当前位置:网站首页>These 18 websites can make your page background cool

These 18 websites can make your page background cool

2022-07-05 13:39:00 Director of Moral Education Department

this 18 This website was accidentally discovered by me on the way to get scriptures , includes pure CSS Cool background for implementation , There is also a website dedicated to making background pictures .
It can be regarded as a great tonic on the way to learn scriptures ~

1. CSS3 Patterns Gallery

️ Portal :『CSS3 Patterns Gallery』

If you know Lea Verou Words , Probably know this website , She wrote dozens with her bare hands pure CSS Implementation of the background image style .
Her code is available on the website .

If you don't know her , Then I must recommend you to read 《CSS reveal ( Turing products )》 This book , It will shock you !


2. CSS3 Gradients

️ Portal :『CSS3 Gradients』

except Lea Verou Outside our website ,CSS3 Gradients Examples of this type are also provided . Also provide code download .


3. CSS Gradients with background-blend-mode

️ Portal :『CSS Gradients with background-blend-mode』

The function is similar to the previous two , Open it yourself ~


4. CSS Flags

️ Portal :『CSS Flags』

Use pure CSS Draw the flags of many countries .“ Right click - Check the web source code ” You can get the code .


5. Hero Patterns

️ Portal :『Hero Patterns』

Hero Patterns It's a famous website , Dozens of textures are officially provided , You can set two contrast colors and opacity according to your needs .
After completion, it will return to a paragraph CSS Here's the code , But a little different from the previous websites ,Hero Patterns The background image of uses base64 The way to achieve , instead of CSS background gradient The way .



️ Portal :『HUE.CSS』

Use CSS background gradient The way to make dozens of high-end atmospheric backgrounds , All cases on the website provide code .


7. Pure CSS Stripes Generator

️ Portal :『Pure CSS Stripes Generator』

Pure CSS Stripes Generator Mainly to help you generate Striped background Code for .
You can set the color of stripes according to your needs on the website 、 size 、 Tilt angle and other attributes .
Finally, it will return a paragraph css Here's the code .


8. Glass Morphism

️ Portal :『Glass Morphism』

Glass Morphism The function of is to set Ground glass background style , You can manually adjust the opacity of ground glass on it 、 Ambiguity 、 Background color and other properties .
It will return at last html and css Here's the code .
It's fun , Try it now ~


9. uiGradients

️ Portal :『uiGradients』

Provides gradient codes with different color combinations . If you're not good at color matching , have access to uiGradients


10. Gradient Colors Collection Palette

️ Portal :『Gradient Colors Collection Palette』

Gradient Colors Collection Palette There are dozens of color cards on the , It can be copied with one click css Code .


11. Fresh Background Gradients

️ Portal :『Fresh Background Gradients』

Fresh Background Gradients Provides even a color scheme , There are two colors , There are also multicolor . It also provides one click Copy css Code .


12. Cool Backgrounds

️ Portal :『Cool Backgrounds』

Can generate 5 Types Background image of , And provide a number of mature color schemes for you to choose .
But the website generates a background picture , It's not code .


13. Svg Wave

️ Portal :『Svg Wave』

Generate wave background , You can customize the amplitude of the wave 、 Color and other properties .
Support SVG and PNG download .


14. Subtle Patterns

️ Portal :『Subtle Patterns』

Provides dozens of texture maps .


15. Stripe Generator

️ Portal :『Stripe Generator』

Configurable stripe background picture .


16. ZenBG

️ Portal :『ZenBG』

Set texture background and gradient color online , Finally, they fuse together to produce a good-looking picture .
It also provides css Code for your reference , Tell you how to use this picture better .


17. Patterninja

️ Portal :『Patterninja』

Just look at the picture introduction to know that this website is fun .
Patterninja Help you generate Tilable Background map .


18. The Pattern Library

️ Portal :『The Pattern Library』

Provide dozens of models to tile Nice background .
Be careful : The download button is in the upper left corner of the page .


give the thumbs-up + Focus on + Collection = Learned to


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