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Heavy! Ant open source trusted privacy computing framework "argot", flexible assembly of mainstream technologies, developer friendly layered design

2022-07-06 17:51:00 CSDN information


7 month 4 Japan , Ant group announced the official open source trusted privacy computing framework for global developers “ Argot ”, use Apache-2.0 agreement , Code managed to GitHub、Gitee Two big platform .“ Argot ” Through good extensible architecture design , A set of general framework is used to uniformly support the following MPC、TEE、FL、HE、DP Including a variety of mainstream privacy computing technologies , It can flexibly combine various technologies , Provide different solutions for different application scenarios .


Six years of technological precipitation ,“ Argot ” Break through a privacy computing application problem

2016 year ,“ Argot ” As a “ Experimental projects ” In the birth of ants , Step on the first footprint from matrix transformation technology , To trusted execution environment (TEE), Then to multi-party secure computing (MPC)、 Federal learning (FL) etc. , We have been enriching our technical connotation all the way , In Finance 、 Successful landing application experience in practical application scenarios in medical and other fields .

Although privacy computing theory has developed for more than 40 years , At the application level , There are still many industries that must be crossed obstacle

  • There are various directions of privacy computing technology , Different scenarios have their own more appropriate technical solutions ;

  • Privacy computing has a high learning curve , Users with non privacy computing backgrounds have difficulty using ;

  • Privacy computing involves many fields It requires the cooperation of experts in the field .

Privacy computing is still a relatively new interdisciplinary field at this stage , Involving cryptography 、 machine learning 、 database 、 Trusted hardware and other fields , Including multi-party secure computing (MPC)、 Federal learning (FL)、 Trusted execution environment (TEE)、 Trusted dense state computation (TECC) And other technical routes , Involving many professional technology stacks , It is not easy to achieve perfection and ensure safety .“ Argot ” The design goal of , Is to make data scientists and machine learning developers do not need to understand the underlying technical details , It is very easy to use privacy computing technology for data analysis and machine learning modeling .

that , How can we adapt to the different needs of developers at different levels ?

To achieve this goal , Argots provide a layer of device abstraction , Multi party secure computing (MPC)、 Homomorphic encryption (HE) And trusted execution environment (TEE) And other privacy computing technologies are abstracted as ciphertext devices , Abstract unilateral computing into plaintext devices .


Based on this level of abstraction , Data analysis and machine learning workflow can be represented as a calculation diagram , Where the node represents the calculation on a device , Edges represent data flow between devices , The data flow between different types of devices will automatically carry out protocol conversion . At this point , Argot draws on the mainstream deep learning framework , The latter represents the neural network as a calculation diagram composed of operators on devices and tensor flows between devices .

The above process corresponds to disassembly to frame layering ,“ Argot ” From bottom to top , The following design and research have been carried out :


Resource Management : It mainly undertakes two responsibilities . The first is for the business delivery team , It can shield the differences in the underlying infrastructure of different institutions , Reduce the deployment, operation and maintenance cost of the business delivery team . On the other hand , Through the unified scheduling and management of resources of different institutions , It solves the problems of large-scale and high availability in production scenarios .

Ming ciphertext computing equipment and primitive layer : Provides a unified programmable device abstraction , Multi party secure computing (MPC)、 Homomorphic encryption (HE)、 Trusted hardware (TEE) And other privacy computing technologies are abstracted as dense devices , Abstract unilateral local computing into plaintext devices . meanwhile , It provides some basic algorithms that are not suitable for device abstraction , Such as differential privacy (DP)、 Secure aggregation (Secure Aggregation) etc. . In the future, when new dense state computing technologies appear , This loosely coupled design can be integrated into the privacy framework .

Ming ciphertext Mixed Scheduling layer : On the one hand, this layer provides the upper layer with an interface for mixed programming of Ming and ciphertext , It also provides a unified device scheduling abstraction . By describing the upper algorithm as a directed acyclic graph , Where the node represents the calculation on a device , Edges represent data flow between devices , Logic calculation diagram . Then the distributed framework further splits the logical calculation diagram and schedules it to physical nodes .

AI & BI Privacy algorithm layer : The purpose of this layer is to shield the technical details of privacy Computing , But preserve the essence of privacy Computing , The purpose is to reduce the development threshold of privacy computing algorithm , Improve development efficiency . Developers who have privacy computing algorithm development demands , According to their own scenarios and business characteristics , Design some specialized privacy computing algorithms , To meet their own business and scenario security 、 Balance between computational performance and computational accuracy . On this level , Argot itself will also provide some general algorithmic capabilities , such as MPC Of LR/XGB/NN, Federated learning algorithm ,SQL Ability, etc .

