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Ms-tct: INRIA & SBU proposed a multi-scale time transformer for motion detection. The effect is SOTA! Open source! (CVPR2022)...

2022-07-06 18:11:00 I love computer vision

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Share this article CVPR 2022 The paper 『MS-TCT: Multi-Scale Temporal ConvTransformer for Action Detection』,Inria&SBU Propose multi-scale time for motion detection Transformer,《MS-TCT》, Detection effect SOTA! The code is open source !

The details are as follows :


  • Thesis link :https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03902

  • Project links :https://github.com/dairui01/MS-TCT



Motion detection is an important and challenging task , Especially in non clip video datasets with dense tags . These data consist of complex temporal relationships , Including compound or joint actions . To detect actions in these complex environments , It is important to effectively capture short-term and long-term time information . So , The author proposes a new method for motion detection “ConvTransformer” The Internet :MS-TCT.

The network consists of three main components :

  1. Time encoder module , It explores global and local temporal relationships with multiple temporal resolutions ;

  2. Timescale mixer module , It effectively fuses multi-scale features , Create a unified feature representation ;

  3. Classification module , It learns the relative position of the center of each action instance in time , And predict the frame level classification score .

The authors are working on several challenging data sets ( Such as Charades、TSU and MultiTHUMOS) The experimental results on show the effectiveness of the proposed method , This method is superior to the most advanced method on all three data sets .




Motion detection is a well-known problem in computer vision , Its purpose is to find the precise time boundary between actions in the unedited video . It fits well with the settings of the real world , Because every minute of the video may be full of multiple actions to be detected and marked . Some public datasets provide dense annotations to solve this problem , Its movement distribution is similar to the real world . However , Such data can be challenging , Multiple actions occur simultaneously in different time spans , And the background information is limited . therefore , Understanding the short-term and long-term time dependence between actions is critical to making good predictions .

for example ,“ Eat something ”( See above ) The action of can be from “ Open the refrigerator ” and “ Make sandwiches ” Get context information , Corresponding to short-term and long-term action dependence respectively . Besides ,“ Put things on the table ” and “ Make sandwiches ” The appearance of provides context information to detect compound actions “ cooking ”. This example shows that an effective time modeling technique is needed to detect actions in tag dense video . 

In order to model the time relationship in the uncut video , Many methods have been used in the past 1D Time convolution . However , Limited by the size of its nucleus , Convolution based methods can only directly access local information , Unable to learn the direct relationship between time distant clips in the video ( here , Treat a group of consecutive frames as a segment ). therefore , Such methods cannot model the remote interaction between fragments that may be important for action detection .

With Transformers Success in natural language processing , And recent success in the field of computer vision , The most recent method uses multi head self attention (MHSA) Modeling long-term relationships in video for motion detection . This attention mechanism can be used in every time segment of the video ( Time token) Establish a direct one-to-one overall relationship between , To detect highly correlated and compound actions . However , Existing methods rely on modeling this long-term relationship on the input frame itself .

ad locum , Time token Cover only part of the frame , Relative to an action , The number of these frames is too small . Besides , In this setting ,Transformer It is necessary to clearly learn the adjacency caused by time consistency token Strong relationship between , And time convolution ( That is, local inductive bias ) Naturally, this relationship will occur . therefore , pure transformer Architecture may not be enough to model complex time dependencies for action detection .


So , The author proposed multi-scale time ConvTransformer(MS-TCT), This is a model that includes both the advantages of convolution and self attention . The author is based on token Convolution is used to enhance token Multiple time scales , And easily mix adjacent token, So as to achieve time consistency .

in fact ,MS-TCT Build in use 3D Convolution trunk coding time period . Each time period is considered MS-TCT Single input token, It is processed in multiple stages with different time scales . These scales are determined by the size of the time period , The time period is treated as a single... In the input of each stage token. Having different scales makes MS-TCT Be able to understand atomic action at an early stage ( Such as “ Open the refrigerator ”) The fine-grained relationship between , And understand the compound action in the later stage ( Such as “ cooking ”) The rough relationship between .

More specifically , Each stage includes one for merging token Time convolution , Then there is a group of multi head self attention layer and time convolution layer , Model the global time relationship respectively , And in token Inject local information between . Because convolution introduces inductive bias ,MS-TCT Using the time convolution layer, we can inject and token Relevant location information . Then the time relationship under different scales is modeled , Use the hybrid module to fuse the features of each stage , Get a unified feature representation .

Last , In order to predict the behavior of dense distribution , The author in MS-TCT In addition to the usual multi label classification branches , We introduced one heat-map Branch . The heat-map The network is encouraged to predict the relative time position of each action class instance . The above figure shows the relative time position calculated based on the Gaussian filter parameterized by the center of the example and its duration . It represents the relative time position relative to the center of the action instance at any given time . Through this new branch ,MS-TCT Can be in token Embedded in the representation class-wise Relative time position of , Encourage differentiation in complex videos token classification .

in summary , Of this work Main contributions yes :

  1. An effective method is proposed ConvTransformer, Used to model complex temporal relationships in unedited video ;

  2. A new branch is introduced to learn the position relative to the center of the instance , This is helpful for motion detection in dense annotation videos ;

  3. It achieves SOTA Performance of !




For length is T Video sequence of , Every time step t All contain a ground-truth Action tag , Which means action class . For each time step , Motion detection models need to predict class probabilities .

