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Pytorch common loss function

2022-07-06 18:58:00 m0_ sixty-one million eight hundred and ninety-nine thousand on

Reproduced in :

Regression loss function - You know (zhihu.com)

PyTorch Summary of loss functions in | Dreamhouse blog (dreamhomes.top) 


1、L1 loss

def mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred):
    return K.mean(K.abs(y_pred - y_true), axis=-1)

#  The sample code 
import torch
from torch import nn
input_data = torch.FloatTensor([[3], [4], [5]])   # batch_size, output
target_data = torch.FloatTensor([[2], [5], [8]])   # batch_size, output 
loss_func = nn.L1Loss()
loss = loss_func(input_data, target_data)
print(loss)  # 1.6667

#  Verification code 
print((abs(3-2) + abs(4-5) + abs(5-8)) / 3)  # 1.6666


2、L2 loss

def mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred):
    return K.mean(K.square(y_pred - y_true), axis=-1)

#  The sample code 
import torch
from torch import nn
input_data = torch.FloatTensor([[3], [4], [5]])   # batch_size, output
target_data = torch.FloatTensor([[2], [5], [8]])   # batch_size, output 
loss_func = nn.MSELoss()
loss = loss_func(input_data, target_data)
print(loss)   # 3.6667

#  verification 
print(((3-2)**2 + (4-5)**2 + (5-8)**2)/3)  # 3.6666666666666665


3、smooth L1 loss

  stay Faster RCNN and SSD Used in smooth L1 Loss function .

#  The sample code 
import torch
from torch import nn
input_data = torch.FloatTensor([[3], [4], [5]])   # batch_size, output
target_data = torch.FloatTensor([[2], [4.1], [8]])   # batch_size, output 
loss_func = nn.SmoothL1Loss()
loss = loss_func(input_data, target_data)
print(loss)   #  Output :1.0017


#  Sample code 
#  Three samples   Make three categories   Use NLLLoss
import torch
from torch import nn

input = torch.randn(3, 3)
# tensor([[ 0.0550, -0.5005, -0.4188],
#         [ 0.7060,  1.1139, -0.0016],
#         [ 0.3008, -0.9968,  0.5147]])
label = torch.LongTensor([0, 2, 1])   #  real label
loss_func = nn.NLLLoss()
loss = loss_func(temp, label)
print(loss)   #  Loss 1.6035

#  Verification code 
output = torch.FloatTensor([
        [ 0.0550, -0.5005, -0.4188],
        [ 0.7060,  1.1139, -0.0016],
        [ 0.3008, -0.9968,  0.5147]]

# 1. softmax + log = torch.log_softmax()
sm = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
temp = torch.log(sm(input))
# tensor([[-0.7868, -1.3423, -1.2607],
#         [-1.0974, -0.6896, -1.8051],
#         [-0.9210, -2.2185, -0.7070]])
# 2.  because label by [0, 2, 1]  
#     So the first line takes the first value -0.7868. The second line takes the third value -1.8051, The third line takes the second value -2.2185. Then throw the minus sign away .  Frankly speaking   That is, the negative value of the logarithm corresponds to label   That's cross entropy .
print((0.7868 + 1.8051 + 2.2185) / 3)   #  Output 1.6034666666666666


#  The sample code 
#  Three samples are classified   Same as the above data 
import torch
from torch import nn
loss_func1 = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
output = torch.FloatTensor([
        [ 0.0550, -0.5005, -0.4188],
        [ 0.7060,  1.1139, -0.0016],
        [ 0.3008, -0.9968,  0.5147]]

true_label = torch.LongTensor([0, 2, 1])   #  Notice the label id Must be from 0 Start   Can't say label id yes 1,2,3  Must be 0,1,2
loss = loss_func1(output, true_label)
print(loss)  #  Output : 1.6035


One sample multi label classification  

#  Sample code    One sample multi label classification 
import torch
from torch import nn
bce = nn.BCELoss()
output = torch.FloatTensor(
        [ 0.0550, -0.5005, -0.4188],
        [ 0.7060,  1.1139, -0.0016],
        [ 0.3008, -0.9968,  0.5147]
#  Be careful    Output needs to go through sigmoid
s = nn.Sigmoid()
output = s(output)
#  Suppose it is the classification of multiple labels for one piece of data 
label = torch.FloatTensor(
        [1, 0, 1],
        [0, 0, 1],
        [1, 1, 0]
loss = bce(output, label)
print(loss)   #  Output : 0.9013

