ideas will not change . I also did MDM Product testing , Through the experience summarized in the test process , Provide reference for the subsequent personnel who conduct product testing

1 General overview  

MDM The gold data of the enterprise can be highly unified , Each business system reuses a set of master data , Just like each business function module of a large system , Enterprises IT The architecture can be flexibly adjusted 、 upgrade 、 reform , So as to support the implementation of the enterprise's business strategic objectives . 

1.1 Product description  

Master data is a platform system for unified management of basic data , The basic data is complete 、 A unified 、 accurate , The users of the master data platform are the relevant responsible personnel of each application system , The master data stores the basic data of each system , Each application system stores its business data . The master data is divided into MDM and MDC Two parts ,MDM To display 、 Manage the basic data of each system ,MDC The main function of is to configure the basic data model . 

1.2 Functional architecture  

MDM The functional architecture is shown below , It is divided into Master data management platform and MDC The management console has two parts

The master data management platform is mainly used for the full life cycle management of data , Synchronous distribution of data , Clean the data , Ensure its quality , And visual view display of data management . 

A complete master data generation method needs to be in MDC To configure , Including data modeling , Functional modeling , Process modeling used in distribution , System docking and reference data 、 Configuration of verification rules . 

1.3 Solution  

Application integration scheme ESB + MDM 

Unified identity scheme  IDM + ESB 

Basic data scheme MDM + ESB 

Data warehouse construction scheme DAP + ESB 

Integrated base solution IDM + MDM + ESB                           (iPaaS programme )  

Data center solution MDM + ESB + DAP                          (dPaaS programme ) 

Application Center scheme MDM + ESB + Portal                        (aPaaS programme ) 

Global integration scheme ESB + MDM + DAP + Portal + IDM (ePaaS programme ) 

2 Test content  

MDM During the test process, we need to pay attention to the test process , The test of V Model as follows : 

Because this test is an internal test , So we can't reach the acceptance test stage , but If it's just functional unit testing , Then the overall effect of the test cannot be achieved

2.1 Testing process  

MDM The main test process of is as follows : 

1. The main body of the test process is three modules : Data modeling — Functional modeling — Data management

2. At testing time , In the process of data modeling, the association definition of fields can be linked with the reference data function , Rule definition of field ; 

3. Functional modeling is in the process of testing , If you need to configure widget Components are switched to functional components for configuration and testing ; 

4. If the master data type is an association tree , At this time, you need to jump to the classification data modeling for testing ; 

5. Before creating master data , Conduct the process modeling of data distribution and docking and the test of application configuration module ; 

6. After the function test of the data management module , Test the function of data cleaning , After the functional test of the quality management module , Import data into data management ; 

7. After data enrichment or process testing , Check whether the data statistics are accurate in data analysis . 

2.2 Data modeling  

Data modeling can be used as a starting point for overall testing , It includes the whole subsequent functional modeling , Data management, etc , All are implemented based on data modeling . 

Including the creation of data model , Field verification method, etc , It all starts with data modeling . 

After the master data is created successfully , Jump to the modeling page from the details page and jump to the modeling page from the list page , Check if there is any difference .

Configure the source system and the distribution system to check whether the function is complete . 

On the data modeling page , New fields , choice select、radio、widget Fields can be used to configure reference data . 

Click the reference data button , Jump to the reference data page for configuration and testing . 

After the test , Add verification rules for testing . 

If you don't know regular expressions , You can find the formula of regular expression on the Internet , Do configuration testing . 

2.3 Functional modeling  

After data modeling , Test the functional modeling , Functional modeling is the definition of the entire data management module . 

Including the form information page , Style for each field , The style of the page will be configured here . 

Even every button in the page can be set . 

If tree association is selected in function modeling , You can jump to the classification modeling page for function related tests . 

Associate different organizations on the classification modeling page , Different sql Configuration etc. . 

In the page configuration of the form , Select some fields to set widget Components , Then switch to functional components for configuration and testing . 

For different component categories and data source types , It can be combined 6 Component configurations , You need to arrange it once to test . 

The process modeling part allows MDM Associate with external interfaces , Mainly used for data distribution . 

In the process call node , Configure the corresponding process service or database read / write , It can test whether the interface function works well , It can also test whether the function meets the interface call

Application configuration is also MDM Connect with other business systems , Or other systems and MDM One of the important functions of getting through . 

New and modified applications 、 After configuration token Interface call 、 Association of master data 、 Whether the fields can be accurately filtered, etc. need to be tested . 

2.4 Data management  

After the functional modeling test , You can deploy the model , Refresh the master data page after deployment , The newly added master data will be displayed in the left navigation bar . 

For different types of master data, we need to generate and test different master data , Ensure that the next test is carried out after the completion of one process . 

After the basic function test , Switch to the data cleaning page for cleaning test . 

Conduct corresponding tests according to the cleaning export rules in the function configuration . 

After the test, import the data into the corresponding master data , After the import is confirmed to be correct, switch to data analysis for data comparison , Check whether it is correct . 

2.5 Function joint test  

As above Data modeling — Functional modeling — Data management These three steps are gradual , After generating a single table , The best test method is to create the next model . Included in the functional modeling process , If you jump to the classification data modeling page after the association tree . 

At this moment , According to the order of operation, we can test the classification modeling . 

2.6 Other features  

MDM Other functions of are also used around the management of basic data . After the overall mainstream test , Relevant tests are also required for the use of other parts , for example :widget Configuration of components : 

But after the page is configured , Remember to go back to the function configuration and expand the fields , After the master data is actually generated , The test is over . 