The motion detection model proposed in this paper MS-TCT As shown in the figure below , It contains 4 Parts of :

  1. Encoding the preliminary video representation Visual encoder ,

  2. At different time scales ( That's resolution ) On the structural modeling of time relationship Time encoder ,

  3. Time expressed in combination with multi-scale time scale Mixer (TS Mixer),

  4. Prediction of class probability Classification module .

3.1. Visual Encoder

Motion detection network MS-TCT The input of is an unedited video , It may last for a long time ( for example , A few minutes ). However , Processing long videos in spatial and temporal dimensions can be challenging , Mainly due to the computational burden . As a compromise , Similar to the previous motion detection model , The author will 3D CNN The features of the extracted video clips are used as MS-TCT The input of ,MS-TCT Potentially embed spatial information as channels .

To be specific , Author use I3D Trunk to encode video . Each video is divided into T Non overlapping fragments ( During training ), Each segment is composed of 8 The frame of . In this way RGB Frames are fed as input segments I3D The Internet . Each segment level feature (I3D Output ) Can be regarded as a time step Transformer token( Time token). Authors stack along the timeline token, Form a video token Express , And input it to the time encoder .

3.2. Temporal Encoder

Effective time modeling is crucial for understanding the long-term temporal relationship in video , Especially for complex motion synthesis . Given a set of videos token, There are two main ways to model time information : Use (1)1D Time convolution , This layer focuses on adjacent token, But ignore the direct long-term time dependence in video , or (2) The main methods of modeling time information : Use (1)1D Time convolution [31], This layer focuses on adjacent tokens , But ignore the direct long-term time dependence in video , or (2) Converter layer [45], This layer globally encodes the one-to-one interaction of all tokens , Ignore local semantics at the same time , This has proved useful in modeling highly correlated visual signals , This layer globally encodes all token One to one interaction , Ignore local semantics at the same time , This has proved useful in modeling highly correlated visual signals . The temporal encoder in this paper alternately explores local and global context information .

As shown in the figure above , The time encoder follows with N A hierarchy of stages : Early learning has more time token The fine-grained action representation of , And the later stage of learning has less token Rough representation of . Each stage corresponds to a semantic level ( Time resolution ), Merge blocks and by one time B A big picture - Local relation blocks consist of , As shown in the figure below .


Temporal Merging Block

The time merge block is a key component to introduce the network hierarchy , It increases the feature dimension while reducing token The number of ( Time resolution ). This step can be regarded as adjacent token Weighted pooling operation between . actually , The author uses a single time convolution ( The nuclear size is k, The steps are usually 2) take token Halve the quantity , And expand the channel size ×γ. In the first phase , The author keeps the step size 1, To keep in touch with I3D Output the same number of token, And the feature size is projected from .

Global-Local Relational Block

overall situation - Local relation blocks are further decomposed into global relation blocks and local relation blocks ( See above ). In the global relationship block , The author uses the standard multi head self attention layer to model long-term action dependence , That is, the global context . In a local relation block , The author uses time convolution ( The nuclear size is k) By injecting adjacent token The context of ( That is, local inductive bias ) To enhance token Express . This enhances each token Time consistency , At the same time, the short-term time information corresponding to the action instance is modeled .

For block , The author will enter token Expressed as . First ,token Through multiple layers of attention in the global relationship block , The global relationship block consists of H It consists of two attention heads . For each head , Input projection to , among

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Represents the weight of the linear layer , Represents the feature size of each head . therefore , The self attention of each head is calculated as :


then , The output of different attention heads is mixed with additional linear layers , As shown below :


Where represents the weight of the linear layer . The output feature size of the multi head attention layer is the same as the input feature size .

Next , The output of long attention token Send to local relation block , The block is composed of two linear layers and a time convolution layer . As shown in the figure above ,token First, go through the linear layer to increase the feature dimension from , Then the core size is k Time convolution , Its mixture is adjacent token To time token Provide local location information . Last , Another linear layer projects the feature size back . The two linear layers in this block realize the conversion between the multi head attention layer and the time convolution layer .

From the last overall situation of each stage - Output of local relation block token It is combined and fed to the following time scale mixer .

3.3. Temporal Scale Mixer

In obtaining different time scales token after , The rest of the problem is , How to aggregate these multiscale token To get a unified video representation ? In order to predict the action probability , The classification module of this paper needs to predict the original length of time as the network input . therefore , Need to interpolate across time dimensions token, This is achieved by performing up sampling and linear projection steps .


