当前位置:网站首页>10、 Process management

10、 Process management

2022-07-06 18:32:00 Lyon-w

What is a process ?
process (Process) It is an execution activity of a program in its own virtual address space . The reason to create a process , Just to make
Multiple programs can be executed concurrently , So as to improve the resource utilization and throughput of the system . Simply put, a process is the execution of a program .

What is the difference between a process and a program ?
Program : Just a static set of instructions ; A process is a dynamic execution process of a program , It has a life cycle , Is the dynamic production and extinction .

process : Is a resource request 、 Dispatch and independent operation unit , therefore , It uses running resources in the system ; And the program cannot apply for system resources 、 Cannot be scheduled by the system 、
Nor can it be used as an independent unit , therefore , It does not occupy the operating resources of the system .

Neither program nor process One correspondence . On the one hand, a program can be shared by multiple processes , That is, when a program is running, multiple processes can be generated ; On the other hand , A process can execute several programs in sequence during its lifetime .

Properties of the process
stay linux There are always many processes running in the system at the same time , Each process has an identification number , be called PID(Process ID), To distinguish different processes . Each process has a ID Number , Can pass ps The order shows

   It can be used echo $$, see shell Hezi shell
  [[email protected] ~]# echo $$     first $ On behalf of the variable    , the second $ A variable's value , this $ On behalf of the current shell The process number of 
  [[email protected]~]# bash      Intron shell
  [[email protected]~]# echo $$  
  2983                  The process number is different from that of the parent process 

View the system process tree

[[email protected]~]# pstree  -p
           │                   └─{ModemManager}(964)

systemd It is the first process that the system starts , Is the parent of all processes , Its process number is 1.
Usually killing a child process does not affect the parent process , Killing the parent process will affect the child process , and systemd This process cannot be killed , Unless shut down or restart .

Hard disk 、 process 、 Memory 、CPU The relationship between
One of the three illusions of life :QQ、 Storm video 、 Browsers, etc. can be executed together . Are processes executed in parallel . No more than that. . For a single CPU For the system, at a certain moment , Only one process can be in execution , occupy CPU Right to use , Other processes are in other States , Wait for system resources , Each process constantly switches between certain states according to the scheduling algorithm . But because CPU Faster processing efficiency , So that users can't feel the changes .

State of process
R (TASK_RUNNING), Executable state .
S (TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE), An interruptible sleep state
D (TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE), Uninterrupted sleep
T (TASK_STOPPED or TASK_TRACED), Pause state or trace state .
Z (TASK_DEAD - EXIT_ZOMBIE), Exit state , The process becomes a zombie process .
X (TASK_DEAD - EXIT_DEAD), Exit state , The process is about to be destroyed .

R (TASK_RUNNING), Executable state .

 Running or ready : Ready status means that the process has applied for CPU All other resources except .
 experiment :
 Open Firefox browser and use top Command view status 

S (TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE), An interruptible sleep state Light sleep

 In the waiting line , Wake up when resources are available ( For example, wait for keyboard input 、socket Connect 、 Signals and so on 
 experiment :
 Open Firefox browser and use top Command view status 

D (TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE), Uninterrupted sleep Deep sleep

 In the waiting line , Wake up when resources are available ( For example, wait for keyboard input 、socket Connect 、 Signals and so on ), But it cannot be awakened by interruption .
 experiment :
 Open Firefox browser and use top Command view status 

T (TASK_STOPPED or TASK_TRACED), Pause state or trace state .

