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NPM installation
2022-07-05 16:58:00 【Hepburn he0】
1. download node, Unzip and install
Download address :http://nodejs.cn/download/
2. Administrator rights cmd, Check whether the installation is successful
although node Automatically npm edition , But not the latest version
Be careful , see npm -v Errors may be reported during version :npm warn config global --global
, --local
are deprecated. use --location=global
solve : Modify the configuration file
npm config Command found npm Configuration directory for
npm config ls
npm config list
npm config ls -l
find 2 In a file prefix -g Replace with prefix --location=global
Close the previous command line window after modification , Reopen the test
3. Configure mirror station
npm config set registry=http://registry.npm.taobao.org // Configure mirror station
npm config get registry // Check the mirror station
test npm install vue
npm install vue -g
Test installation vue-router
npm install vue-router -g
Reference documents :https://www.cnblogs.com/lgx5/p/10732016.html
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