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Why do mechanical engineers I know complain about low wages?

2022-07-05 14:09:00 Dafang teacher talks about SCM

Why do mechanical engineers I know complain about low wages ?

5 A thousand words of dry goods ! Ben Shuo 7 Annual machinery , Self study after graduation C++ Transformation industry software , The current treatment of machinery does not match the breadth and difficulty of the knowledge learned , The main courses are mainly traditional machinery , Mechanics of materials 、 Theoretical mechanics 、 Fluid mechanics and mechanical principles are far more difficult than C Language , Even if there is C Language 、 Single chip microcomputer and automatic control courses will not pay attention to , This leads to the fact that the young companion majoring in machinery can only find structural engineers and process engineers after graduation , There are also many transformation sales . Machinery was also one of the highest scores in the school , Isn't it sad to be crushed by the computer after graduation ?

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1、 The current situation and future of the machinery industry , What do you want to learn as a little partner of machinery major

Today's industry 4.0、 Intelligent manufacturing 、 How can smart factories be intelligent ? Crank slider mechanism is also the second industrial revolution , The third industrial revolution has been the computer integrated manufacturing system , The fourth industrial revolution we are experiencing now is the popular Internet of things 、 big data 、 Artificial intelligence 、 Vision 、 Robots and other technologies are integrated with traditional industries . Now intelligent , Including the autonomous vehicle, which is also the body of the traditional car , Plus lidar 、 Vision and other sensors , The core is the controller and control algorithm . Why did lidar and vision promote the development of autonomous vehicle , Not by chance , Lidar and vision are in AGV The first mature application , For example, Amazon's intelligent warehousing system relies on AGV.AGV There is no essential difference with autonomous vehicle , It's just AGV The requirements are not as high as those of autonomous vehicle , but SLAM The algorithm is universal . On Amazon AGV Before the intelligent warehousing system , The workshops are all forklifts driven by people ? Times will not say hello if they abandon you .

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What I am doing now is C++ Work related to industrial software , Even the guys in the mechanical major want to continue to contribute to industrial development , Can't you change the way ? Do you have to be a structural engineer ? Do you have to be a process engineer ? As a basic discipline of mechanical specialty , And in the era of industrial software being stuck , What is the core technology of industrial software , Which country should control this is very inappropriate . Some universities Matlab When it was disabled, some netizens said , Why can't so many software engineers develop it Matlab Well ?Matlab It can be said to be industrial software , those simulink Many internal algorithms of simulation are accumulated through engineering experience , Some modules are MIT、 Developed by famous universities like Stanford . Industrial software is completely different from general enterprise management software , The difficulty is not an order of magnitude at all . Enterprise management software rarely involves complex algorithms , Basically, they are based on business logic .CAD How to represent the model in the computer ? Topology is used .CAD How to display the model ? What is needed is computer graphics .CAM How to call CNC G Code ? What is needed is differential geometry .CAE How to solve the stress problem of complex structural parts ? It's finite element analysis , What does finite element do , Is the numerical solution of partial differential equations , that CAE What else is needed , Storage and solution of large-scale sparse stiffness matrix . Industrial software is the engineering application of Mathematics , Can't come false .

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Industrial software is so important , Issues related to the distribution of global industrial chains , The Internet is so prosperous, why not invest in the development of industrial software ? What is the internet doing now , It mainly solves the problems of resource allocation and efficiency , Did not touch the soul of the industry , Most of them will also cause social problems . For example, the safety of takeout boys 、 Mature shared bicycles are piled up everywhere 、 Selling vegetables at low prices in Internet communities has caused farmers' income space to be extremely compressed, threatening the future vegetable basket, and so on . These quick integration resources make money very fast , For example, sharing bicycles can easily earn tens of billions less than a year , Industrial software investment 10 I can't make money for years . It can really fundamentally change the machinery industry , No one who really understands what changes the machinery industry needs knows better than the little companion of machinery , If the machinery industry wants to change, it can't rely on the Internet , What the Internet likes to earn is hot money and fast money , The machinery industry is naturally heavy on assets and can't make fast money , The power that can really innovate the manufacturing industry comes from the companions of mechanical professionals who understand software , Computer majors don't know how important manufacturing experience is , There is no way to say how to refine the experience modeling of manufacturing industry, and knowledge reacts on manufacturing industry .

