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Cocos2d Lua smaller and smaller sample memory game

2022-07-06 18:25:00 Full stack programmer webmaster

Hello everyone , I meet you again , I'm the king of the whole stack .

1. Introduction to the game

One ” memory ” Class game . You fight against the computer , Whose turn is it , Who turns two cards , Suppose two cards are the same . Just eliminate these two cards , have to 2 branch , Can continue to flip , Suppose two cards are different , Just another person . Until the last . Look who scores high .

Game design ideas can be seen in this article 《Cocos2d Game state machine 》

2. Lua Simple object oriented

We know Lua It's script language , Not really an object-oriented language . But object-oriented seems to make the code structure more reasonable .Javascript, Lua Can simulate object-oriented .Lua There are many ways to realize object orientation , Of course, there is no introduction here .

Simply look at inheritance Sprite Writing . Copy official .

MatchCard = class("Match",function (spriteFrameName, value)
    MatchCard.value = value //-- attribute 
    return cc.Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName("MatchCardBg.png")
MatchCard.test= true //-- attribute 
 //-- One way 
function MatchCard:containsTouchLocation(x,y)
local position = cc.p(self:getPosition())
local s = self:getContentSize()    
local touchRect = cc.rect(-s.width / 2 + position.x, -s.height / 2 + position.y, s.width, s.height)    
local b = cc.rectContainsPoint(touchRect,cc.p(x,y))    
return b
//--new  An object , Of course, this is the same as c++ The kind of different 
local card = MatchCard.new()
//-- Calling method 

3.Cocos Code Ide establish Lua project

My game uses Cocos Code Ide Created . Fairly smooth .API Refer to Lua-Tests That's all. .

The overall is the same . I haven't played yet Quick cocos2d-x.

4.cocos2d lua Use feeling

Use Cocos2d-x Of C++ Programming is the most comfortable , Even though C++ Grammar is hard to write . But I don't easy Encounter very strange Bug. The compilation speed is too slow , It's hard to cooperate with the planner . image Js, and Lua, You have defined some writing methods . Planning can also be written directly Js and Lua,C++ No way. . also Cocos2d-x C++ Can use the latest version number , transplant Android and IOS No problem .

also Cocos2d-x C++ I feel I can write high-quality code . also VS2012 Very easy to use .

Lua,JS It's all script language , It is used to develop games very fast .

There is no need to compile . Just get used to it C++ That kind of disciplined object-oriented , Write Lua,JS Object orientation is always weird .Debug Sometimes relative C++ Relatively difficult .cocos2d JS Or use it WebStorm Writing is cool .Cocos Code Ide Follow VS2012 and WebStorm There is still a gap , Some aspects are integrated Cocos Game framework for , So some aspects are easier to use .

5. Dynamic diagram and project source code download

I am right. Lua Less use , I feel the writing is poor , Too many global variables . Project download address :



exe Can directly execute in /runtime/win32/MatchGame.exe, I won't support it XP,Win7 Should be able to .


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Publisher : Full stack programmer stack length , Reprint please indicate the source :https://javaforall.cn/117397.html Link to the original text :https://javaforall.cn


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