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Countdown 2 days | live broadcast preview of Tencent cloud message queue data import platform

2022-07-06 19:05:00 Tencent cloud Middleware


Tencent cloud message queue Kafka Launched a data access platform (Data Import Platform), Build a bridge between data source and data processing system . For developers to have a deeper understanding DIP, Tencent cloud message queue is about to launch for data access platforms DIP Series live broadcast of , This episode is the first of a series of live broadcasts , Yes DIP Application scenarios of 、 Analyze the function and technical architecture .

About the data access platform

With the vigorous development of public cloud , The core demand of enterprises based on cost reduction and efficiency increase , Continue to move services to the public cloud . And in the process of continuous business development , Based on calculation 、 Security 、 Storage 、 Query and other requirements , Various businesses are increasingly dependent on data . Enterprises generally build data links based on open source solutions , Complete data reporting 、 cleaning 、 Dump and other requirements . Construction of data link 、 The cost of operation and maintenance is high , More manpower should be invested in the later operation .

Tencent cloud message queue Kafka Launched a data access platform (Data Import Platform), Assist customers to conveniently and quickly complete one-stop data access 、 Handle and distribute . The platform provides services based on HTTP/TCP Agreed SDK Assist customers to quickly complete data reporting 、 be based on CDC(Change Data Capture) Mechanism quick subscription 、 Store multiple databases (MySQL、PostgreSQL、MongoDB etc. ) Change information , Through the log delivery of many cloud products . It also provides simple and configurable data cleaning (ETL) Ability , And rich data outflow channels , Help customers build data flow links at low cost , Build a bridge between data source and data processing system .

Live broadcast details


2022 year 6 month 30 Japan ,19:00-20:00

Live platform

  • Tencent yunzhongjian official video number

  • Tencent cloud official website developer community

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In the past


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《SpringBoot Application elegant connection Enter Polaris PolarisMesh

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