· Here is 7000 Long writing , Combined with my experience, this paper discusses the transformation of machinery major , I hope to give some ideas to the confused little friend .


If you are really dissatisfied with your current job , There are two routes that are very reliable. One is self-study C++ The transformation of , Second, postgraduate entrance examination , Even if it's an exam 985 Graduate student majoring in machinery , It's not difficult to find a job after graduation . Mechanical majors also study robots 、 Vision 、 Deep learning of cutting-edge technologies such as fault diagnosis , It's easier to find software after graduation in these directions . What I did in graduate school is intelligent optimization algorithm , It's also helpful to find a job as a software engineer . The number of people taking the postgraduate entrance examination increases significantly every year , There are fellows with the idea of going to graduate school , Don't hesitate , If you hesitate again, you won't have a chance to get on the bus . I 14 Only when I took the postgraduate entrance examination in 170 ten thousand people ,21 The year has broken through 400 All the , Very terrorist . If I didn't go to graduate school , My present job must also be staying in the factory honestly , For ordinary undergraduate friends , Or friends who are dissatisfied with their original professional employment , Graduate school is another chance to start over .

· Now all majors are taking the cross examination of computer , Are transcoding , As a panacea machine, how to avoid the whirlpool of volume , If you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination mechanically, you can have a look :

2、 Understand the autonomous vehicle that is closely related to machinery 、 Cutting edge technologies such as robots


How can a autonomous vehicle be automatic , The first step is to rely on laser radar 、 Vision 、GPS Wait for sensors to perceive the environment .

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It is obvious from the control structure of autonomous vehicle , Traditional cars have become a controlled object , Traditional automobile design and manufacturing technology has been very mature , Sensors and control algorithms are the core . Some friends will say that autonomous vehicle have been studied by many people , Is there any chance , In fact, if you pay attention to the development of autonomous vehicle technology , Now autonomous vehicle is still in its infancy . How to measure the stage of cutting-edge technology , There is a technology maturity curve in the world , Automatic driving technology is currently L4 Level is far from large-scale commercial , The final fully automatic driving is L5 Level , There are still many technologies to be overcome .

· Look at the picture Autonomous Driving Level 4, It is the current mainstream research direction of autonomous driving .

03edbcca36e1c2f6e7863bb2d931d084.jpeg Maturity curve of cutting-edge technology

3、C/C++ Programming and learning of data structures and algorithms

How important software and algorithms are to industry , Look at the technology at the spire of the industrial pyramid , Is it enterprise management software ? Obviously not ,ACIS and Parasolid Wait, what is it , yes CAD/CAM/CAE The kernel of , What is the kernel equivalent to , A kernel similar to an operating system , What functions industrial software can do is not decided by ordinary software engineers, but by the kernel . Chip design EDA It is also industrial software .


What giant developed these kernels ? Look at the figure below, which shows the development companies of mainstream industrial software cores , The strength of manufacturing industry is far from enough only in hardware , Software and algorithms are the cornerstone supporting the intelligent upgrading of the manufacturing industry .


