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Those things I didn't know until I took the postgraduate entrance examination

2022-07-05 13:47:00 Computer and software postgraduate entrance examination



The postgraduate entrance examination must be held to the last step

@ Blank space selection is greater than effort

If you don't stick to the last step in the postgraduate entrance examination , It will be cold .

@ 93

Ending yourself early will make the effectiveness of your efforts uncertain , But the result of failure is certain .


Never forgive yourself , I'm sleepy today , Sleep longer , I'm ill tomorrow , Half a day off , I'm tired the day after tomorrow , Play half day games . And so on and so on , Inevitable cannon fodder .


The story of three to five months' counter attack is certainly pleasant , But not everyone can do it . Don't believe those words that half a year's review of the postgraduate entrance examination is enough , Not everyone has such a level . Sufficient review time can ensure the lower limit of grades , It can also reduce the uncertainty of performance .

@ Borrow the evening breeze

In the later stage, the front must be stretched , Although it will be very tired , But it's easier to succeed , More time to review , The greater the harvest .


Try to review at your own pace


Make hard work a habit , Not a stage . Please keep good living habits in the process of preparing for the exam , Choose research friends according to your habits . If you can bear loneliness , There is nothing wrong with the lone wolf tactic .

@ Mengke

Review should have its own plan , Don't be easily paced . There will always be someone in your ear saying how fast someone reviewed , How many questions have so and so done , So and so simulation paper is high score , Don't care about this , It's best to grasp your own rhythm . As far as I know , What we usually call “ A great god ”, It's not necessarily how excellent it is in the end . There are many of these people who deliberately disturb the morale of the army .


More information than precision , Don't buy a bunch of books that you can't finish reading after the exam . Review material does not lie in more , The primary goal is to understand , Learn through , Do essence . On this basis, we will pursue quantity .

@ Ganmaoling granule

Don't compare your progress with others , Students in a self-study room apply for college majors that are almost different . Make your own plan , Take every step of your life . Registering for classes and watching videos are not American dramas , Read a chapter and lose a chapter , Keep up with thinking , Learn to review and summarize .

@ Wonderful life

The day of preparing for the exam is a full and happy time , You will know when you pass the exam [email protected] dream Miscalculation is really more than carelessness , Pay attention to , Can not be ignored .

@ Come on, yingzi

Understand the wrong questions , The lines , Summarize and review , Because it is very likely to fall over the same knowledge point or method next time .

@ Mind

The geographical pressure is not so serious , It can't be an excuse for you not to pass the exam , Pressure encountered , Learn to self resolve .


Choice is important

@ Whirling life  

It's fun to sign up , Adjust the crematorium ! It's best to choose a school according to your actual situation , Don't set goals beyond your ability . Because it's really not easy to adjust , One from 19 The sincere advice of the coordinator .

@ Shengtian Banzi

You must choose the major you are good at , Avoid your weaknesses . You know, postgraduate entrance examination is not like the college entrance examination , Don't look for what you are not good at , Cry when you can't wait . Especially what I'm interested in , Otherwise, I will cry to death in the next three years .

@ Luo Shiyu  

A volunteer is very important , Choose a goal you can reach , Never aim too high , Adjusting is a very tiring thing ! Waiting for admission is like a year , But be sure to hold on , In those days, I couldn't eat or sleep every day , It almost collapsed . Only the body can get the capital of revolution , Adjust your mind !

@ Guoba

“ Postgraduate entrance examination is an information war ” this sentence , Already said tired , Want to take the postgraduate entrance examination more smoothly , We must learn to collect information . In the information society , The whole society tends to “ flat ”, Your competitors are no longer just people around you , But all of China , All over the world , In such a competitive environment , Who has successfully fought the information war , Whoever has a favorable advantage .


The body is the capital of the revolution

@ Little dreamer

When taking the postgraduate entrance examination at home , Everyone depends on the hair on the ground to find my total , The appearance value drops directly on the original basis 80%, Wearing a hat and not wearing a hat are two worlds , After taking a bath, there was another ball on the ground ......

@ Gardenia

Before taking the postgraduate entrance examination, I didn't know what the hairline was , Until two days ago, my classmate said that my hairline moved back and taught me how to look , I still don't believe I asked fiveorsix people , I went home yesterday to show my mother , The result is the same. My mother called me this morning and said that if she found it more serious next time she would not let me take the postgraduate entrance examination ..

@ cocoa

The body always comes first , Drink plenty of water , More exercise , Take a moderate rest . Don't go to the examination room yet , The body can't hold up first .

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