 The process was suspended by an external program ( If received SIGSTOP The signal , The process goes into TASK_STOPPED state ), Continue to run when agreed again ( Process received SIGCONT The signal , Get into TASK_RUNNING state ).
 Pause jobs Mission 

Z (TASK_DEAD - EXIT_ZOMBIE), Exit state , The process becomes a zombie process .
A dead state . Process resource user space is freed , But processes in the kernel PCB No release . Wait for the parent process to recycle

X (TASK_DEAD - EXIT_DEAD), Exit state , The process is about to be destroyed .
The normal exit

Process scheduling process

Check the process
The goal of learning process management :
1、 View the current process of the system , Is there a process that uses too much resources
2、 Let the program execute first by adjusting the process priority
3、 How to deal with crashed programs stuck in memory

Common commands
PS: List process information statically
top: List process information dynamically

ps -l Check yourself bash Program

vim file1 &
ps -l

F: Represents this program tag
4: Indicates that the program permission is root
1: Indicates that the subroutine is only copied fork Without actually executing exec
S: Represents the state of the program STAT, The process status is 5 Kind of .
R (running): The program is running :
S(sleep): The program is in sleep idle, Can be awakened (signal)
D: A sleep state that cannot be awakened , Usually this program may be waiting I/O.
T: Stop state (stop), May be jobs A background program or traced Tracking status
Z(Zombie): Zombie state , The program has terminated but cannot be removed from memory .
UID/PID/PPID: owner / process ID/ The parent process of this program ID
C:cpu Usage rate , The unit is percentage
PRI/NI :priority/Nice Abbreviation , The representative program is cpu Priority of execution , The smaller it is , The first to be executed
ADDR/SZ/WCHAN:ADDR Memory related , If the status is a running program running, General display - .SZ Represents how much memory the program uses .WCHAN Indicates whether the program is running , If it is to use - Express .
TTY: Login terminal location
TIME: cost cpu Running program time

ps -ef List all processes and trust information Than ps -l detailed
ps -A Show all processes
ps -e And the effect of this parameter is specified "A" Parameters are the same .
f Display in the form of a process tree

[[email protected]~]$ ps -ef
UID         PID   PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
root          1      0  0 22:39 ?        00:00:03 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switche
root          2      0  0 22:39 ?        00:00:00 [kthreadd]

ps aux Check all system running programs
a Display all programs under the current terminal , Including other users' programs .
u   Display program status in a user oriented format .
x   Show all programs , Do not differentiate by terminal .

yum repolist all
yum install -y httpd
systemctl start httpd
systemctl status httpd
ps aux
ps aux | grep httpd

1、 Command options :
-d: Screen refresh interval top -d second

2、 Shortcut keys in commands :
h Show shortcut help
k terminate a process Process number 9
q Exit procedure
r Rearrange a priority for progress
s Change refresh interval , Unit second
l Switch to display the average load and start-up time information
m Toggle display memory information
t Toggle display progress and CPU State information
c Toggle display command name and full command line
M Sort by memory usage
P according to CPU Sort usage ( Default sort )
T According to time / Sort in progressive time
1 Unfold multicore cpu Show

3、top Content description
top- Current system time
How long has the system been powered on
Current number of users
load average cpu Average load , The three values are ,1 minute ,5 minute ,15 minute
Current process number of task system , A total of : The total number of processes , function : Number of running processes , sleep : The number of sleep processes , Has stopped : Number of processes stopped , Corpse : Number of zombie processes
%Cpu(s)cpu Usage rate , We : The user to use cpu One hundred percent ,sy: The system kernel uses cpu One hundred percent ,id: remainder cpu One hundred percent
Mem Memory usage information , A total of : Total memory size , You can use : Cached memory , Already used : Used memory ,buff / cache: The size of the cache memory
Exchange virtual memory information
PID process ID
User process owner
PR priority
NI nice value , Negative value indicates high priority , A positive value indicates a low priority
VIRT The amount of virtual memory used by the process
RES The amount of physical memory used by the process
SHR Shared memory size
S Process status ,D: Uninterrupted sleep ,R: function ,S: sleep ,T: track / stop it ,Z: Zombie process
%CPU Used by process CPU Percentage occupied
%MEM Percentage of physical memory used by the process
TIME + Progress used CPU Total time
COMMAND Command name

Kill process :
kill Signal number PID
-1: Reload
-9: Force to kill
-15: The normal exit

