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How to introduce devsecops into enterprises?

2022-07-05 14:06:00 Seal security

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Today, , Most enterprises have implemented it internally DevOps practice .DevOps It provides a methodology for the team to deliver reliable software and rapid updates . This method allows the team to focus more on quality rather than waste time on operation and maintenance . However , The result is , Safety practices are often left in the hands of safety experts at the end of the delivery line . then , Because accidents often occur at the end of the delivery phase , Therefore, the specific security methods generate unnecessary expenses in the delivery process . therefore , The team doesn't have enough time to fix the code , And start the same process repeatedly , Finally, it leads to high delivery cost and low efficiency .

As most companies begin their digital transformation ,DevSecOps Has become more and more important . With the implementation of these plans , The company is moving to the cloud . This makes the local infrastructure gradually transferred to the public cloud . Cloud service providers provide cost-effective 、 Scalable 、 Highly available and reliable solutions . However , These advantages are also accompanied by new security challenges .

DevSecOps Incorporate safety into DevOps, As SDLC An integral part of , Instead of thinking about security after software development is almost complete . It also assigns safety responsibilities to team members , In the cooperation of security experts , Teams can achieve a “ Security is code (Security as code)” Culture , Encourage safety and SDLC Other components in the pipeline are treated in the same place .

What is? DevSecOps ?

DevSecOps It's full stack , Across the whole IT Stack , Including the network 、 host 、 The server 、 cloud 、 Mobile terminal and application security . These layers are gradually replaced by all kinds of software , Therefore, application security becomes DevSecOps Concerns .DevSecOps Across the entire software development lifecycle , Including development and operation and maintenance . In development , The focus of security is to identify and prevent vulnerabilities , In operation and maintenance , Monitoring and defending against attacks are the main targets .

Then the team can DevSecOps Practice and tools apply to non DevOps Project ? The answer is yes . If your team's goal is to produce highly secure software in the most cost-effective way , that DevSecOps Is the way forward .

implement DevSecOps Our enterprises have benefited greatly . according to Gartner The data of , These early adopters are more likely to keep up with frequent application updates 2.6 times , And the time to fix the vulnerability is reduced 2 times .

With the help of DevSecOps, Development 、 Operation and maintenance 、 Cooperate with the testing and safety team , And integrate resources , In order to find security problems as early as possible in the development process . Development will not stagnate , The end result is faster 、 Create a more secure workflow 、 Higher quality applications .

If you are a IT Security professionals , DevSecOps It can give you a place on the negotiation table . Your team is no longer seen as a heavy shackle , Your opinions will be valued at the beginning of development , Your organization will see you as the leader in promoting security integration .

If you're a developer , You'll come from DevSecOps Benefit a lot . Because the security requirements for software will not disappear , If you only deal with security at the last moment , Then it will only drag down your progress . Security is an important part of software quality nowadays , Pay attention to software security at the development stage , Your clients will thank you for this .

DevSecOps Of 5 Elements

1、 Collaboration

The starting point of collaboration is to establish a mentality of sharing safety responsibilities throughout the organization , At the same time, it has the support of the leadership . Around a common goal , That is, under the premise of meeting all safety and compliance requirements , Develop and release high-quality products as soon as possible , So as to consolidate cooperation .

The security team is familiar with DevOps Practice begins to do your job well , And integrate it into security . for example , Provide security functions frequently , And automate safety tasks as much as possible . In turn, , Developers should also learn security best practices , Requirements for safety 、 Risk awareness and safety tools .

2、 communicate

The communication gap between developers and security experts must be bridged . Security experts need to use developer terminology to illustrate the need for control and the benefits of compliance . for example , When discussing security risks , Take project delays and unplanned extra work by developers as an example , It will make the importance of solving these risks deeply rooted in the hearts of the people .

Developers should clearly understand their security responsibilities , In this way, they can fully accept their role in a more secure and compliant organization . These responsibilities include awareness of potential safety risks , And keep security best practices in mind when writing code . Developers should also be prepared to test vulnerabilities throughout the development process , In order to repair the vulnerability in time .

