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Wx applet learning notes day01

2022-07-06 18:50:00 _ banananana

Basic Tags

view label

amount to div label .


Sliding label , You need to set the width and height of the label itself , Use attributes scroll-y Achieve vertical scrolling or scroll-x Roll horizontally .


<scroll-view class="container1" scroll-y>
<!--  Add attributes scroll-y( Roll vertically ) or scroll-x( Roll horizontally ) -->
.container1 view{
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  text-align: center;
  line-height: 100px;
.container1 view:nth-child(1){
  background-color: aqua;
.container1 view:nth-child(2){
  background-color: lawngreen;
.container1 view:nth-child(3){
  background-color: lightcoral;
/*  You must add width or height to achieve scrolling  */
 border: 1px red solid;
 width: 100px;
 height: 100px;

swiper and swiper-item

Shuffling figure .
 Insert picture description here


<swiper class="swiper-container" indicator-dots>
<view class="item">

<view class="item">

<view class="item">
  height: 150px;
  height: 100%;
  line-height: 150px;
  text-align: center;
  background-color: lightgreen;
  background-color: lightgoldenrodyellow;


view The text in the label cannot be copied ,text Tag plus selectable Attributes are replicable .


Use nodes Property will be html Language rendering as wxml Structure .
 Insert picture description here


 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here


 Insert picture description here


app.json Medium tabBar Property is used to set the bottom navigation bar .

"tabBar": {
    "list": [
        "pagePath": "pages/weight/weight",
        "text": " Weight management ",
        "iconPath": "images/weight.png",
        "selectedIconPath": "images/weight-active.png"
      "pagePath": "pages/body/body",
      "text": " Physical health monitoring ",
      "iconPath": "images/body.png",
      "selectedIconPath": "images/body-active.png"
    "pagePath": "pages/delete/delete",
    "text": " Delete ",
    "iconPath": "images/de;ete.png",
    "selectedIconPath": "images/delete-active.png" 

Effect display  Insert picture description here

Applet API The classification of

  • Event monitoring api
  • Sync api
  • asynchronous api

Rights management

 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here

Custom components

Custom components are a bit like extracting public parts , Avoid repeating the process of making wheels . We extract each common part into a component and insert it when necessary . The concept of a slot is also mentioned here , Slots are a way to nest components .
Here is the simplest example .
Like our conponent01 It looks like this , Notice that there is a slot


It is equivalent to leaving a space in this position when rendering if , There is nothing without inserting that piece .

<button bindtap="method01">dian</button>

Like trying to put conponent02 Plug in conponent01 How to operate on ?

<text> I am a conponent02</text>


<component01 text="hhhhh">

 Insert picture description here
If you need multiple slots, you can turn on the multi slot function in the component , Between different plugs name distinguish .

  options: {
    multipleSlots: true //  Enable multiple in the options of component definition  slot  Support 
<!--  Component template  -->
<view class="wrapper">
  <slot name="before"></slot>
  <view> Here are the internal details of the component </view>
  <slot name="after"></slot>
<!--  Page templates that reference components  -->
    <!--  This part of the content will be placed in the component  <slot name="before">  Location  -->
    <view slot="before"> Here is insert to component slot name="before" The content in </view>
    <!--  This part of the content will be placed in the component  <slot name="after">  Location  -->
    <view slot="after"> Here is insert to component slot name="after" The content in </view>

The callback function that stores events in the page file needs to be stored in and data Position of the same level
The callback function that stores events in the component file must exist methods domain


Through components behaviors Field combination common code part , Including functions that are publicly called , Shared data, etc .

export default Behavior({
var myBehavior = require('my-behavior')
  behaviors: [myBehavior]

The ultimate effect is my-component In the component definition my-behavior, that my-component Properties of , Data field , Method , The life cycle function is my-component and my-behavior A collection of , Can be called directly .
When a component triggers a lifecycle , The life cycle function is executed first behavior Re execution component.


      // Call at the same level should use this

wxs modular

wxs Files are code that can encapsulate and expose some tool properties . Can pass wxs Tag introduction page .

//  Here we define a variable and a method 
var value = "hello world"
var fun01 =  function (msg) {
//  Expose these two modules 
module.exports = {
<!--  Introduce... Into the page wxs modular  -->
<wxs src="../wxs/tool.wxs" module="tool"/>
<button >{
<!-- Bound to the button bindtap This function cannot be found on -->

require function

stay .wxs Module references other wxs File module , have access to require function .
When quoting , Pay attention to the following points :
You can only quote .wxs File module , And the relative path must be used .
wxs The modules are all single examples .
If one wxs Module after definition , Never been quoted , Then the module will not be parsed and run

// In a wxs Reference another in the module wxs modular 
var tools = require("./tools.wxs");


js Variable promotion in
js The variable declaration statement will be promoted to the front , But the assignment statement will not be promoted
for instance :
var a = 2;
The final output of this program undefined
Because in js in var a = 2 It will be interpreted as
var a;
a = 2;
The statement premise is declared, but the assignment statement does not premise that the final program is parsed into
var a;
a = 2;
When the function declaration conflicts with other declarations , The function declaration shall prevail
If there are multiple functions with duplicate names , The last statement shall prevail

js To judge whether two variables are equal, use ===

Global general configuration

If you want to configure the effect of the global configuration window, you need to configure app.json In the document window node , When you need to configure effects for a page separately, you need to use page level .json file , When the two conflict, use the principle of proximity , The configuration file of the page shall prevail .
 Insert picture description here

Network data request

1. Only request HTTPS Interface of type
2. The interface must be added to the trust list
 Insert picture description here
Or you can check the following option , Cancel domain name verification , have access to http Interface access .
 Insert picture description here

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How to initiate GET/POST request

It comes with wechat applet wx Object initiation request request , As follows :
home.ts part : and data Write the request function at the same level of the domain

        // Print data directly 

home.wxml part : Write a button binding click event

<button bindtap="getInfo"> launch get request </button>

Request data when the page is just loaded

stay onLoad Use in a function this( That is, the current page object ) Just call the corresponding method .

 onLoad() {

Cross domain and homology strategies

browser The same origin strategy : For safety , The browser prohibits data interaction between two different domains .
Cross domain : When a request url Of agreement 、 domain name 、 port Any one of the three with the current page url Difference is cross domain .
notes : Because the hosting environment of the web page is the browser, there is a cross domain problem , But the hosting environment of the applet is wechat client . Therefore, wechat applets do not have cross domain problems . At the same time, small programs cannot be launched ajax request .


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