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Don't miss this underestimated movie because of controversy!

2022-07-06 19:07:00 twenty million two hundred and eleven thousand and thirty-one

《 The four seas 》!!!

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie


A controversial film 、 A movie full of highlights

You bet ,

Extremely controversial 、 The voice is loud Of 《 The four seas 》, It's not a family movie suitable for the Spring Festival .

Laugh with tears , Such as the style of cotton wrapped with iron ,

Let it be on this day of lights , It seems a little untimely .

but Watching movies is a very personal pleasure , A movie made with heart always has its audience .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _02

Calm down and , Put aside the distractions , After watching the movie .

like 《 The four seas 》 Your audience will find , It's a It's full of highlights Films .

It has young motorcyclists riding along the coastline ,

It has a story of empathy 、 Amazing plot .

《 The four seas 》 The plot is very simple , On Nan'ao Island ,

Some people like racing and riding motorcycles , The swift little yellow hair , Wu Renyao .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _03

Some people do odd jobs in the small fishing raft , A simple girl , Zhou huansong .

They know each other well on a closed and stable island , There is a feeling in the dark .

They swam by the sea 、 Driving in the tunnel .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _04

until , An accident broke the quiet life ,

The two had to leave their hometown , Go to Guangzhou to make a living ......

The story is simple , But the film is full of surprises “ Korean humor ”.

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _05

That little burden that comes from time to time , It is still a familiar taste of joy .

First of all, it's amazing Homophonic stem

Grow up alone “ Nobody wants it ” The protagonist Wu Renyao as the center for divergence ,

A Yao has a dispensable father's name , Wu renteng .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _06

Learned that he wanted to name his future granddaughter Wu Renai when , It turned out that there was a reason why no one hurt him .

Ah Yao has another showta Brother , Played by brother Xiaoming Qingqing .

showta Brother , At first glance, successful people , The social elite ,

Wear a suit , Wear a famous brand , Stand out in the South Australian pub .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _07

showta Brother said frankly that he has countless contacts , The relationship between heaven and earth .

Results a Yao came to Guangzhou for the first time , Go and run .

But found showta Brother is building a high tower on the Guangzhou tower .

Ha ha ha ha , So this is what he mews “ Brother xiuta ” ah ……

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _08

besides ,《 The four seas 》 There are also many funny points and highlights .

such as Role name and actor name Wonderful Intertextuality .

Qiao Shan plays the stunt team boss named “ Uncle Ziliang ”, And the actors Wanziliang Also guest starred in uncle Liu in the film .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _09

This kind of intertextual humor that breaks the fourth wall , For audiences who are familiar with and like Hong Kong movies , It's a bright spot that makes people smile .

For example, ah Yao's father met Huan song's brother ,

He escaped, he chased , He said ,“ Why it is always you? .”

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _10

here , English subtitles are for “How old are you?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha , If it weren't for the fact that Maomao had learned primary school English , I almost did .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _11

All this , be too numerous to enumerate .

More highlights , Welcome to add... In the comment area .

because , Next, I want to show you the underrated film ,

Neglected details .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _12


I didn't know the meaning of the song at first 、 Listen to the music again

Yes , It's underestimation , You're not mistaken .

In addition to a lot of baggage , Director Han Han is also a Detail control .

Underestimated after fine tasting 《 The four seas 》 in , those Meaningful details ignored after ,

Shadow single cat is more sure of its own ideas .

For example, the one at the head of a Yao's bed 《 Maggie's gift 》,

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _13

It implies the moving love that ah Yao and Huan song silently pay for each other .

For example, when a Yao asked xiutago's address in Guangzhou ,

Chatting freely, brother xiuta suddenly appeared a little Caton .

This spiritual little Caton , The moment will lie when the panic 、 The lack of confidence when trying to be strong shows incisively and vividly .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _14

Don't ask why cat understands ,

Because every new year , Facing the ruthless interrogation of seven aunts ,

This spiritual little Caton will appear in the question and answer session of cats .

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha , Don't laugh at Tago Caton , The clown is ourselves .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _15

When ah Yao and his son meet again , The gift dad gave ah Yao turned out to be a Ultraman .

At that time, ah Yao was already 20 years old .

Then the camera turns , An Altman sticker appeared on a Yao's helmet .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _16

Sure enough , No one knows a son better than his father. .

Sure enough , A man is a boy until he dies .

And Huan song rides a motorcycle on the beach , When a Yao Gang Huan song lifted the motorcycle, straight man Han Geng broke out .

Huan Song said he “ I'm in ”,

Ah Yao said ,“ Only fools fall into it ”.

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _17

This line is not only a prophecy , Let a Yao become what he says “ A fool ”,

And the English name of the film “Only Fools Rush In” Direct intertextuality .

Wise men don't fall in love , But I'm a fool .”