If you want to learn C++, I don't want to install Visual Studio And so on , It is also a problem for beginners to install the development environment , A lot of guys don't know how to write code and debug for a few days , Study C++ It's better to use the online development environment directly ,C++ It's not too late to do complicated procedures locally after you're basically familiar with them . Recommend a very easy-to-use online IDE,Compiler - Code, Compile, Run, Debug online C, C++, Look at the picture below 1 Minutes can learn to use , There is also a classic linked list data structure source code , direct copy Just run it in the development environment .Linux Kernel developers Linus Torvalds Say a word , Free software is the best , Now? Linux Isn't there more and more applications ? Robot controllers are basically Linux Well .

e0e3322a24c6718794e4c1d21fc46131.jpeg Online development environment

·C++ Linked list implementation demo Source code , Debug passed code





listNode():next(nullptr){}// Default constructor listNode(inttheValue):value(theValue),next(nullptr){}// Constructor with parameters };




head=node;// Chain header pointer pListEnd=node;// Pointer at the end of the list


pListEnd->next=node;// At the end of the list next The pointer points to the new nodepListEnd=pListEnd->next;// The tail node pointer of the linked list moves back to the new tail node


pListEnd->next=node;// At the end of the list next The pointer points to the new nodepListEnd=pListEnd->next;// The tail node pointer of the linked list moves back to the new tail node




cout<<" List nodes &nbsp;"<<indexNode<<" Value : "<<pNode->value<<endl;





It's better to change than complain , It doesn't matter whether the mechanical major is good or not , In the long river of life, the four years of learning machinery is only a short period of time , When you really start learning programming , Every day is not painful , It's the feeling of fighting for your dream . In terms of data structure, I only studied linked lists in my undergraduate course , In fact, there are piles 、 Red and black trees 、AVl Trees 、hash surface 、map、set wait . I didn't understand these data structures at first , Just look at the theory of a data structure and brush several related algorithm problems . Can't find C++ Then I won't stop brushing questions , find C++ I've already brushed it when I'm working 500 Multiple questions , Now in retrospect, I don't know how to get out of that time .

· How important are data structures and algorithms , Take a look at the common C++ Algorithm interview questions . Linked list 、 Binary tree and so on are algorithm interview high-frequency examination sites .


Many friends will struggle to learn C still C++, Direct learning C++ Better learn first C, There is no need to tangle in such a starting point . I've just started learning C++ It's also very tangled , What are you going to learn . Study C++ The first problem to be solved is what industry you want to enter , It is best to be specific to the position . such as Qt C++ Software engineer 、Linux C++ Software Engineer, etc . When your desired job is a specific position , The goal is very clear , What to learn depends on what ability the position requires .C++ Mainly used in robots 、 Autopilot 、 Industrial software 、 Games and other occasions with high performance requirements . The development of high-performance software requires solid data structure and algorithm ability 、 Design pattern ability and so on . These abilities are accumulated for a long time , Assault will not .

The most precious thing a man has is life . Life is only one time for people . therefore , This is how one should spend one's life : When one looks back on the past , Don't regret for wasted time , And don't be ashamed of doing nothing .【 How is steel made 】

C++ In the process of learning, you can collect some common interview questions , These interview questions can be answered , Basically, we need to combine code to understand deeply .

.C++ What are inline functions ? Can an inline function be a recursive function ?

. explain C++ Of this The pointer , And its application scenarios .

. What is the difference between function overloading and operator overloading ?

.C++ How runtime polymorphism is implemented ? How to realize compile time polymorphism ? What is a virtual function ? What is a pure virtual function ? Whether the destructor of the base class must be a virtual function ?

. Whether the destructor can be overloaded ?

.struct and class What's the difference? ?

. The difference between pointer and reference ?

. The difference between deep copy and shallow copy ? How to define a copy constructor ? What is the difference between copy constructor and assignment constructor ?

.C++ What is the diamond problem in inheritance ? How to avoid ?

.new and malloc,delete and free What's the difference? ?

. What are the smart pointers ?shared_ptr What are the problems in use ?

.i++ and ++i How operators are overloaded ? What's the difference between efficiency ?

.C++ Medium vector、list、set、map、unordered_map and unordered_set What is the underlying data structure ? What is the time complexity of common search operations ? How to choose these containers when using ?

· self-taught C++ It doesn't need a lot of money , It's about experience , Choosing the basic two classic books is very fast , Choose one C++ Classic introductory materials , Then choose a primer on data structures and algorithms , Two books are enough .


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