[[email protected] mnt]# ps aux | grep vim
root       7258  0.0  0.4  33972  8152 pts/1    T    22:18   0:00 vim file
root       7490  0.0  0.0  12320  1076 pts/0    S+   22:32   0:00 grep --color=auto vim
[[email protected] mnt]# kill -9 7258
[[email protected] mnt]# ps aux | grep vim
root       7504  0.0  0.0  12320  1056 pts/0    R+   22:32   0:00 grep --color=auto vim

killall Process name

[[email protected] mnt]# ps aux  | grep httpd
root       6424  0.0  0.6 273848 10816 ?        Ss   21:47   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     6426  0.0  0.4 286064  8312 ?        S    21:47   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     6429  0.0  0.5 1474980 9652 ?        Sl   21:47   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     6430  0.0  0.5 1343852 9652 ?        Sl   21:47   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
apache     6431  0.0  0.5 1343852 9652 ?        Sl   21:47   0:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND
root       7544  0.0  0.0  12320  1028 pts/0    R+   22:32   0:00 grep --color=auto httpd
[[email protected] mnt]# killall httpd
[[email protected] mnt]# ps aux  | grep httpd
root       7570  0.0  0.0  12320  1072 pts/0    R+   22:34   0:00 grep --color=auto httpd

[[email protected] mnt]# pgrep vim | xargs kill -9

remarks :
Linux Medium buff/cache Memory
We use it free、top And other related commands that can query the current memory usage , There is always one buff/cache Let's be confused .
When writing to disk , Save to disk buffer first (buffer), Then write to disk .
That is, when reading the disk , After the data is read from the disk , Stay in the buffer (cache), Prepare for the use of subsequent procedures .
How to divide buffer/cache( Already used or Free )
Operating system perspective : This memory is indeed used by the operating system .
User perspective : If the user wants to use , This memory can be quickly recycled and used by user space programs , Therefore, from the user's point of view, this memory should be classified as idle state .
Linux The benefits of this mechanism
This is a Linux A very excellent design , The purpose is to upgrade the disk IO Performance of , Data read from low-speed block devices is temporarily stored in memory , Even though the data was no longer needed at the time , But the next time the application accesses that data , It can be read directly from memory , Bypassing low-speed block devices , So as to improve the overall performance of the system .
In order to improve system performance and not waste memory ,linux Make more memory cache, In order to improve the io Speed . Your memory is not occupied .

Linux Work scheduling jobs
because linux It is a multi person and multi task operating system , So users are using linux There will be some work that we need to watch the progress of completion , And we can just put some work directly in the background , Here we are concerned with the front and back stage implementation of the task , So how to put a task into the background for execution ?

[[email protected] ~]# firefox &     #& The symbol is to put the process into the background for execution 
[1] 9283
[[email protected] ~]# jobs          # View background tasks 
[1]+   Running                firefox &
 Conclusion , The program runs in the background , Does not affect the command prompt 

Work management job control
adopt job control In a bash Perform multiple tasks in the environment .
We can't put tty1 The task of tty2 Execute below .
Suppose we have only one terminal interface . Therefore, the command prompt interface can appear, which we call foreground foreground, As for other work, you can put it in the background background Take a pause or work . Work put into the background, such as vim It can't be carried out , You can't use ctrl+c To terminate .

Something to watch out for :
These work starting procedures must come from you shell The subroutine of ( Only manage your own bash);
prospects : The environment in which you can control and give orders is called foreground work (foreground);
background : Work that can operate on its own , You can't use ctrl+c Stop it , have access to bg/fg Call the job ;
In the background :‘ perform ’ Your program can't wait terminal/shell Output input

Example :
1、tar -zpcf /tmp/etc.tar.gz /etc &
[[email protected] desktop ]# tar -zpcf /tmp/etc.tar.gz /etc &
[1] 10502 1 Is the job number ,10502 Is a process,
[1]+ Done tar -zpcf /tmp/etc.tar.gz /etc appear Done Represents this task to complete

Put the tasks in the work into the background jobs
Execute two orders
vim ~/.bashrc After implementation ctrl+z
find / print Press after execution ctrl+z

jobs View the tasks in the background
Options :
-l Show PID
-r Display in progress running The task of
-s Show stop The task of

fg % Task number Transfer the backstage to the front desk
bg % Task number Let the tasks in the background run in the background
kill -9 % Task number