User interface layer : The goal of argot is not to make an end-to-end product , But to enable different businesses to have comprehensive privacy computing capabilities through rapid integration of argots . Therefore, argot will provide a thin layer of products at the top API, And some atomized front and rear ends SDK, To reduce the cost of business integration argot .


Taking openness as the core “ Argot ” We are committed to making the developer experience the best

Summarize the structural layering of argot , It can be seen that the argot framework always revolves around The core idea of openness , Through different levels of design abstraction , It can provide good development experience for different types of developers :

Good equipment interface and protocol interface in the equipment layer , Support plug-in access of more devices and protocols , Pair cryptography 、 Trusted hardware 、 Developers with hardware acceleration and other backgrounds are friendly , It is conducive to expanding the types and functions of dense state Computing , Continuously improve the security and computing performance of the Protocol .

The algorithm layer provides a flexible programming interface for machine learning , Friendly to algorithm developers , They can define their own algorithms in the same way as using traditional machine learning frameworks .

So in The first open source version in , Argot has opened those modules ? What functions are supported ?

0b9bad5950399e2602c4bd2cea0e5181.png chart : Argot frame V0.6 Open source module

  • MPC equipment

Support most Numpy API, Support automatic derivation , Provide LR and NN dependent demo, Support pade High precision fixed-point number fitting algorithm , Support ABY3、 Cheetah agreement . Users can use the traditional algorithm programming mode , I don't know MPC Protocol based development MPC Agreed AI Algorithm

  • HE equipment

Support Paillier Homomorphic encryption algorithm , Offer to the top Numpy Programming interface (API) , Users can use Numpy The interface performs matrix addition or ciphertext matrix multiplication . And realize the connection with MPC Data can be transferred between dense devices .

  • Differential privacy security primitive

Some differential privacy noise mechanisms are implemented 、 Safety noise generator 、 Privacy cost calculator .

  • Ming ciphertext mixed programming

Support centralized programming mode , Use @device Mark up the mixed computing diagram of plaintext and ciphertext devices , Parallel based on computational graph 、 Asynchronous task scheduling .

  • Data preprocessing

Provide data standardization in horizontal scenarios 、 discretization 、 Sub box function , Provide correlation coefficient matrix in vertical scene 、WOE Sub box function . Seamlessly connect existing dataframe, Provide and sklearn Consistent use of body feel .

  • AI & BI Privacy algorithms - Multiparty secure computing

Provide XGBoost Algorithm 、 Add HESS-LR Algorithm , Combined with differential privacy, the privacy protection of split learning is enhanced .

  • AI & BI Privacy algorithms - Federal learning

Provide federal learning model construction and include SecureAggregation,MPC Aggregation, Gradient aggregation of multiple security modes including , Users only need to give the participants when building the model list And polymerization methods , Subsequent data reading , The experience from preprocessing to model training is almost the same as that of traditional plaintext programming .

In short , Mainly as follows :

For algorithms / Model development : The programming ability provided by using argots , It can easily and quickly migrate more algorithms and models , And enhanced privacy protection .

For the bottom Security Co Construction : The underlying password can be / Security research results are embedded in the argot , Improve the capability of dense equipment 、 Performance and safety , Transform actual business applications .

According to the release conference of Argyle open source ,“ Argot ” It will also be updated in the subsequent open source version , Gradually light up more modules .


Go to developers , Penetrate technical barriers and practice “ A unique skill ”

Return to this Practical problems , There are many privacy computing frameworks on the market , such as TFE,CrypTen,MP-SPDZ etc. , Because the existing is based on AI Framework (TFE/CrypTen), It is also a framework starting from secure computing (SPDZ), There are certain limitations . The former is often difficult to deploy , It is difficult to make specific optimization in the security field . The latter often needs to write something Toy AI frame , High learning cost .

stay “ Argot ” A whole set of precipitated “ A unique skill ” in , Dense computing equipment SPU It is one of the highlights of innovative research and development .

