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[paper notes] transunet: transformers make strongencoders for medical image segmentation

2022-07-06 18:52:00 come from γ Saiya of stars


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Scope of coverage : In depth learning direction , Include CV、NLP、Data Fusion、Digital Twin

Paper title :

TransUNet: Transformers Make Strong Encoders for Medical Image Segmentation

TransUNet: Transformer Provide a powerful encoder for medical image segmentation

Thesis link :https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.04306

Paper code :https://github.com/Beckschen/TransUNet

Time of publication :2021 year 2 month

Innovation points

1、 introduce Transformer and U-Net Combining the Internet , structure TransUNet The Internet


Medical image segmentation is to develop medical care system , In particular, the necessary prerequisites for disease diagnosis and treatment planning . In various medical image segmentation tasks ,U Shape architecture ( also called U-NET) Has become the de facto standard , And it was a great success . However , Due to the inherent locality of convolution ,U-NET It usually shows limitations in explicitly modeling remote dependencies . The converter designed for sequence to sequence prediction has become an alternative architecture with innate global self-attention mechanism , But due to the lack of underlying details , It may lead to limited positioning capability .

In this paper, TransUNet As a powerful alternative to medical image segmentation , It has both Transformers and U-net The advantages of . One side , The converter will convolute Neural Networks (CNN) The marked image block in the feature map is encoded as an input sequence , Used to extract global context . On the other hand , The decoder upsamples the encoded features , Then the coding features are combined with high resolution CNN Feature mapping , For precise positioning .

We think , Transformer can be used as a strong encoder for medical image segmentation tasks , And combine U-NET Enhance finer details by restoring local spatial information .Transunet It has achieved better performance than various competitive methods in medical applications such as multi organ segmentation and heart segmentation . Codes and models can be found in https://github.com/beckschen/transunet get . 


First , The input image is down sampled and 3 Iteration of layer convolution , The characteristics of generation , Conduct Flatten operation ;

then ,Flatten After the feature enters 12 layer Transformer, there Transformer Inside the structure is MSA ( The long attention mechanism ),MLP ( Fully connected layer ) Then the output ;

Here's an explanation , Why convolute first and then Transformer .

Because ,Transformer The drawback is that , Large amount of computation , And there is no spatial information . Advantage is , Have global information .

The disadvantage of convolution is , Unable to synthesize global information , And the advantage is , After convolution , Fewer parameters , And it has local spatial information , Different convolution kernels have different receptive fields .

therefore , The author puts convolution in Transformer In front of the structure , Combine their advantages and disadvantages , Reduced parameters , And has spatial and global information .

Last , Decoder part and U-Net identical ,reshape After that, conduct four times of upper sampling , Then it is compared with the characteristics of the encoder's three down sampling Concatenation operation , Finally, output the segmentation graph .


The goal of the experiment : Different data sets , Comparison results of different codec structures

experimental result :TransUNet The result is the best

The goal of the experiment : Split the result graph


The goal of the experiment : Comparison of different frameworks

experimental result : TransUNet Have distinct advantages


At the end

Transofrmer Large data sets are required , But medical data sets are not easy to collect , This may be a limitation Transformer One of the problems of development in the medical field !


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