#  Verification code 
# 1.  Model output 
output = torch.FloatTensor(
        [ 0.0550, -0.5005, -0.4188],
        [ 0.7060,  1.1139, -0.0016],
        [ 0.3008, -0.9968,  0.5147]
# 2.  after sigmoid
s = nn.Sigmoid()
output = s(output)
# print(output)
# tensor([[0.5137, 0.3774, 0.3968],
#         [0.6695, 0.7529, 0.4996],
#         [0.5746, 0.2696, 0.6259]])
label = torch.FloatTensor(
        [1, 0, 1],
        [0, 0, 1],
        [1, 1, 0]
#  According to the label and sigmoid Calculate calculate 
#  first line 
sum_1 = 0
sum_1 += 1 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.5137)) + (1 - 1) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.5137))   #  First column 
sum_1 += 0 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.3774)) + (1 - 0) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.3774))   #  Second column 
sum_1 += 1 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.3968)) + (1 - 1) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.3968))   #  The third column 
avg_1 = sum_1 / 3
#  The second line 
sum_2 = 0
sum_2 += 0 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.6695)) + (1 - 0) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.6695))   #  First column 
sum_2 += 0 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.7529)) + (1 - 0) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.7529))   #  Second column 
sum_2 += 1 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.4996)) + (1 - 1) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.4996))   #  The third column 
avg_2 = sum_2 / 3
#  The third line 
sum_3 = 0
sum_3 += 1 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.5746)) + (1 - 1) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.5746))   #  First column 
sum_3 += 1 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.2696)) + (1 - 1) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.2696))   #  Second column 
sum_3 += 0 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.6259)) + (1 - 0) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.6259))   #  The third column 
avg_3 = sum_3 / 3

result = -(avg_1 + avg_2 + avg_3) / 3
print(result)   #  Output 0.9013

Dichotomous problem

#  Sample code 
#  Two samples , Two classification 
import torch
from torch import nn
bce = nn.BCELoss()
output = torch.FloatTensor(
        [ 0.0550, -0.5005],
        [ 0.7060,  1.1139]
#  Be careful    Output needs to go through sigmoid
s = nn.Sigmoid()
output = s(output)
#  Suppose it is the classification of multiple labels for one piece of data 
label = torch.FloatTensor(
        [1, 0],
        [0, 1]
loss = bce(output, label)
print(loss)   #  Output 0.6327

#  Verification code 
output = torch.FloatTensor(
        [ 0.0550, -0.5005],
        [ 0.7060,  1.1139]
#  Be careful    Output needs to go through sigmoid
s = nn.Sigmoid()
output = s(output)
# print(output)
# tensor([[0.5137, 0.3774],
#         [0.6695, 0.7529]])
# true_label = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
sum_1 = 0
sum_1 += 1 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.5137)) + (1 - 1) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.5137))
sum_1 += 0 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.3774)) + (1 - 0) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.3774))
avg_1 = sum_1 / 2

sum_2 = 0
sum_2 += 0 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.6695)) + (1 - 0) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.6695))
sum_2 += 1 * torch.log(torch.tensor(0.7529)) + (1 - 1) * torch.log(torch.tensor(1 - 0.7529))
avg_2 = sum_2 / 2
print(-(avg_1 + avg_2) / 2)  #  Output 0.6327


#  The sample code 
#  Use the above two samples to classify the data 
import torch
from torch import nn
bce_logit = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
output = torch.FloatTensor(
        [ 0.0550, -0.5005],
        [ 0.7060,  1.1139]
)   #  without Sigmoid
label = torch.FloatTensor(
        [1, 0],
        [0, 1]
loss = bce_logit(output, label)
print(loss)   # tensor(0.6327)

8、Focal Loss


#  Code implementation 
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

def reduce_loss(loss, reduction):
    reduction_enum = F._Reduction.get_enum(reduction)
    # none: 0, elementwise_mean:1, sum: 2
    if reduction_enum == 0:
        return loss
    elif reduction_enum == 1:
        return loss.mean()
    elif reduction_enum == 2:
        return loss.sum()

def weight_reduce_loss(loss, weight=None, reduction='mean', avg_factor=None):
    if weight is not None:
        loss = loss * weight

    if avg_factor is None:
        loss = reduce_loss(loss, reduction)
        # if reduction is mean, then average the loss by avg_factor
        if reduction == 'mean':
            loss = loss.sum() / avg_factor
        # if reduction is 'none', then do nothing, otherwise raise an error
        elif reduction != 'none':
            raise ValueError('avg_factor can not be used with reduction="sum"')
    return loss

