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Teach you to learn JS prototype and prototype chain hand in hand, a tutorial that monkeys can understand

2022-07-06 19:35:00 Front end technology station

Today I want to share with you an article about JS It's very difficult to understand , And I often ask about the prototype and prototype chain during the interview . 

Do you look familiar with the above picture ? Maybe I feel confused when I see it for the first time , I thought to myself what this is ? What should I think of so many lines ? In fact, when I first saw it, I was also very confused , puzzled , After slowly understanding some simple principles , Looking back , In fact, it's not so difficult . Now, ladies and gentlemen of the audience, follow me, a rookie, and use it as simple as possible , Simple language , Take your time to analyze , Take your time to understand , Believe that you can also learn !


1 The relationship between constructor and prototype object

Collected front-end interview question bank  



1.1 Know the prototype object :

When we use function Keyword to create a function , In fact, a memory containing prototype Object of property , This attribute object points to the prototype object of the constructor .

function Foo() {

console.log(Foo.prototype);//constructor: ƒ Foo()

  therefore : The relationship between constructor and prototype object is illustrated below : 

2 The relationship between function instances and prototype objects

2.1: Recognize function instances

__proto__ Is every division null External JavaScript Objects have a property , It points to the Prototype object

function Foo() {

var fo = new Foo();

since prototype and __proto__ Point to the prototype object of the object constructor , that prototype and __proto__ What is the relationship ? Is it equal ? Now let's start the demonstration

console.log(fo.__proto__ === Foo.prototype); //true

You can see the print  fo.__proto__=== Foo.prototype  return true  Maybe for students who love learning, they may ask again , Why are they equal ? Can you demonstrate the process , well Don't worry , Look, I'll slowly decompose it for you . We can see fo The object is new Coming out , Well, students, think about it new What did you do ? Actually new I did the following things :

2.2: Functional new The main steps are as follows :

  1. An empty object is created in memory ;
  2. Inside this object [[prototype]] Property will be assigned to the class prototype attribute ;
  3. In the constructor this, Will point to the new object created ;
  4. Execute code in constructor
  5. If the constructor does not return a non empty object , Then return the created new object

Let's use pseudo code to demonstrate

function Foo() {

var fo = new Foo();
console.log(fo.__proto__ === Foo.prototype); //true

 The following is the simulation data 
function Foo() {
  var moni={}
  moni.__proto__=Foo.prototype// This step is very important 
   return moni
var fo=Foo()

You can see the pseudo code above  moni.__proto__=Foo.prototype  In fact, this can be found moni.__proto__ It's pointing to Foo.prototype, So we can know moni.__proto__ The memory address pointed to is and Foo.prototype It points to the same memory address .
Both : fo.__proto__ === Foo.prototype  yes true
since  Foo.prototype Points to a prototype object
that  fo.__proto__  It's also a direction  Foo.prototype The prototype object pointed to

You can see the following code list :

  function Foo() {
      var fo = new Foo();
      var f1 = new Foo();
      console.log(fo.__proto__ === Foo.prototype); //true
      console.log(f1.__proto__ === Foo.prototype); //true

      console.log(fo.__proto__ === f1.__proto__); //tru

therefore : The relationship between the function instance and the prototype object is illustrated as follows :

3 Prototype object (constructor And proto) Direct relationship with constructor

When we use Foo.prototype When printing, you will find the following information , One is constructor, The other is __prto__( In fact, it represents this [[Prototype]]), Let's discuss this first constructor, We will discuss this later __proto__ 

3.1: In the prototype object constructor Relationship with constructor

Say first conclusion : In the prototype object constructor Is pointing to the constructor Of . You might say Words alone are no proof , I want you to prove it to me . Since you have such doubts , Then I will satisfy you .

function Foo() {

var fo = new Foo();
console.log(Foo.prototype.constructor);//ƒ Foo() {}

Print the results  

  We will find that Foo.prototype.constructor  It's pointing Foo Of this constructor . Next, let's do a step of verification , Let's see if it's true .

function Foo() {
var fo = new Foo();

We will find that Foo.prototype.constructor===Foo yes true, So we can be sure that Foo.prototype.constructor It means pointing. Foo Functional

So in the prototype object constructor The relationship with constructor is illustrated as follows : 

3.2: In the prototype object __proto__ Relationship with constructor

You may think of the prototype object __proto__ Is it pointing to Foo Well ? It's not . Look at the code below


We will find that printing is false, So whose is it pointing to ? That's a good question , Who on earth does he point to , Just print it and have a look   We will be surprised to find Foo.prototype.__proto__ Pointing to Object The prototype of the . You may have doubts again , Why is Object? Actually Object It's the prototype at the top , Without this limitation , When looking for a nonexistent data according to the prototype chain , How can we know it's not found !!

