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Mind map + source code + Notes + project, ByteDance + JD +360+ Netease interview question sorting

2022-07-06 19:22:00 InfoQ

The current situation of the Internet

Today's Internet , Continuing the 2018 The situation in . Although a few years ago , At the end of each year, the general environment is not good , However, the next year is still warm in spring . But now the Internet environment is really bad .

First of all, major companies compete to optimize employees , I won't mention small companies , Let's just say big companies . Ali first 、 Baidu 、 JD.COM 、 NetEase 、 Meituan and didi , Then there are Oracle and IBM. A few years ago, when major companies optimized their employees, they hid , And the words are very implicit , It is said to be normal personnel flow and business adjustment . This year is different , There's no need to hide , And some companies because of the compensation in place , Also cut a piece of high praise .

At first, people thought it was just that the mobile terminal environment was bad , It's only now that I find , The whole Internet environment is bad . therefore , Don't laugh at anyone , Bad environment , No one can run .

meanwhile , The advertising revenue of Tencent and today's headlines has also been affected . The reason is , Many advertisers have reduced their advertising budgets . Behind the reduction of advertising budget , Or because of lack of money . The Internet is so wonderful , One button one ring , Bad environment , The company and its employees are just as miserable .

So at this point , Excellent development ability can make your development career more smooth .

Now I'd like to tell you a few points based on my experience :

  • How to learn systematically  Android  technology ?(Android  Knowledge system )
  • What exactly does the enterprise need  Android  Develop talent ?(Android  Market situation )
  • Android  What are the ways of learning ?(Android  Learning style )
  • Yes  Android  Some suggestions for learning and promotion .(Android  Promotion suggestions )
Talk about the programming industry
Now the society gives IT The industry has several labels : High salaries 、 High-risk 、 On the tall 、 Baldness ( ha-ha ). I know these labels better than everyone else , As for why these labels ? And are these labels real or fake ?

  • High salaries

As IT For the industry , High salary really gives a lot of people this impression . From a personal point of view ,IT The average salary of an industry is higher than that of other industries , But for Finance 、 Real estate is still a bit inferior . To be fair , Why? IT The average salary of the industry is relatively high , The entry threshold is relatively high .

  • High-risk

Talking about high risk , as everyone knows , A lot of programmed apes are out of sub-health , Lack of exercise 、 Irregular diet and so on . Many programmers are afraid to go for a physical examination , For fear of finding something . I believe everyone has heard about it , I often hear people jumping off buildings 、 I can't afford to go to the hospital and so on , abound , It seems that most of them are programmers , Just ask if you are afraid of !!!

  • On the tall

I made it up ( ha-ha ...), In my old country's words, it is : In the office 、 It's easy to knock on the computer and get a high salary , Maybe this is also the white-collar group in high-end office buildings in the eyes of most people , But I really want to make a ?

  • Baldness

Speaking of baldness , Some time ago, I added a group of my own rental community , The group is full of tenants , For the convenience of knowing what's going on in the community . So I went in and talked , Then he said he was a programming ape , And then a couple of people are asking “ Do you have a lot of baldness ”, A face of embarrassment . So since then I've been questioning whether , In their eyes, are all programmers “ Baldness ”..... From this comes the word baldness .
Two 、 The effort behind it

Blind ahead BB So long , Nonsense for a long time to explain the state of the programmer industry .

  • Programmer's heartache

Woo hoo , Here I'm going to defend the procedural ape , Most people think that we are well paid 、 white collar 、 Office buildings and so on . But how many people have seen us catch up with projects 、 Catch up schedule 、 Working overtime day and night , Lead us to often see the pressure to jump off the building , Because of working overtime in the hospital , There are people who can't bear the pressure to change careers, etc , abound , Now it seems ,IT The industry feels that it is already a high-risk industry , Even if he has a good salary + scene . One of the indicators of Huawei's layoffs since it was announced before is that age is older than 35 Year old , It can be seen that the programmer industry is also  
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  A young industry , So they can use healthy body to get up to now they are limited .

Others are resting while you are typing the code , People are walking their dogs, you're typing the code , Others are walking, you are still Typing Code , Other people are playing with their friends and you are still Typing Code , It's not that there's a saying about being single by strength

  • People need to live

The programmer is also a normal person , They also need to have their own lives 、 They also have family 、 They also need to play with friends 、 They also need to get married 、 They also want a harmonious and happy family .IT It's common for this industry to work overtime until twelve o'clock 、 Working overtime on weekends is a routine , Even if they get relatively high wages , It's also at the expense of their rest time , A lot of tears !!!

3、 ... and 、 Talk about your anger

In my opinion, there are a lot of people , Including myself, I always complain : Why do I have to work so hard day and night , Why I was born in a place without a car 、 No room 、 Families without money ? Not born in the city , A car 、 A house 、 rich , Don't worry about money all day . Like my landlord , The house is occupied by the developer and divided into several houses , Don't work , I collect rent every month , Enjoying a comfortable life , If it's OK, the old couple will travel , Looking back, my parents have never traveled before , Think about it !

You may doubt the injustice of this society , The rich are getting richer , People who don't have money are getting poorer and poorer . But this is a society of survival of the fittest , Society is real , People are cruel . Society needs to progress , The country needs to develop , The water flows down , People go high , This is the state of social development , You can't change society , You can only adapt to the society !

Four 、 Remain true to our original aspiration

I've complained, too , I've also complained , Life goes on , It's a bright day to wake up tomorrow , You have to keep fighting , Let your parents 、 Lovers also enjoy a comfortable life , That's what you're fighting for —— That's what you started with .

At the end

A lot of people in the first contact with this industry or in the bottleneck period , There are always problems , For example, after learning for a period of time, I feel that I have no sense of direction , I don't know where to start learning , I've compiled some information about it

If you are proficient in the knowledge points listed below , I believe it will greatly increase your chances of passing the first two rounds of technical interview ! These contents are for your reference , learn from each other .

①「Android A complete analysis of the real interview questions 」PDF Full HD version +②「Android Interview knowledge system 」 Learning mind map compression package
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