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Installation and management procedures
2022-07-06 18:44:00 【m0_ sixty-two million four hundred and six thousand two hundred】
1、 Inquire about already installed Of rpm Software information
Format :rpm -q( Suboptions ) ( The software name )
-qa: View all of the installed... In the system rpm Package list
-qi: View the details of the specified software
-ql: Query the directory where the specified package is installed 、 File list
-qc: Displays only the configuration files for the specified package installation
-qd: Displays only the documentation files for the specified package installation
2、 Query which file or directory belongs to rpm Software
Format :rpm -qf File or directory name
3、 Inquire about Not installed Of rpm Package file information :
Format :rpm -qp( Suboptions )rpm Package software
-qpi: adopt .rpm Package file to view the details of the software
-qpl: see .rpm The directory included in the installation package , File list
-qpc: see .rpm List of configuration files included in the installation package
-qpd: see .rpm List of documentation files included in the installation package
4、 Mount the CD
mount /dev/cdrom( equipment ) /media( Catalog )
Be careful : And windows The habit of using CDs should be distinguished ,linux Must mount or uninstall .
View the mount :mount
CD unloading :umount /dev/cdrom or umount /media
5、rpm The installation of the package
rpm -ivh( Do not prioritize ) rpm Package name
-i( install )、-U( upgrade )、-F( to update )、-v( display information )、-h( Show installation progress ,“#” Express )
6、rpm Unloading of packages :
rpm -e Package name
--nodeps( Ignore dependencies )、--force( mandatory )
7、 maintain rpm database
The reconstruction rpm database :rpm --rebuilddb or rpm --initdb
8、 Compile the installation process :
a、tar Unpack —— Download the source code installation package file
purpose : Unzip and release the source code package to the specified directory .
b、(./configure To configure )
purpose : Set installation directory 、 Options such as installing modules
c、make compile
purpose : Generate executable binaries
d、make install install
purpose : Copy binaries to the system , Configure the application environment
e、 Test and use
Relevant command :cp * Copy all files
Source package storage location :/usr/src
Source package installation location :/usr/local
visit linux Add slogans to the webpage (:10000), You can enter root And password access
To prevent conflict , The notes are shown in the figure below :
Chapter four Account and authority management
User management :
1、 User related profiles
/etc/passwd( Save the user )
/etc/shadow( User password file )
/etc/skel( User template file )
2、 User related commands
useradd( Create user )、passwd( Change Password )、userdel( Delete user )、usermod( Modify user properties )
useradd Options :
-d: Specify the user's host directory location
-e: Specify the expiration time of user account
-g: Specifies the user's base group name ( or GID Number )
-G: Specifies the additional group name of the user ( or GID Number )
-s: Specify the user's login shell
passwd ( Options ) user name
-d: Delete password ,root Can be used
-f: Enforcement
-k: Set only after the password expires , To update
-l: Lock the password
-u: Unlock account
-s: List password related information ,root Can be used
usermod command :
Format :usermod ( Options ) user name
notes :usermod It can be used to modify various settings of user account
-L: Lock user account
-U: Unlock user accounts
Because the options are similar to useradd The meaning in the command is roughly the same , No details here
chage -l user ( View user account information )
Delete user account :
userdel command
Format :userdel (-r) user name
Here is a knowledge point :! Command can find the command line you need from the history ,history You can get the serial number of historical commands
3、 Group management
a、 Group related configuration files :/etc/group
b、 Group related commands :groupadd -g ( Create group )、groupdel( Delete the group )、gpasswd( Add users to groups )
gpasswd command :
Format :gpasswd ( Options ) Group account name
-a: Add a user... To the group
-d: Remove a user member from the group
-M: Define group member list , Separated by commas ( Additional group )
Add :
a、id command
purpose : Query user identity (id user name )
b、groups command
purpose : Query the group to which the user belongs
groups user name
c、finger command
finger user name
d、users、W、who command
purpose : Query the user information logged in to the host
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