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C 6.0 language specification approved

2022-07-07 14:37:00 CSDN information


Arrangement | Su mi

Produce | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews)

In recent days, , International information and Telecommunications Standards Organization  Ecma International  approved C# The sixth edition of the language specification , The official name is  ECMA-334.


all the time ,C# There are two main participants in language norms , One is ECMA organization , The other is Microsoft . Regarding this , As C# Microsoft, the developer of, said ,C# 6.0 Language specification mainly focuses on generating standard text . Microsoft's involvement behind the specification Ecma TC49-TG2 The task force has moved the standard source code to Markdown Format , Through this format, you can generate PDF, And host it in  .NET Under the foundation Open source repository (https://dotnetfoundation.org/projects/csharp-standard) in .

According to foreign media  Inforworld reports , Microsoft C# Chief designer  Mads Torgersen Said in a statement ,“ This allows a more flexible and efficient process , make the best of GitHub function , Such as pull requests and comments , And open environment and community participation in editing and correction .” It also says ,“C# 6 Is the first one generated in this way C# standard , We believe it will help us develop faster in the future , Even in the development of language itself, we finally catch up C# Delivery version of .”

It is reported that , Currently Microsoft is developing C# 11, It will be 11 Month and .NET 7 Release together .Torgersen Also mentioned ,Ecma The committee will not be directly involved in the specification of future versions of the language , It often provides specifications for versions that have been released . say concretely ,C# The specification describes C# Program representation 、 Syntax and constraints , It is used to interpret the semantic rules of the program and the limitations and constraints brought by the satisfactory representation of the language .

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