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SaaS multi tenant solution for FMCG industry to build digital marketing competitiveness of the whole industry chain

2022-07-05 14:18:00 Digital commerce cloud network


Digital demand analysis of traditional FMCG industry

1、 The cost of manpower is increasing day by day

2、 Post epidemic Era , The penetration of digital FMCG industry is accelerated

SaaS Application value of multi tenant solution

1、 Rent more SaaS The platform implements authority management , Empowering corporate digital identity governance

2、SaaS Multi tenant management system provides personalized configuration , Realize customized services

3、 Multi tenant model SaaS Support member management function , Improve the customer service experience

4、 Multi tenant model SaaS Efficient control of mall goods , Improve the operation efficiency of enterprises

5、 Rent more SaaS Platform data sources are unified , Each end is displayed independently

With the advent of the digital age , The market competition among China's FMCG retail enterprises is becoming more and more fierce . in the past , FMCG manufacturers are fighting for production capacity and capital , Whose production capacity and capital are more abundant , The scale of the enterprise can grow more and more ; Today , FMCG manufacturers have to compete for efficiency , Who can respond to market demand faster , Channels can be spread more widely , Achieve higher quality development of enterprises . So in recent years , Many FMCG enterprises have increased their investment in the application of digital technology , Through the construction of multi tenancy SaaS The platform enables enterprises to reduce costs and improve efficiency .

Digital demand analysis of traditional FMCG industry

1、 The cost of manpower is increasing day by day

As China gradually enters an aging society , Population growth is slowing down , The original demographic dividend disappeared , Rising labor costs , In the case that the revenue and profit cannot be obtained through the rapid growth of the market , Enterprises have to go through internal management 、 operating 、 Optimization and upgrading of distribution and other links , To boost profits , The multi tenant model SaaS Software and other applications , Undoubtedly, it can help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency to a certain extent .

2、 Post epidemic Era , The penetration of digital FMCG industry is accelerated

After the outbreak , Many enterprises have seen the disadvantages of their own business model , Or the internal management efficiency of the enterprise is low , The labor cost is high ; Or lack of mobility , The current organizational structure 、 The distribution system cannot cope with sudden new challenges , Enterprises pay more attention to and actively use digital chemical tools to improve efficiency .

FMCG industry SaaS As a standard information product, multi tenant management system , Unlike traditional software, software providers customize software or carry out secondary development for users , Instead, the application software is deployed on the server of the software vendor , And provide online software services through the Internet , It has certain advantages in third-party service capability and cost optimization . therefore , FMCG enterprises with digital needs can choose third-party technical service providers, such as digital business cloud construction SaaS Multi rent mall system , Enable enterprise users to multi cluster 、 Resource management capability with multi tenant as the core .

SaaS Application value of multi tenant solution

1、 Rent more SaaS The platform implements authority management , Empowering corporate digital identity governance

At the level of authority allocation management , Use multi tenancy SaaS The platform has its own permission management function , According to the set security rules or security policies , Users can access and only access their authorized resources , First set the role , Give permission to the role , Then assign the role to the user , In this way, the user has the permissions of the role , When permission modification is required , Just modify the permissions of the role .

2、SaaS Multi tenant management system provides personalized configuration , Realize customized services

Adopt Visual template design , Give Way SaaS Multi rent mall system home page 、 Navigation 、 floor 、 advertising 、 project 、 Businesses, shops and mobile terminals can be personalized according to the needs of their own websites , Provide multi-mode clients and customized services for tenants , Greatly improve the integrated operation efficiency of the core industrial chain .

3、 Multi tenant model SaaS Support member management function , Improve the customer service experience

SaaS Multi tenant user management system supports member management function , Different labels can be set for members , Reward members according to different member points , Flexible price system , Guarantee SaaS Multi tenant management system commodity profit at the same time , And let members enjoy it, reflecting the feeling of enjoyment .

4、 Multi tenant model SaaS Efficient control of mall goods , Improve the operation efficiency of enterprises

SaaS Multi tenant user management system supports product publishing 、 Set up gifts 、 Select the properties and specifications of the product type 、 The platform manages stores and other functions in a unified way , Enterprises can comprehensively manage their own commodity data , Simplify your work .

5、 Rent more SaaS Platform data sources are unified , Each end is displayed independently

Use SaaS The multi tenant user management system opens up all channels , Achieve full terminal data synchronization , Achieve the effect of whole network marketing , And unify all management in one management platform .

In the new digital environment , There are many offline stores 、 Wide customer demand 、 There are many categories 、 FMCG enterprises with characteristics such as large market and high competitive pressure , There is an urgent need for digital transformation of the system . adopt SaaS Construction of multi tenant user management system , It will help traditional FMCG enterprises build the digital marketing competitiveness of the whole industry chain , Break through market competition .

< In this paper, the number quotient cloud • Original by cloud craftsman , Commercial reprint please contact the author for authorization , For non-commercial reprint, please indicate : Digital cloud original >



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