SPU yes Secretflow Processing Unit For short , She acts as a cryptic computing unit of the argot platform , Provide secure computing services for argots :


In recent years, , Dense state calculation (MPC/HE) Great progress has been made in computing power , But dense computing power and AI The algorithm requirements of are still difficult to match . For example, federal learning , Implement a sub step of the algorithm with secure computing , Sacrifice local security for higher performance . When the computational power cannot match the algorithm ,“ Argot ” The idea is “ Ming ciphertext mixed ”, To achieve a balance between safety and performance .

Argot provides a very free Ming ciphertext hybrid programming paradigm , We do not restrict the plaintext engine , Nor does it restrict the ciphertext engine , Developers can use their familiar framework to develop , Then mark some part of it and run it with the plaintext engine , The other part uses SPU run . such as :

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As a contrast , From the perspective of safety and performance , No matter what TFE/CrypTen/SPDZ It's hard to make such a balance .

Besides ,SPU The deployment mode of is transparent , You don't have to change any line of code , The existing models can be safely and correctly implemented in any of the above deployment scenarios . also ( As opposed to based on AI Privacy computing framework of the platform )SPU The runtime is very lightweight , Unwanted Python runtime, It can be easily deployed and integrated .

As AI developer , No security background is required , The existing model can be safely applied to multi-party data .

As a security developer , No need for any AI background , Only the basic operators of secure computing , Can support a variety of front-end frameworks . also , You can easily deploy and operate , Compromise between safety and performance , Find the best landing plan .

SPU take AI Front end and MPC Back end decoupling , Make in SPU Any security protocol extended in can support a variety of front ends without feeling . This part , There are already teams “ Argot ” Some achievements have been made in the framework Build and realize , For example, Alibaba security Gemini laboratory will Cheetah( Cheetah ) The agreement is partly contributed to the argot , And better optimization .

Another bright spot is : At present, the fastest two-party secure computing protocol in the industry “ Cheetah ”, Contributed to the argot , Realize deep collaboration .

At present, the privacy computing demand scenario in the industry is dominated by two-party Computing :Alice( Data demanders ) With the help of Bob( data source ) Data to enhance their business capabilities , however Bob I don't want to give my own data directly . So how to efficiently implement secure two-party Computing (2PC), It has become the key to solve this problem . To solve this problem, Alibaba security Gemini laboratory has developed Cheetah( Cheetah ) Secure two-party computing framework , stay 2PC Breakthroughs have been made in many underlying bottlenecks , The overall performance of both parties' computing has been greatly improved , It can be faster than the best results before - Microsoft CryptFLOW2(CCS20) promote 5 More than times , Has been one of the four major international security conferences USENIX Security Symposium receive .

In addition to the public content of some papers , The cheetah is already “ Argot ” Implemented in the Better optimization ( Compared with public code support 30-40 Bit's secret sharing , What cheetah realizes in argot is to support such as 64 Bit's greater secret sharing ) And some algorithms not disclosed in the paper . The most important thing is that this implementation has no perception of the upper business logic of the argot , That is, the logic code of the argot already exists and does not need to be changed to adapt .


“ Argot ” Future planning of the open source community

“ Argot ” Logical device abstraction provides great flexibility for algorithm developers , They can freely combine these devices like building blocks , Customize the calculation on the device , So as to build their own privacy computing algorithm . at present ,“ Argot ”  Open source adoption Apache-2.0, Allow free download and use , Not only will more modules and functions be gradually opened to developers in the code base , Some have also been provided in the developer documentation Example of privacy protection algorithm development , Such as image classification tasks based on Federated learning , For developers to download, run and feel the effect .

In addition to focusing on technology itself , Programmability in the framework 、 Scalability is enhanced .“ Argot ” The open source community has also been officially established , Around the open source community , Ant group and argot will also cooperate with developers in many aspects 、 Researchers jointly build a privacy computing ecosystem :

One is to use words through various channels 、 Videos and other diverse content , Popularize the technology of privacy Computing , Enhance communication with developers through open communication discussion ;

The second is the linkage of scientific research institutions in Colleges and universities “ Online teaching ”, Form the combination of industrial perspective and Teaching Perspective , Create more diverse communication activities for developers , Precipitate systematic privacy computing learning materials , Share publicly , Help developers grow ;

besides , At the Argyle open source press conference , Ant group announced a joint venture with the Chinese computer society ( abbreviation CCF) To set up “CCF- Special scientific research fund for ant privacy Computing ”, Incubation support for privacy computing researchers , Open recruitment 、 Selection 、 Support the in-depth development of innovative and valuable topics , Support privacy computing frontier research .

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