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Embedded-c language-6
2022-07-05 17:04:00 【Orange peel does not stop school】
One 、 The pointer (C Language soul )
1.1. Definition of pointer : A pointer is essentially a variable , and This variable can always store only one memory address ( Number ) Therefore, the technical term corresponding to this variable is called pointer variable , The memory area can be accessed arbitrarily through the address saved by the pointer variable ( Read view , Write and modify ), The memory area pointed to by the pointer can hold a number , And this number has a data type
1.2. Syntax format of pointer variable definition :
a) Writing form 1:
int * Variable name ;
for example :int * pa; // Define a pointer variable
b) Writing form 2:
int* Variable name ;
for example :int* pa; // Define a pointer variable
c) Writing form 3:
int *pa; // Define a pointer variable
semantics : Is to define a pointer variable , In the future, this variable pa Can save the first address of a memory area , And this memory area holds a int Data of type , Because pointer variables are also variables , You also need to allocate memory space
ask : How much memory space does the pointer variable occupy ?
answer : It depends on the size of the saved address , This is related to computer hardware :
32 Bit system , An address value 32 position ,4 byte
64 Bit system , An address value 64 position ,8 byte
Conclusion : The memory space allocated by the pointer variable is 4 Byte or 8 byte , So the pointer variable itself has no data type , Only the number stored in the memory area it points to has data types , therefore int Not for pointer variables , Instead, it is used to store the number in the memory area pointed to by the pointer variable
d) Continuously define pointer variable form :
int *pa, *pb; // Define two pointer variables
int *pa, pb; //pa It's a pointer variable , and pb It's just an ordinary int Type variable
e) Bear in mind : After defining the pointer variable If not initialized , This pointer variable saves a The address value is random Of , That is, this pointer variable points to any memory region , It's quite dangerous , Because this block of memory area , Not the memory legally allocated to you by the operating system , This pointer variable is a wild pointer !
1.3. Pointer variables are initialized by fetching addresses & To carry out :
int a = 250; // Distribute 4 Byte memory space , Storage 250 Numbers , The number type is int type
int *pa = &a; // Define a pointer variable , That is to assign one 4 Byte memory space ( Premise is 32 position )
Save variables a The first address of the corresponding memory space , Be commonly called pa Point to a
ask : Once the first address of the memory region pointed to is obtained through the pointer variable , How to pass pointer variables , Operate on the memory area pointed to , That is, read view or write modify the memory area pointed to ?
answer : Through the dereference operator :*
1.4. Dereference operator ( Also known as the target operator ):*
function : This is to read, view, or write modify the memory area pointed to through the pointer variable
Grammar format :* Pointer to the variable = Take the target
for example :
char a = 100;
char *pa = &a;
perhaps :
char a = 100;
char *pa = NULL;
pa = &a;
// Print pa Point to a Memory data for
printf("%d\n", *pa); //100
// modify pa Point to a Memory data for
*pa = 10; // The result is a variable a The memory is changed from the original 100 become 10
Conclusion :sizeof( Pointer variable name ) = 4( Forever )
1.5. Special pointer : Null pointer and wild pointer
a) Null pointer : A null pointer variable holds a null address , use NULL Express , In fact, it is numbered 0 Address
Null pointers are not freely accessible , Otherwise, the program will crash !
for example :
int *pa = NULL;
printf("pa Point to the 0 The data saved by the address is %#x\n", *pa);
*pa = 250; // towards 0 Address write data 250
b) Wild pointer : Uninitialized pointer variables , It holds a random address , It points to an invalid memory , Because this memory area is not allocated to you by the operating system , If the wild pointer is accessed illegally , It will also cause the program to crash !
