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Datapipeline was selected into the 2022 digital intelligence atlas and database development report of China Academy of communications and communications

2022-07-05 13:33:00 Ink Sky Wheel

In recent days, , China academy of information and communications ( hereinafter referred to as “ China Academy of communications ”) The meeting was held in Beijing in conjunction with China Communications Standardization Association “ Open a new chapter in digital intelligence ——2022 Big data industry summit ”, Relevant technologies and industrial hotspots of logarithm intellectualization were discussed . At the meeting , China Academy of communications and communications officially released 《 Map of China's digital intelligence industry 》 And 《 Database Development Research Report (2022 year )》,DataPipeline By virtue of DataOps The forward-looking concept of the field 、 Deep product technical strength and rich practice , Double material selection .

《 Map of China's digital intelligence industry 》

《 Database Development Research Report (2022 year )》
And global database industry map

《 Map of China's digital intelligence industry 》 It aims to comprehensively and objectively show the key fields and links in the digital intelligence industry , And representative enterprises in various fields .《 Database Development Research Report (2022 year )》 It focuses on the database policy of our country 、 Technology hotspots 、 Application, etc , And summarize and prospect the development of database in our country .DataPipeline Included in “ Data Infrastructure ” And “ Database peripheral tools / Platform provider ” plate .

2022 Ten key words of big data

meanwhile , At the main forum of the summit , Hebaohong, director of the Yunda Institute of the Chinese Academy of communications, released 《2022 Ten key words of big data 》,DataOps because “ Define new patterns for data development and Application ” In the third year, our ability was selected into the top ten keywords . As DataOps The deep practitioner of the idea ,DataPipeline Deeply agree with .

Up to now ,DataPipeline Has served Bank of China 、 China Minsheng Bank 、 China's oil 、 China Telecom 、 China life, ( overseas )、 Geely Group 、 Longhu group 、 CAITONG securities 、 Hengtai securities 、 Great Wall Motor finance 、 Foton Cummins and other hundreds of customers , Bank coverage 、 insurance 、 negotiable securities 、 energy 、 telecom 、 manufacture 、 real estate 、 retail 、 Internet and other industries .

DataPipeline Enterprise real-time data fusion platform relies on All data 、 Fast transmission 、 Strong synergy 、 More agile 、 Extremely stable 、 Easy maintenance Six outstanding characteristics , It has passed the big data product capability evaluation of China Academy of information and communication , be awarded 《 Special evaluation certificate of basic ability of data integration tools 》.

  All data : Support comprehensive data node types   

Support for relational databases 、NoSQL database 、 Domestic database 、 Data warehouse 、 Big data platform 、 Cloud storage 、API And other data node types , Customizable data nodes .

  Fast transmission : High performance real-time processing   

For different data node types TB Level throughput 、 Second level low latency incremental data processing capability , Accelerate the data flow of various scenarios of the enterprise .

  Strong synergy : Layered management reduces cost and increases efficiency   

use “ Data node registration 、 Data link configuration 、 Data task building 、 System resource allocation ” Hierarchical management mode , The construction cycle of enterprise platform is reduced from three to six months to one week .

  More agile : Code free agile management   

It provides more than ten kinds of advanced configurations, including restriction configuration and policy configuration , Including flexible data object mapping , The R & D delivery time of data fusion task is from 2 Week reduced to 5 minute .

  Extremely stable : Extremely stable and highly reliable   

Using distributed architecture , All components support high availability , Provide rich fault tolerance strategies , Respond to structural changes upstream and downstream 、 Data error 、 Network failure and other emergencies , It can ensure the business continuity of the system .

  Easy maintenance : Efficient and comprehensive operation and maintenance   

Equipped with containers 、 application 、 Threads 、 Four level business monitoring system , The panoramic cockpit guard mission runs stably . Automatic operation and maintenance system , Flexible expansion and contraction capacity , Reasonably manage and allocate system resources .

This time, I was selected , It's right DataPipeline Recognition of comprehensive strength . future ,DataPipeline We will still adhere to technology driven 、 Deep cultivation of enterprise services , Build on DataOps Concept of secure and trusted data management products , Help enterprises and organizations transform into digital intelligence .

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