3、 automation

Automation can be a success DevSecOps The most critical component of the plan . It allows security measures to be embedded in the development process , And ensure that safety will not become a burden on the safety team . Automated security testing and analysis can be integrated into the entire CI/CD In the assembly line , Provide safe software without dragging down the innovation and development workflow . Now? , The developers and security team are very satisfied .

Automation can also realize valuable safety control , Such as interrupt construction . This safety failure protection mechanism is based on an automated risk scoring system , When the risk exceeds a predetermined threshold, an alarm will be issued . then , All build processes will be frozen , Until the developer fixes the security problem . Once the security problem is fixed , Developers can continue to build and deliver applications .

4、 Tool and architecture security

Safe software begins with safe DevOps Environmental Science . Protection tools 、 Access and architecture in any DevOps In the system is crucial . The security team should take the lead in selecting and checking the configuration of all system security tools , To ensure that appropriate functions have been configured before these systems are approved for widespread use .

Identification and access management should be taken seriously . The security team should control the right DevOps Access to architecture and data , Protect the use of credentials throughout the development pipeline . Multifactor certification (MFA)、 Minimum access rights and temporary access to advanced rights are access control policies that you can use . Besides ,CI/CD The assembly line should be isolated , To limit lateral movement , All unnecessary visits DevOps The account of the tool should be eliminated .

With DevSecOps, Security and compliance controls are incorporated into the infrastructure , To cover all environments , Including clouds . All workstations and servers should be subject to regular security monitoring 、 Vulnerability scanning and patches . You can use automated tools to scan all code , To ensure that there are no omissions when checking the code base . in addition , All new virtual machines and containers will automatically be controlled by the correct configuration , To help resist automatic reconstruction . Centralized storage system DevOps Tools and keys , All of these are subject to encryption and multifactor authentication (MFA) The protection of the .

5、 test

In the history of , Security testing is run as the last step before product release . Ideally , Testing should run through the entire development process .Keatron Evans,Infosec Skills Infosec Institute Author and consultant , explains :“ Traditionally , The application is tested after development , But if developers are automating 、 Test on a continuous basis , It will be more effective . Developers should be able to do basic OWASP Top ten tests , Instead of testing a fully built Application , Because the former will solve half of the network security problems .”

In order to keep safety and development in step , The injection of automated tests is crucial . Automation can help execute simple processes , Such as scanning the code key before the code is checked into the code base , To ensure that the password is not recorded in the event log , And malicious code for search applications .

Effective testing schemes include static application security testing (SAST)、 Dynamic application security testing (DAST) And less frequent but equally important technologies , Such as penetration testing 、Red Teaming and Threat Modeling. The latter may be valuable , Because they approach the code from the perspective of hackers , Without damaging the production environment . Now? , Many organizations adopt “Bug money reward ” Plan to motivate thorough testing , Reward for discovering potential safety problems .

DevSecOps Evaluate the testing mechanism by monitoring key indicators , To measure the effectiveness of optimization and safety practices to reduce risks throughout the development process . Developers will receive a self-assessment scorecard , Keep them responsible for safety issues through various related issues . for example , Whether the attack surface is decreasing ? Whether the misuse of vouchers has been found ? Whether our penetration tests show fewer code vulnerabilities ? What is the percentage of code submissions with passwords ?

How to integrate DevSecOps Introduce the enterprise ?

The transition to DevSecOps Methods take time . To ensure the recognition of the whole organization , It is suggested to take a step-by-step approach . Here is the introduction of DevSecOps Some key points to remember when planning :

  • Establish a safety centered culture within the organization , Emphasize that safety is the common responsibility of organization members .
  • Find ways to integrate automated security testing as early as possible throughout the development process .
  • Guide developers to understand security threats through security awareness training 、 Security coding requirements and tools .
  • Let developers access current hacker technology , Teach them to think and attack code like hackers .
  • Let the security team provide strong penetration testing 、 Red team practice and threat modeling , To actively test the code .
  • Monitor security issues in a shared tracking system , For maximum visibility across all departments .
  • Provide relevant indicators , To prove that over time DevSecOps The project is continuously improving and providing value .
  • Recognize that developers need time to completely change their way of thinking and habits . Continue to emphasize the concept of safety in daily activities and improve safety awareness .

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