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Introduction to Huawei cloud micro certification examination

2020-11-06 21:14:00 Smiling waves

I recently took part in the micro certification examination of Huawei cloud , And successfully got the certificate , So let's share Huawei cloud micro certification test


What is micro Authentication ?

Huawei cloud micro authentication is based on online learning and online practice , Get the certification of scene skill improvement quickly . Huawei cloud micro authentication official website

Huawei cloud micro authentication category Introduction

At present, Huawei cloud micro authentication provides a variety of authentication types in many fields , for example :
  • Cloud computing

Cloud containers quickly build websites : Using the cloud container engine CCE Fast implementation of website building , Experience container brings great convenience for enterprise application .

  • Artificial intelligence

Smart forms and document recognition : Id card 、 A driver's license 、 invoice , Easy to achieve text recognition , Farewell to the agony of artificial recognition .

  • big data

Big data driving behavior analysis of Internet of vehicles : In depth analysis of Internet of vehicles solutions , Data simulation practice of vehicle driving behavior , Explore the mystery of big data sequence of Internet of vehicles .

  • software development

One minute Automated Deployment : Cutting edge DevOps Deployment concept , One click automated deployment platform , One minute business easy cloud experience .

  • Cloud security

Host security on the cloud : Cloud host security provides asset management 、 Vulnerability management and other functions , Help finance 、 Games and other industries to reduce the risk of host security .

  • The Internet of things

Sales analysis of vending machines based on Internet of things platform : Using the Internet of things platform and big data analysis technology , Realize the equipment management and big data analysis of self vending machine .


Huawei cloud micro authentication rights and interests


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