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Windows connects redis installed on Linux

2022-07-06 18:12:00 eight hundred and forty-eight million six hundred and ninety-ei

Linux Installed on Redis Its connection configuration

1. close linux A firewall

  1. Set boot to enable firewall :systemctl enable firewalld.service
  2. Set boot disable firewall :systemctl disable firewalld.service
  3. Start the firewall :systemctl start firewalld
  4. Turn off firewall :systemctl stop firewalld
  5. Check firewall status :systemctl status firewalld

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2. modify Redis The configuration file ——redis.config

First find out where linux in redis Installation path for
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command :vim redis.config

use vim Editor changes redis.config Configuration in

Enter /bind You can quickly search and locate bind Of Location

Input wq Save and exit

  1. Original 【bind】 Change to 【bind0,0,0,0】 such redis You can connect to other hosts
     Insert picture description here
  2. 【protected-mode yes】 It is amended as follows : 【protected-mode no】 relieve redis The protection mechanism of , It can be connected by other hosts
     Insert picture description here

3. start-up redis

Redis brief introduction - Download and install - Basic use -1

Specify profile startup Redis, And the back end starts &

start-up redis The service , Specify profile redis-server route /redis.conf &

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4. Windows Upper Redis Visualization tools connect Linux Upper Redis

  • This way, you can Windows Download one Redis Visual tools , You can check it very well Redis Data in

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5. stay Linux On Redis Writing data

Redis Basic knowledge of -2

  1. Redis The service has started , First of all to enter Redis Client mode
    Connect to the client directly by default —— command :redis-cli

  2. Write the string directly :set k1 v1

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  1. stay Windows View through the visual interface

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