[[email protected] ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/bigfile bs=1M count=4000      # Press ctrl+z  Manually cut into the background 
[4]+   Has stopped                dd if=/dev/zero of=/bigfile bs=1M count=4000
[[email protected] ~]# jobs
[1]    Running                firefox &
[2]    Has stopped                vim 1.sh
[3]-   Has stopped                vim 2.sh
[4]+   Has stopped                dd if=/dev/zero of=/bigfile bs=1M count=4000    # The task of manual entry will be suspended 
[[email protected] ~]# jobs -l 
[1]   9283  Running                firefox &
[2]   9689  stop it  (tty  Output )     vim 1.sh
[3]-  9808  stop it                   vim 2.sh
[4]+  9839  stop it                   dd if=/dev/zero of=/bigfile bs=1M count=4000
[[email protected] ~]# jobs -r
[1]    Running                firefox &
[[email protected] ~]# jobs -s
[2]    Has stopped                vim 1.sh
[3]-   Has stopped                vim 2.sh
[4]+   Has stopped                dd if=/dev/zero of=/bigfile bs=1M count=4000
[[email protected] ~]# bg %4      # The background task continues to run 
[4]+ dd if=/dev/zero of=/bigfile bs=1M count=4000 &
[[email protected] ~]# jobs
[1]    Running                firefox &
[2]-   Has stopped                vim 1.sh
[3]+   Has stopped                vim 2.sh
[4]    Running                dd if=/dev/zero of=/bigfile bs=1M count=4000 &
[[email protected] ~]#  Recorded 4000+0  Read in of 
 Recorded 4000+0  Write 
4194304000 bytes (4.2 GB, 3.9 GiB) copied, 178.781 s, 23.5 MB/s

[4]    Completed                dd if=/dev/zero of=/bigfile bs=1M count=4000
[[email protected] ~]# fg %2     # The background task is transferred to the foreground 
vim 1.sh
[[email protected] ~]# jobs
[1]-   Running                firefox &
[3]+   Has stopped                vim 2.sh
[[email protected] ~]# kill -9 %3     # Kill the background task 
[3]+   Have killed                vim 2.sh

[[email protected] ~]# jobs
[1]+   Running                firefox &

nice value
PRI: The priority given by the system cannot be manually modified
NI:nice value , It can be considered that the scope of change -20~19
1 root You can change your own or others' programs Nice Range of values -20~19
2、 General users can only adjust their own Nice Range of values 0-19
3、 General users can only nice The higher the value, the higher

Finally, the priority formula :PRI( new )=PRI( used )+nice value

The lower the priority, the first to execute

adjustment nice Value instruction :
System settings nice Value to use :nice command
There are already assigned nice Value to use :renice command

grammar :
nice -n Numbers command
-n A number range can be followed -20~19

nice -n -5 vi & Start a process and set nice value
renice 10 20485 Modify an already running program

 Example :
nice -n -5 vi &
[[email protected]  desktop ]# ps -l
4 S     0 18949 18947  0  80   0 -  1719 -      pts/0    00:00:00 bash
4 T     0 20485 18949  0  75  -5 -  1700 -      pts/0    00:00:00 vi
0 T     0 20490 18949  0  80   0 -  1700 -      pts/0    00:00:00 vi
4 R     0 20491 18949  0  80   0 -  1624 -      pts/0    00:00:00 ps

renice 10  Process number  , Then the modified value directly becomes the default value 80+10

[[email protected]  desktop ]# renice 10 20485
20485: old priority -5, new priority 10
[[email protected]  desktop ]# ps -l
4 S     0 18949 18947  0  80   0 -  1719 -      pts/0    00:00:00 bash
4 T     0 20485 18949  0  90  10 -  1700 -      pts/0    00:00:00 vi
0 T     0 20490 18949  0  80   0 -  1700 -      pts/0    00:00:00 vi
4 R     0 20778 18949  3  80   0 -  1625 -      pts/0    00:00:00 ps
