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How to do smoke test

2022-07-06 19:22:00 Programmer Achang

Readers ask questions : How to do smoke test ?

Achang replied : I will answer this question from three aspects :1、 What is smoke test ;2、 Why do smoke tests ;3、 How to do smoke test . 

One 、 What is smoke test

「 Smoke testing 」 This technique comes from the hardware industry . After a hardware or hardware component is changed or repaired , Power up the device directly . If there's no smoke , Then the component passed the test .
In software ,「 Smoke testing 」 It is a fast basic function verification strategy for software version package , It is a means to confirm and verify the basic functions of software , It's not an in-depth test of the software version package .


Smoke test is a pre-test before detailed testing of the software version package , If the smoke test case fails , No further testing is necessary .


Two 、 Why do smoke tests

Improve the efficiency of software testing .
Quickly confirm whether the software has test access conditions , Avoid after the formal test phase is fully carried out , Even in the middle and late stages of the test, blocking problems were found, which seriously affected the test progress .

3、 ... and 、 How to do smoke test

One ) Write smoke use cases

The tester selects the main process 、 Important functions , perhaps P0、P1 Level use cases are used as smoke test cases .


Two ) Execute the smoke use case

Before the developers formally propose the test , Perform the smoke test case provided by the test , It can be officially handed over to the test after passing all the tests .

After reading today's sharing, is it enlightening for you , If you have any idea, you are welcome to send a private message backstage, ah Chang , Discuss and communicate with each other .

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Programmer Achang
Ten years of career experience , Have rich experience in software testing , And project management experience .
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