As shown in the figure above , For from stage Output , This operation can be expressed as :


among , The upper sampling rate is n. In the hierarchy of this article , Early stage ( Low semantics ) It has high time resolution , And later stage ( Higher semantics ) With low time resolution . To balance resolution and semantics , The last stage N Up sampling of token Processing through linear layers , And with the upper sampling of each stage token Add up . This operation can be expressed as :


among , It's No n Stage refining token,⊕ Represents the addition and of elements . here , All refined token It means that they all have the same length of time . Last , Will they concat get up , Get the final multi-scale video representation :


Then send the multi-scale video representation to the classification module for prediction .

3.4. Classification Module

MS-TCT Training is achieved through joint learning of two classification tasks . The author introduces a new classification branch to learn action examples heatmap. this heatmap differ ground truth label , Because it changes over time , Based on Action Center and duration . Use this heatmap The purpose of expression is to MS-TCT Learning from token Relative positioning of coding time in .

For training heatmap Branch , First, we need to build class based ground truth heatmap Respond to , among C Indicates the number of action classes . In this work , The author constructs By considering the maximum response of a set of one-dimensional Gaussian filters . Each Gaussian filter corresponds to an instance of an action class in the video , Focus on specific action instances in time .

More precisely , For each time location t,ground truth heatmap The response formula is as follows :


here ,σ Provide instance specific Gaussian activation based on center and instance duration . Besides ,σ Equal to the duration of each instance , Represents a class c And examples a Center of . It's in the video c Total number of instances of class .heatmap Is to use a core size of k Time convolution and nonlinear activation , Then there is sigmoid Activate another linear layer to calculate . Given ground truth And predicted heatmap, The author calculated action focal loss, The formula is as follows :


among A Is the total number of action instances in the video .

Similar to the previous work , The author uses another branch to perform common multi label classification . For video features , Use two with sigmoid The active linear layer calculates the prediction , And according to ground truth Tag calculation Binary Cross Entropy(BCE) Loss . Only the scores predicted by this branch are used in the evaluation . The input of both branches is the same output token.heatmap Branching encourages the model to embed the relative position of the instance center into the video token in . therefore , Classification branches can also benefit from these location information , To make better predictions .

The total loss is expressed as the weighted sum of the above two losses :





As shown in the table above , With only classified branches I3D Features are considered representative baseline. The baseline Contains a classifier , The classifier uses I3D features , Without any further time modeling . Adding the time encoder in this article significantly improves the performance (+7.0%). This reflects the effectiveness of time encoder in modeling the time relationship in video .

Besides , If a time scale mixer is introduced to mix features from different time scales , It can be improved with the least amount of calculation +0.5%. Last , The author has studied heatmap The practicality of branches in the classification module . Pay attention to this discovery , When optimized with classification branches ,heatmap Branches are valid , But when optimizing without it , Unable to learn to distinguish between representations .


In the above table , The author gives the ablation related to the design selection of a stage in the time encoder . Each row in the above table represents the result of removing components at each stage . It can be found that removing any component will significantly reduce performance . This observation shows that , In the method of this paper , The importance of joint modeling of global and local relationships , And the effectiveness of multi-scale structure .


The author also delves into the local relationship blocks in each stage . There are two linear layers and a time convolution layer in the local relation block . In the above table , The authors further ablated these components . First , The author found , If there is no time to accumulate , Detection performance will degrade . This observation shows that Transformer Token The importance of mixing with time and location .

Besides , When the feature size remains unchanged , Using a transition layer can improve performance 1.8%, This shows the importance of the transition layer . Last , The author studies the influence of expansion rate on network performance . When setting different feature expansion rates , The author finds that when the input feature is located in a high-dimensional space , Time convolution can better model local time relations .


The above table shows the methods and SOTA The comparison results of the methods are , It can be seen that this method has obvious performance advantages .


The table above shows Charades The action condition measurement of data set is used to evaluate the network in this paper .


The picture above shows Charades The data set is right PDAN and MS-TCT A qualitative assessment was carried out . because Coarse-Fine Network The prediction of is similar to X3D The Internet , Limited to dozens of frames , Therefore, it is impossible to communicate with Coarse-Fine Network Compare . As you can see from the picture above MS-TCT Comparable PDAN Predict action instances more accurately . This comparison reflects transformer Effectiveness of structure and multi-scale time modeling .


The table above shows the proposed ConvTransformer To a great extent, it is superior to pure transformer And pure convolution network ( Respectively 3.1% and 4.0%). This shows that ConvTransformer It can better model the time relationship of complex actions .


The figure above visualizes Ground Truth Heatmap() And the corresponding prediction Heatmap(). The author observed , adopt Heatmap Branch ,MS-TCT Predict the central position of the action instance , indicate MS-TCT Embed relevant information of the center into token in .



In this work , The author puts forward a new kind of ConvTransformer The Internet :MS-TCT For motion detection . It benefits from convolution and self attention , Modeling local and global time relationships on multiple time scales . Besides , The author also introduces a new branch to learn the relative position of action instance center in class .MS-TCT Evaluate on three challenging benchmarks for dense marker motion detection , On this basis, the latest results have been obtained .

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