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Network security - Novice introduction

2022-07-05 13:43:00 Sex sex ~ ~


      1、 Simple steganography

       2、 Looking for your sister


      1、 Four Caesars or four fences

       2、 Beautiful notes

       3、 Little rabbit


       1、 Sign in


1、 Simple steganography

Open the topic prompt , Follow the instructions , Search for CTF Steganography routine   Search for

Check the picture information according to our search results and find that there is no relevant flag Information about . Open according to the second method   010Editor.exe Software   Ctrl+F Search for

  The result appears .


2、 Looking for your sister

  Download the file on the topic , Because the file is zip Format , So rename the file and open the compressed package

  After opening the compressed package, there are two files

  After the first one opens

  good heavens , This is the declassification of the type of socialist core values .

  After decryption, he told me this flag It's not true , So I opened the second compressed package ,

  When looking at the properties, I didn't find   What useful information , Drag it into 010Editor.exe Search for flag



1、 Four Caesars or four fences

According to the title prompt, first decrypt the characters by Caesar , The title says four , Then the number may be 4



Then the decrypted characters will be decrypted , The number is still chosen 4,


2、 Beautiful notes

Open file


  Because they are all decryption type topics , Search for notes and decrypt , Decrypt the characters in the file to get a string of characters

Characters consist of the case of letters and numbers base64 The encryption type of , And then decrypt it


3、 Little rabbit

The title says little rabbit , So we went to search rabbit Decrypt Open file


Decryption requires a key. Today is a good day , Fill in the date of the day when you do the question , Decrypt .



1、 Sign in

Click the title link

F12 Key to view the source code



 SLsec{We1c0me__T0_SLsec_Recru1t new [email protected]}


Open the title link

Look at the code , first if It means if a If it is a number, it stops running , the second if Means to a=8848, stay php In the weak type of ,php Will compare the number before the character with the number after the character , So you should not only input a=8848 Also enter one or more characters after


 SLsec{[email protected]@ge}


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