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Machine vision (1) - Overview

2022-07-07 17:42:00 AI cannon fodder


1. What is machine vision , What is machine vision system

2. The relationship between machine vision and computer vision

 3. digital image processing (DIP)

4. Robot visual servo system consists of

 5. Hardware composition of robot vision system

 6. Machine vision workflow

 7. Case study  

1. What is machine vision , What is machine vision system

Machine vision is to use machines instead of human eyes to measure and judge ; Machine vision system is to automatically receive and process the image of a real object through optical devices and non-contact sensors , Through analysis ( Various operations ) Get the information you need ( Characteristics of the target ), And then control the action of field equipment .

2. The relationship between machine vision and computer vision

 3. digital image processing (DIP)

Digital image processing is to remove noise from the image by computer 、 enhance 、 Restore 、 Division 、 Methods and techniques of feature extraction .

4. Robot visual servo system consists of

 5. Hardware composition of robot vision system

The machine vision system consists of :

        The light source 、 The lens 、 The camera 、 Image acquisition module 、 Image processing module 、 Interactive interface, etc  

 6. Machine vision workflow

 7. Case study  

For example, there is an artifact , It is necessary to check whether the size of the three apertures of the workpiece meets the requirements , as follows :

If a digital camera is used, the above figure can be converted into :

  If a smart camera is used, the above figure can be transformed into : The software is directly integrated into the camera



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