So we can conclude that Foo.prototype.__proto__ Pointing to Object.prototype

demonstration :Foo.prototype.__proto__ Is it pointing to Object.prototype

function Foo() {
var fo = new Foo();

It can be seen that their printing is equal , So as I said before Foo.prototype.__proto__===Object.prototype The conclusion is true . Careful students may have such questions ?Object.prototype__proto__ To whom ? In fact, it points to null.


In fact, we can still throw a question here ? Now that we know Object Function prototype object , It must have its own constructor, Then it's constructor Who is it ? Let's continue to discuss .

3.3:Object Function prototype and constructor Relationship

Conclusion Object In the prototype constructor Pointing to Object function .

Code validation is as follows :


  After printing, we found that it points to Object Function of , Continue to verify


  So here we can definitely see Object.prototype.constructor It means pointing. Object Functional . since Object Is a function, it must also have its own Prototype Of , its Prototype It must point to Object Function prototype object of .

therefore :Object Function prototype and constructor Relationship  

In fact, it has been formed here Prototype chain 了 , We can find if fo I can't find it on my prototype , He will find the prototype of the parent class , Look up layer by layer , In fact, it's like a chain , So it's called Prototype chain . Of course, here is not endless , If you can't find it, you'll return null.

In fact, we have almost mastered the most basic prototype knowledge here . But in fact, we can continue to discuss ,Foo Functions and Object Function does it have __proto__ Well ? It's actually Yes Of , Why? ? because The essence of a function is also an object , Next, we will discuss whether a function is an object .

4 Function is also an object

function bar() {}
bar.names = " Goya ";

  By printing, we do see names Printed , So we can also prove Function is indeed an object , It's just a Special objects nothing more . So we can say the above Foo Functions and Object Function is also an object . Since it is an object, it must also have its own __proto__, So it's __proto__ To whom ?

5 Functional __proto__

Conclusion : Functional __proto__ In fact, it points to Functon Prototype object .

Let's verify it , The specific code is as follows

function Foo(){}
var p1 = new Foo();

  This may not be obvious , Let's use another method to verify , as follows :

function Foo() {}
var p1 = new Foo();   

  So we can say function __proto__ In fact, it points to Functon Prototype object . namely Object/Foo All are Fuction Instance object of

therefore : Functional __proto__ Point to Function The diagram of the prototype of is as follows : 

6Function Prototype and prototype chain of

6.1:Function Direction in prototype

6.1.1:Function In the prototype constructor

Conclusion :Function In the prototype constructor The direction of Function function

We can use Foo This function is used to verify , The code is as follows :

 function Foo() {} 
//Foo.__proto__: This is already Function The prototype object 
console.log(Foo.__proto__.constructor === Function);

  By printing, we can see Function In prototype object constructor In fact, it points to Function function . So it's __proto__ Who is it pointing to ?

6.1.2:Function In the prototype __proto__ The direction of

Conclusion Function In the prototype __proto__ Pointing to Object Prototype object

 function Foo() {} 
//Foo.__proto__: This is already Function The prototype object 

  By printing, we can see Function In prototype object __proto__ In fact, it points to Object Of the prototype object . It's easy to understand , The prototype object is an object , Since it is an object, it must have its own prototype , We all know that the parent class of all objects is Object.

therefore :Function Diagram of prototype object : 

6.2:Function Prototypes of functions

6.2.1:Function In the prototype of function prototype

We can know from the previous summary , Function prototype Is pointing to the prototype object of the function . So here we are Function Function prototype It means pointing. Functon The prototype object of the function .

6.2.2:Function In the prototype of function __proto__

Conclusion Function In the prototype of function __proto__ It's pointing Funtion Prototype . The code is as follows :


  You can see that the printing is true, explain Function Of __proto__ It means pointing. Function Prototype Of . In fact, we combine 6.1 You can know all the functions __proto__ All point to functions Prototype object Of . And here it It is Function So point to yourself Prototype object

Now look at the following picture, it will become very simple , It can be roughly divided into 3 Large module , I use serial number to divide . 

  The above figure can be disassembled into such a function , In combination with my above analysis It's actually very easy

function Foo(){
let f1=new Foo()
let f2=new Foo()

  Collected front-end interview question bank



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