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _18

Among the countless details worth perusing , Impress Yingdan cat , And what I think is profound ,

That sentence made countless people roast ,“ Breakfast .”

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _19

If you can get through roast , Understand this stem ,

You'll find that “ Breakfast ” Let many people have Emotional resonance ,

You'll find that , This neglected delicate emotion can be captured and displayed by Han Han , How ingenious and rare .

ad locum , Yingshan cat feels that no matter how many interpretations it has, it is shallow , I want to tell you an example given by a netizen .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _20

Netizens said , When I was a child, I took the bus to school for the first time . Mom said it would be better to sit back by yourself in the evening .

At that time , Netizens don't know that there will be two opposite stations on the same line , The same bus will run in the opposite direction .

Standing at the bus stop in the morning, I don't even know which bus I should take . Last , I got into a car casually .

Yes , We all forgot , Many times when we do something for the first time , I don't understand , Also misunderstandings all kinds of things .

I don't even know , Many things can be asked .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _21

This misunderstanding also happened to a Yao .

The embarrassment of entering a big city , And the self-esteem of young people ,

Let a Yao affirm his intuitive understanding ,“ Breakfast ” Namely Including the rest time in the morning .

In this way “ Breakfast ” For them, it means , Can have a safe sleep .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _22

And that sentence appeared many times “ I hope every hotel you stay in , All contain morning .”

Netizens also gave a wonderful interpretation :

Life in a big city is too difficult ,“ Breakfast ” It's Han Han's blessing to all the people who are wandering outside ,

I hope you are in the big world , Be lucky 、 Relax a little , Get some sleep .

It's ah Yao's most obscure romance with his beloved girl 、 The most simple and beautiful wish ,

I hope when she wanders all over the world , I can sleep longer every day .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _23

And this , All of a sudden, I stabbed Yingshan cat's tears .

In addition to such details worth pondering ,《 The four seas 》 The whole film is also very touching ,

It makes cat see the romance under the lens of director Han Han .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _24


Forever romantic Han Han movie

Count Han Han's films ,

《 After life 》《 Ride the wind and waves 》《 Fast life 》 and 《 The four seas 》.

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _25

Shadow single cat thought , He is a very romantic person .

Control the details to the end , Humor is consistent , Romantic feelings It runs through all works .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _26

This is in Set It can be seen from the .

From Dongji island to Jiangnan Town to Bayinbuluke and then to Nan'ao Island , All beautiful to the extreme .

More Than This , This romantic feeling is also deeply reflected in the plot .

As small as the plot elements running through all the works of director Han Han : The car .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _27

《 Fast life 》 The devil track in , Thousands of people, I'm gone , Is a man's greatest romance .

《 The four seas 》 There is also the feat of flying over the Pearl River , It's the same thing ,

It is also exciting , Impassioned .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _28

As big as those under Han Han's lens Have your own life, stick to role ,

《 After life 》 Rivers in ,《 Ride the wind and waves 》 Too much wave in ,

《 Fast life 》 Zhang Chi in , Until then 《 The four seas 》 Of Wu Renyao .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _29

they Ordinary but not mediocre life persistence , Is their own romanticism .

A Yao's grandma Even if you get senile dementia , Forget everything ,

But I can't forget the purest 、 The highest ideal : Go to see the snow .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _30

Cat cat saw such a sentence on the microblog of director Han Han ,

There are too many twists and turns in the world , You can't imagine the world in more than a month .“

Maybe , This is why all the characters on his camera live , trying , Indifferent , Moving forward ,

Even if things change , The reality is unbearable , Fate teases .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _31

Before the story begins ,

A Yao rode his motorcycle , Walking alone in the streets of the island .

At the end of the story ,

Once energetic youth , Shook off a body of unruly dust ,

After losing everything , There was no crying , No decadence , Not discouraged .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _32

After the story ,

A Yao rode his old motorcycle ,

Carrying a kind of courage after washing , Courage after collapse , The perfection after crushing .

Bravely drove into an ordinary life , Walking alone in the streets of the island .

Come and go , Like yesterday .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _33

Last , About 《 The four seas 》,

Yingdan cat can't hide his love for it , Nor can we deny others' freedom of criticism .

There is such a plot in the film ,

A Yao in childhood , Often look up at the starry sky .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _34

Astrologers think , The ancient star map contains deep secrets , Can show the trajectory of all things .

But plain Huan song once said a truth to a Yao : The starry sky won't tell you the answer .

Is ah , Heaven never asks . The answer is on the way , Not in the sky .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The role of _35

alike , The good and bad of a film , It all comes from your real perception .

There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes .

《 The four seas 》 The same is true of , One thousand thousand .

# Fingertip life # Don't be controversial , Miss this underrated movie !_ The movie _36

Okay , Today's introduction is here !

Such a masterpiece is worth tasting 《 The four seas 》, It's worth digging for yourself .


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