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Reprint: defect detection technology of industrial components based on deep learning

2022-07-06 18:10:00 Kamigen

One 、 Dataset shortcomings

1. The sample size of the dataset is small , There's only... In all 117 A sample picture , There are fewer pictures of defect samples . Insufficient data samples easily lead to the fitting phenomenon of the model , Generalization ability is not strong .

2. The pixel size of the picture is 512*512, Large amount of computation . If the image size is compressed or the image is converted to gray-scale image, it may lead to the loss of useful feature information .

Two 、 Data preprocessing

For the above shortcomings , The simplest and most effective method is to expand the sample size of the data set , Generally, geometric transformation is used to increase the training set samples . The commonly used geometric transformation methods are rotation 、 Zoom translation .

1. Rotation and scaling of pictures

use cv2.getRotationMatrix2D Generating transformation matrix M, Reuse warpAffine Apply affine transformation to the picture . In order to generate multiple pictures with different rotation modes , You can set the rotation angle range , And image zoom range , Take random values in the range every time to generate the rotated picture . The code is as follows ( The code only shows ideas , loosely )

# Set image rotation parameters 
RotateOrign=(250,250) # Represents the center of rotation 
RotateAngle=(60,90) # It means to rotate clockwise 60-90 degree 
RotateScale=(0.8,1) # It means that the image will be scaled to the original after rotation 0.8-1 times 
# Define the rotation operation function 
def Rotate(image,rotateOrign,rotateAngle,rotateScale):
    M=cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(rotateOrign,rotateAngle,rotateScale) # Transformation matrix M
    return dst
# Generate pictures 
 for item in imgList:
     for num in range(generateImgNum): #generateImgNum: Number of generated pictures 

2. The translation of the picture

First define the translation matrix M, Reuse warpAffine Apply affine transformation to the picture .

# Image translation parameters 
MoveX=(50,100) # towards X How many pixel units to move in the direction 
MoveY=(-50,50) # towards Y How many pixel units to move in the direction 
# Define the translation operation function 
def Translate(image,moveX,moveY):
    return dst
# Generate pictures 
for item in imgList:
    for num in range(generateImgNum): #generateImgNum: Number of generated pictures 

In addition to expanding the sample size of the data set through geometric transformation , Common data preprocessing is to extract features from the input image through convolution . Common convolution operations include Gaussian blur and edge detection .

3. Gaussian blur

Gaussian blur , It's also called Gaussian smoothing , It is usually used to reduce image noise and reduce the level of detail ( Baidu Encyclopedia )

use cv2.GaussianBlur Gaussian Blur , The size of Gaussian convolution kernel must be positive and odd .

# Gaussian blur parameter 
GaussianBlurkernelSize=5 # The size of Gaussian convolution kernel 
GaussianBlurSigma=(0,2) # Gaussian kernel standard deviation range 
# Define Gaussian blur function 
def GaussianBlur(image,kernelSize,sigma):
    return Gblur
# Blur the picture 
for item in imgList:
    for num in range(generateImgNum): #generateImgNum: Number of generated pictures 

4. edge detection

Edge detection extracts the edge features of the picture .Canny Images before and after algorithm processing ( The picture is from OpenCV file ):

  Several common algorithms of edge detection :Sobel、Laplacian、Canny.

4.1 Sobel

basis : Up and down the pixel 、 The gray weighted difference between the left and right adjacent points , Reach the extreme value at the edge . First pair x Calculate the gradient of the direction and take the absolute value ( There is less than 0 Pixel value ), Right again y Calculate the gradient of the direction and take the absolute value , Finally, the image is mixed and weighted .

sobelx = cv2.Sobel(img,cv2.CV_64F,1,0,ksize=3) #1,0 Indicates that the calculation direction is x
sobelx = cv2.convertScaleAbs(sobelx) # Take the absolute value 
sobely = cv2.Sobel(img,cv2.CV_64F,0,1,ksize=3) #0,1 Indicates that the calculation direction is y
sobely = cv2.convertScaleAbs(sobely) # Take the absolute value 
sobelxy = cv2.addWeighted(sobelx, 0.5, sobely, 0.5, 0) # Mixed weighting 

4.2 Laplacian

basis : Calculate the second derivative , The value at the maximum change is zero, that is, the edge is zero . Direct use cv2.Laplacian Edge detection .

aplacian = cv2.Laplacian(img, cv2.CV_64F,ksize=3)
laplacian = cv2.convertScaleAbs(laplacian)

4.3 Canny

  use cv2.Canny Achieve edge detection .Canny Set high threshold and low threshold in the algorithm , The high threshold distinguishes the object to be extracted from the background , Low threshold is used to smooth the contour . 

EdgeDetectionThreshold1=25    # Low threshold 
EdgeDetectionThreshold2=250   # High threshold 
def EdgeDetection(image,threshold1,threshold2,):
    return edges
for item in imgList:

4.4 Canny Algorithm improvement

reference : An improved adaptive threshold Canny Algorithm

OpenCV Documentation about tradition Canny Introduction of algorithm :Canny Edge Detector

Tradition Canny The realization process of the algorithm :

Image Gaussian filtering . Smooth the image , Eliminate noise .
Calculate the gradient intensity and direction of each pixel in the image .
Apply non maximum suppression . Delete some pixels that are not considered edges , Only candidate edges are preserved .
Apply double threshold detection to determine the edge .
Canny Algorithm improvement :

Use bilateral filtering instead of Gaussian filtering . The kernel function of bilateral filtering is the synthesis result of the kernel of spatial domain and the kernel of pixel domain , At the same time, the spatial domain information and gray similarity are considered , Gaussian filtering only considers the spatial distance between pixels . Bilateral filtering implementation function :cv2.bilateralFilter Realize bilateral filtering ,cv2.adaptiveBilateralFilter Realize adaptive bilateral filtering .
The optimal threshold segmentation method is used to obtain the high threshold , use Otsu Method to determine the low threshold .
Copyright notice : This paper is about CSDN Blogger 「 Five six six 」 The original article of , follow CC 4.0 BY-SA Copyright agreement , For reprint, please attach the original source link and this statement .
Link to the original text :https://blog.csdn.net/qq_54000005/article/details/125410538

