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Guidelines for preparing for the 2022 soft exam information security engineer exam

2022-07-06 17:37:00 Moon Dream Studio

National computer technology and software professional technical qualification ( level ) The test ( hereinafter referred to as “ Computer software examination ”) By the Ministry of human resources and social security 、 Professional and technical qualification examination led by the Ministry of industry and information technology , Incorporated into the unified planning of the national professional and technical personnel professional qualification certificate system . According to the general office of the Ministry of human resources and social security 《 About 2016 Annual professional and technical personnel qualification examination plan and related issues notice 》( The human resources and social security department issued 〔2015〕182 Number ), Professional and technical qualification in computer technology and software ( level ) Information Security Engineer in the exam ( intermediate ).

Information security engineers belong to “ The information system ” major , Intermediate qualification ,2016 In the second half of , The first examination of Information Security Engineer ( intermediate ) The test . At present, the exam is held once a year . The exam has been started six times ,2016 year 11 month 12 Japan ,2017 year 5 month 20 Japan ,2018 year 5 month 26 Japan ,2019 year 5 month 25 Japan ,2020 year 11 month 7 Japan ,2020 year 11 month 6 Day is the sixth exam .

The fifth and sixth exams , Use the second edition of teaching materials .

Safety engineer exam subject information :

1. Basic knowledge and technology of network information security , The examination time is 150 minute , written examination , choice question ;

2. Network information security engineering and comprehensive application practice , The examination time is 150 minute , written examination , Q & A questions .

The gold content of soft test information security engineers :

1. Title Evaluation . Take the exam for the review , Passing is the intermediate title .

2. Settlement of points .

3. Deduct individual income tax .

4. A promotion and pay increase .

5. Receive government cash subsidies . Skill improvement after obtaining certificate , You can apply for subsidies .


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