def py_sigmoid_focal_loss(pred, target, weight=None, gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, reduction='mean', avg_factor=None):
    #  Be careful   Input pred No need to go through sigmoid
    pred_sigmoid = pred.sigmoid()
    target = target.type_as(pred)
    pt = (1 - pred_sigmoid) * target + pred_sigmoid * (1 - target)
    focal_weight = (alpha * target + (1 - alpha) *
                    (1 - target)) * pt.pow(gamma)
    #  Let's find this function of cross entropy   Yes pred the sigmoid
    loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
        pred, target, reduction='none') * focal_weight
    # print(loss)
    ''' Output 
    tensor([[0.0394, 0.0506],
        [0.3722, 0.0043]])
    loss = weight_reduce_loss(loss, weight, reduction, avg_factor)
    return loss

if __name__ == '__main__':
    output = torch.FloatTensor(
            [0.0550, -0.5005],
            [0.7060, 1.1139]
    label = torch.FloatTensor(
            [1, 0],
            [0, 1]
    loss = py_sigmoid_focal_loss(output, label)

9、GHM Loss

  Code implementation

#  Code implementation 
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class GHM_Loss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, bins, alpha):
        super(GHM_Loss, self).__init__()
        self._bins = bins
        self._alpha = alpha
        self._last_bin_count = None

    def _g2bin(self, g):
        return torch.floor(g * (self._bins - 0.0001)).long()

    def _custom_loss(self, x, target, weight):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _custom_loss_grad(self, x, target):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def forward(self, x, target):
        g = torch.abs(self._custom_loss_grad(x, target)).detach()

        bin_idx = self._g2bin(g)

        bin_count = torch.zeros((self._bins))
        for i in range(self._bins):
            bin_count[i] = (bin_idx == i).sum().item()

        N = (x.size(0) * x.size(1))

        if self._last_bin_count is None:
            self._last_bin_count = bin_count
            bin_count = self._alpha * self._last_bin_count + (1 - self._alpha) * bin_count
            self._last_bin_count = bin_count

        nonempty_bins = (bin_count > 0).sum().item()

        gd = bin_count * nonempty_bins
        gd = torch.clamp(gd, min=0.0001)
        beta = N / gd

        return self._custom_loss(x, target, beta[bin_idx])

class GHMC_Loss(GHM_Loss):
    #  Classified loss 
    def __init__(self, bins, alpha):
        super(GHMC_Loss, self).__init__(bins, alpha)

    def _custom_loss(self, x, target, weight):
        return F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(x, target, weight=weight)

    def _custom_loss_grad(self, x, target):
        return torch.sigmoid(x).detach() - target

class GHMR_Loss(GHM_Loss):
    #  Return to loss 
    def __init__(self, bins, alpha, mu):
        super(GHMR_Loss, self).__init__(bins, alpha)
        self._mu = mu

    def _custom_loss(self, x, target, weight):
        d = x - target
        mu = self._mu
        loss = torch.sqrt(d * d + mu * mu) - mu
        N = x.size(0) * x.size(1)
        return (loss * weight).sum() / N

    def _custom_loss_grad(self, x, target):
        d = x - target
        mu = self._mu
        return d / torch.sqrt(d * d + mu * mu)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #  This loss function does not need to be done by itself sigmoid
    output = torch.FloatTensor(
            [0.0550, -0.5005],
            [0.7060, 1.1139]
    label = torch.FloatTensor(
            [1, 0],
            [0, 1]
    loss_func = GHMC_Loss(bins=10, alpha=0.75)
    loss = loss_func(output, label)


mape: and mae The difference is that , Add the difference between the predicted value and the actual value divided by the actual value , Then find the mean .

def mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred):
    diff = K.abs((y_true - y_pred) / K.clip(K.abs(y_true),
    return 100. * K.mean(diff, axis=-1)


msle: Take the logarithm , Make a difference , square , Accumulate and average .

def mean_squared_logarithmic_error(y_true, y_pred):
    first_log = K.log(K.clip(y_pred, K.epsilon(), None) + 1.)
    second_log = K.log(K.clip(y_true, K.epsilon(), None) + 1.)
    return K.mean(K.square(first_log - second_log), axis=-1)

12、Huber Loss


13、Log-Cosh Loss

14、Quantile Loss Quantile loss


class L1_Charbonnier_loss(torch.nn.Module):
    """L1 Charbonnierloss."""
    def __init__(self):
        super(L1_Charbonnier_loss, self).__init__()
        self.eps = 1e-6

    def forward(self, X, Y):
        diff = torch.add(X, -Y)
        error = torch.sqrt(diff * diff + self.eps)
        loss = torch.mean(error)
        return loss

16、wing loss


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