3 A functional test  

Introduction after MDM The testing process of , So for MDM The test method of basic function data management of is as follows . 

3.1 Data modeling  

In data modeling, according to template type and template characteristics , Multiple master data types can be combined

But in the process of testing , Conduct a separate set of tests for each master data type , Only in this way can we ensure the continuity of the testing process . 

3.2 Functional modeling  

Functional modeling is a further configuration based on data modeling , Generate different functional models according to different data models , The main test point is the form information module , It contains many adjustment functions for fields , Different display types 、 Provide the way 、 Restraint methods, etc , All need to be tested in functional modeling . 

3.3 Detailed configuration  

Before generating master data , There are many places where master data can be enriched ; 

In the process definition list , Testing for data distribution process . 

Field constraint operation, etc . 

3.4 Data management  

Data management is the final generated master data , Simple list 、 Simple list Association tree 、 The tree form 、 Master slave table, etc , These are after each master data creation , In data management, the test is completed only after the overall test is in place . 

Delete node 、 Basic functions such as data modification need to be tested , For generating task modules , After the data is generated, it will be in the distribution task , Generate corresponding task information . 

If it is combined ESB Test the process , Whether the interface writes back the log, etc , You can also conduct relevance testing . 

4 Business joint test  

Want to test a product in place , It's not just a click test of functions , The actual function of a product , It is necessary for each module to be related to each other to realize the value of the product

4.1 Interface services  

After generating master data , Generate corresponding API The interface is used for master data operations such as adding, deleting, modifying, and querying , This interface controls the data receiving of the master data target to the upstream system and the data distribution of the downstream system . Add openapi Will enter api page (http://localhost:4040/mdm/openapi). 

Copying the address to soapUi Interface testing can be carried out in , The input and output parameters of the interface can be in MDC Of API Interface . 

4.2 Application configuration  

MDM The basic data platform is used for basic data governance , Data governance involves data synchronization and data distribution , After the whole process is tested , You need to consider the actual application function of master data , Application configuration is a necessary link to connect master data with various business systems

MDM Whether it is data synchronization of the upstream system , Or the data reception of the downstream system , All need to get their tokenId, So after the data management test , You need to test the necessary functions of the system for synchronous distribution . 

4.3 Task log  

Data synchronization and distribution are also tested during the generation of master data . If in BPM Configuration of the ESB Process or data synchronization test , Then the synchronized log information needs to be checked and tested . 

Data distribution tasks , Whether the distribution log information is generated , Whether the information is written back , These need to be comprehensively and carefully tested after the process configuration . 

4.4 Quality management  

Quality control is MDM One of the important functions of , Control the quality of data by timing or manually , The data cleaning method needs to be tested through different testing methods and the interaction logic in the application configuration . 

5 matters needing attention  

There are also many test points in the test process , Whether it's the learning of products before testing , Be familiar with the functional connections between products , Or the product testing method will make the test have a good effect .

5.1 Familiar with functions  

In the test MDM front , First of all, we have to deal with MDM Be familiar with the overall function of , Understand the use process of the whole product , But don't have fixed thinking , Fixed thinking includes : Being too familiar with function produces muscle memory 、 Very familiar with the functions of this part , It is often operated in this way in the development process . The so-called spectators see clearly , Jumping out of fixed thinking can ensure the objectivity of the test

5.2 Process closed loop  

Throughout MDM In the system , All functions revolve around the final master data governance function , So in the actual testing process , You can think about how to connect the whole function . for example : Data modeling - Functional modeling - Data management is a set of processes , Then distribute the data , Generated task control , After generating the task , Check in the monitoring statistics . 

After a set of business processes , It is a closed-loop process , And every test is based on this idea , It will not only make our product testing easier , It can also improve the familiarity of the product , In the actual use of subsequent products , It also saves a lot of learning time . 

5.3 Destruction testing  

During the test , If you operate according to the established functions of the product , There is a high probability that there will be no problem , But customers don't necessarily operate according to the functions of the product , You may click many functions , Or not in order , therefore During the test , It is not only necessary to test the existing functions , There are also some unconventional functional tests , for example : In the previous functional model test , Delete all forms , Then deploy and save , In the whole testing process, we should always carry out destructive testing . 

6 Experience  

During the test , Through product testing , And the combination with the products previously used , Let me have a new understanding of this product . 

6.1 Familiar with products  

Testing is not just a process of finding problems , Also in the process of product familiarity , Before use, conduct overall 、 Comprehensive testing , It's not just your job , It is also a process of getting familiar with products . The role of software testing in the company is “ Quality management ” role , It can correct the errors of products in time and correct them in time , Ensure the normal operation of the product . 

6.2 Familiar with the scheme  

MDM Not just a master data governance product , It can be combined with other products of our company to produce 1+1>2 The magic effect of , In the matching process , Different product combinations can solve different problems of enterprises , Get familiar with the correlation and use of products during the test , It is also a way of self-improvement . 

6.3 Capability improvement  

No matter how careful the test is , Eventually, problems will occur more or less in the project , Want to polish constantly in the actual project , Make the product more perfect , It requires the joint efforts of technical departments and developers , Only mutual cooperation , Help each other , In order to polish the product into a fine product . 

Product testing is the last guarantee before release , Only by controlling the last pass can the products be delivered to customers safely . In the process of testing each product of the company , It can not only solve the problems found , You can also improve your understanding of the product in tests again and again . In the process of getting familiar with the product , Derivative solutions for products 、 Application in actual project 、 Things that can be solved , All I need to know . 


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