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Xu Xiang's wife Ying Ying responded to the "stock review": she wrote it!

2022-07-06 18:27:00 caijing365

7 month 4 Japan , Xu Xiang's wife Ying Ying posted her stock market comments on her personal official account for the first time .

The previous content is related to the property screening case .

What netizens care about “ Whether the stock review was written by Mr. Xu Xiang ?”、“ Has Xu Xiang given any reference ?” Other questions , Ying Ying said to Phoenix finance , The content is sent by myself , I will repeat my offer every week , And I will send an article every week in the future .

meanwhile , Ying Ying also said , I have no contact with Xu Xiang now .

Whether there are relevant qualifications , Ying Ying means , I used to be a practitioner , Now the content is commented casually .

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