int *pa; //pa It's a wild pointer
printf("pa Point to the 0 The data saved by the address is %#x\n", *pa);
*pa = 250; // towards 0 Address write data 250
c) Bear in mind : The programming specification of the actual development code
If you define a pointer variable , At first it was not clear who it was pointing to , Never fail to initialize , Otherwise, it becomes a wild pointer, so it is required to initialize to a null pointer at this time NULL, Once initialized to NULL, When used later in the program , Remember to make safe judgments about pointer variables , Judge whether it is NULL, If NULL, Let the program end or the function return , If it is a valid address , The program can continue to operate through pointer variables
for example :
int *pa; // It's not recommended to write , dangerous
// Safe practices :
int *pa = NULL; // The assignment pointer is null
if(NULL == pa) {
printf("pa Pointer to null , Cannot continue to access .\n");
return -1 perhaps exit(0); // Function return or program exit
} else {
printf("pa Point to a piece of valid memory , You can continue to visit \n");
printf("%d\n", *pa);
*pa = 250;
// Safe practices :
int *pa = NULL; // The assignment pointer is null
int a = 250;
pa = &a; // Give Way pa Point to a
if(NULL == pa) {
printf("pa Pointer to null , Cannot continue to access .\n");
return -1 perhaps exit(0); // Function return or program exit
} else {
printf("pa Point to a piece of valid memory , You can continue to visit \n");
printf("%d\n", *pa);
*pa = 251;
1.6. Pointer arithmetic
a) A pointer can add or subtract from an integer , Address operation for short
Bear in mind : The calculation result is related to the variable data type pointed to by the pointer
b) Pointer calculation formula :
1.char Type pointer +1, Indicates the actual address +1
for example :
char *pa = 0x1000; // hypothesis pa Point to 0x1000
pa++; //pa=0x1001
2.short Type pointer +1, Indicates the actual address +2
short *pa = 0x1000; // hypothesis pa Point to 0x1000
pa++; //pa=0x1002
3.int/long Type pointer +1, Indicates the actual address +4
long *pa = 0x1000; // hypothesis pa Point to 0x1000
pa++; //pa=0x1004
1.7. Pointers and arrays ( We used to study pointers and variables )
a) Review the array
Define an array :int a[4] = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'};
Conclusion :
1. The array name is the first address of the array , Also follow the operation formula of the pointer
2.&a[2] That is the first. 2 The first address of an element
3.a+2 Also the first 2 The first address of an element
4.&a[2] - a = a + 2 - a = 2 Elements , It means the first one 2 Elements and number 0 Difference between elements 2 Elements , The actual address difference 8 Bytes =2 Elements *int
5. The goal is :a,&a[2],a+2 They're all addresses , Simply define a pointer variable to save the first address of the array , In the future, it is easy to access elements by using pointer variables and calculation formulas of pointer variables
b) Pointer and array relation formula :
int a[4] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int *pa = a; // Define a pointer variable to hold the first address of the entire array
1. How to write pointers and arrays 1:
// View the values of all elements :
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); i++)
printf("%d\n", *(p+i));
// Multiply all elements 10 times
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); i++)
*(p+i) *= 10;
2. How to write pointers and arrays 2:
int len = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]) ; // Find the memory space size of the array
// View the values of all elements :
for(pa = a; pa < a + len; p++)
printf("%d\n", *p);
// Multiply all elements 10 times
for(pa = a; pa < a + len; )
*p++ *= 10; //*p++: First calculate *p, Do later p++
3. How to write pointers and arrays 3:
// View the values of all elements :
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); i++)
printf("%d\n", p[i]);
// Multiply all elements 10 times
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); i++)
p[i] *= 10;
Bear in mind :"[]" Operator has to go through two steps :
for example :a[2] After two steps :
1. Calculate the address first :a + 2
2. Then take :*(a+2)
therefore :p[2] After two steps ;
1. Calculate the address first :p+2
2. Then take :*(p+2)
c) The ultimate formula to get the element value : a[i] = p[i] = *(a+i) = *(p+i)
1.8. Constant , Constant pointer , constant pointer , Constant pointer constant : Focus on the key const( The written examination questions are required )
a) Constant definition : Non modifiable values , for example :250,'A' etc.
b)const Keyword function : Constant quantity , Four forms :
1.const You can modify ordinary variables , Once the variable is modified, it will be treated as a constant , That is, the value cannot be changed after initialization
for example :
const int a = 250;
a = 200; //gcc Error will be reported at compile time
2. Constant pointer : The value of the memory region pointed to cannot be modified through the pointer variable ( Protect the memory area from random changes )
for example :
int a = 250;
const int *p = &a; // Definition initializes a constant pointer
int const *p = &a; // Definition initializes a constant pointer
*p = 200; //gcc Error will be reported at compile time
printf("%d\n", *p); // Sure , Just read and see
int b = 300;
p = &b; // Sure , Pointer to the variable p It can be modified ,p Now point to b
*p = 400; //gcc Error will be reported at compile time
printf("%d\n", *p);// Sure , Just read and see
3. constant pointer : The pointer always points to a memory area , Can't point to other places ( Protect the pointer from pointing randomly )
for example :
int a = 100;
int* const p = &a;
*p = 300; // Sure , You can modify the memory area pointed to
int b = 200;
p = &b; // Can not be ,gcc Report errors
4.const int * const p: Constant pointer constant , Express p It cannot be modified , meanwhile p The target cannot be modified Only through p To view the value of the memory area
for example :
int a = 100;
const int* const p = &a;
*p = 300; // Can not be , You can modify the memory area pointed to
int b = 200;
p = &b; // Can not be ,gcc Report errors
printf("%d\n", &p); // Sure
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