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. Net Maui performance improvement

2022-07-07 11:30:00 Dotnet cross platform

Click on the blue words

Pay attention to our

author :Jonathan Peppers

translate :Yijing Sun

proofread :Amy Peng

Typesetting :Rani Sun


* This article is full of dry goods , Estimated reading time 32 minute , It is recommended to save .

.NET Multi platform applications UI (MAUI) take android、iOS、macOS and Windows API Unify into one API, This way you can write an application that runs natively on many platforms . We focus on improving your daily productivity and the performance of your applications . We think , Developer productivity gains should not come at the expense of application performance .

The same is true for the size of the application —— In a blank .NET MAUI What overhead exists in the application ? When we start optimizing .NET MAUI when , Obviously iOS Something needs to be done to improve the size of the application , and android Lack of startup performance .

One dotnet new maui Project iOS The initial application is about 18MB. Again , In the previous Preview .NET MAUI stay android The startup time on the is not ideal :



Starting time (ms)







Xamarin.Forms (Shell)



dotnet new android

.NET 6 ( Early preview )


dotnet new maui

.NET 6 ( Early preview )


.NET Podcast

.NET 6 ( Early preview )


This is Pixel 5 Average operation on the equipment 10 The results obtained this time . About how these figures were obtained , Please refer to our maui-profiling file .

Our goal is to make .NET MAUI More than its predecessor Xamarin faster . Obviously , We are .NET MAUI I also have some work to do .dotnet new android The publishing speed of the template has exceeded Xamarin.Android, Mainly because .NET 6 In the new BCL and Mono Runtime .

new .NET maui The template has not been used yet Shell Navigation mode , But the plan is to make it .NET maui Default navigation mode for . When we adopt this change , We know that it will affect the performance in the template .

The cooperation of several different teams has made today's achievements . We improved Microsoft.Extensions , The use of dependency injection ,AOT compile ,Java interoperability ,XAML,.NET MAUI Code , And so on .

When the dust has settled , We have reached a better stage :



Starting time (ms)







Xamarin.Forms (Shell)



dotnet new android



dotnet new maui (No Shell**)



dotnet new maui (Shell)



.NET Podcast App (Shell)



** - It's primitive dotnet new maui Templates , Not used Shell.

The following details , Enjoy it !

.NET Podcast






.NET Podcast App (Shell)


primary coverage

Improved startup performance

  • Analysis on mobile devices


  • Measure over time


  • Profiled AOT


  • Single file assembly memory


  • Spanify.RegisterNativeMembers


  • System.Reflection.Emit And constructor


  • System.Reflection.Emit And methods


  • The updated Java.Interop APIs


  • Multidimensional Java Array


  • by android Image use Glide


  • Reduce Java Interop calls


  • take android XML Migration to Java


  • Delete Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting


  • Reduce... At startup Shell initialization


  • Fonts should not use temporary files


  • Calculate on the platform at compile time


  • stay XAML Using the compiler converter in


  • Optimize color resolution


  • Do not use culture - aware string comparisons


  • Lazily create logs


  • Using factory methods for dependency injection


  • Load idly ConfigurationManager


  • Default VerifyDependencyInjectionOpenGenericServiceTrimmability


  • Improved built-in AOT The configuration file


  • Enable AOT Delayed loading of images


  • Delete System.Uri Encoding objects not used in


Application size improvements

  • Fix the default MauiImage size


  • Delete Application.Properties and DataContractSerializer


  • Trim unused HTTP Realization


.NET Podcast  Improvements in the example (https://github.com/microsoft/dotnet-podcasts)

  • Delete Microsoft.Extensions.Http usage


  • Delete Newtonsoft.Json Use


  • Run the first network request in the background


Experimental or advanced options

  • trim Resource.designer.cs


  • R8 Java Code shrinker


  • AOT everything


  • AOT and LLVM


  • Record custom AOT The configuration file


Improved startup performance

Analysis on mobile devices

I must mention what is available on mobile platforms .NET Diagnostic tools , Because it is what we make .NET MAUI Faster first 0 Step .

analysis .NET 6 android The application needs to use a program called  dotnet-dsrouter  Tools for . This tool makes dotnet Track connections to a running mobile application in android, iOS etc. . This may be what we use to analyze .NET MAUI The most influential tool of .

To start using dotnet trace and dsrouter, First, through adb Configure some settings and start dsrouter:

adb reverse tcp:9000 tcp:9001
adb shell setprop debug.mono.profile ',suspend'
dotnet-dsrouter client-server -tcps -ipcc /tmp/maui-app --verbose debug

Next, start dotnet track , Such as :

dotnet-trace collect --diagnostic-port /tmp/maui-app --format speedscope

When starting a use -c Release and -p:androidEnableProfiler=true Built android After the application , When dotnet trace When the output , You will notice the connection :

Press <Enter> or <Ctrl+C> to exit...812  (KB)

After your application is fully started , Just press the enter Key to get a saved in the current directory *.speedscope. You can https://speedscope.app Open this file on the , Learn more about the time each method spends during application startup :


stay android Used in applications dotnet More details about tracking , Please refer to our documentation . I suggest that android Analysis on equipment Release edition , To get the best performance in the real world .



Our documents


Measure over time

We are .NET Friends of the basic team set up a pipeline to track .NET MAUI Performance scenarios , for example :

  • Bag size

  • Disk size ( non-compressed )

  • Single file classification

  • Application startup

as time goes on , This allows us to see the impact of improvement or regression , notice dotnet/maui The number of each submission of the repurchase . We can also determine whether this difference is caused by xamarin-android、xamarin-macios or dotnet/runtime Caused by a change in .

for example , In Physics Pixel 4a Running on the device dotnet new maui Start time of the template ( In Milliseconds ) chart :


Be careful ,Pixel 4a Than Pixel 5 It's much slower .

We can accurately point out that in dotnet/maui Regressions and improvements that occur in . This is very useful for tracking our goals .

similarly , We can be in the same Pixel 4a See... On the device .NET Podcast Application progress over time :


This chart is our real focus , Because it's a “ Real applications ”, It is similar to what developers see in their mobile applications .

As for application size , It is a more stable number —— When things get worse or better , It's easy to zero :


see also dotnet-podcasts#58, Android x# 520 and dotnet/maui#6419 Learn more about these improvements .



Android x# 520




alien AOT

Before we get to .NET MAUI In the initial performance test of , We see that JIT( In time ) and AOT( advance ) How the compiled code is executed :


JIT Time (ms)

AOT Time (ms)

dotnet new maui



Every time you call c# Method JIT Handle , This implicitly affects the startup performance of mobile applications .

Another problem is AOT Resulting in an increase in application size . Every .NET The assembly will add one in the final application android Local library . In order to make better use of these two worlds , Start tracking or analysis AOT yes Xamarin.Android A current feature . This is a kind of AOT Mechanism of application startup path , It significantly improves startup time , Only a modest increase in application size .

stay .NET 6 In the version , This is the fully meaningful default option . in the past , Use Xamarin.Android Do any kind of AOT Need to be Android NDK( Download multiple gb). We are not installing android NDK In the case of AOT Applications , Make it possible .

We are dotnet new android, maui, and maui-blazor Template's built-in configuration file , Benefit most applications . If you want to .NET 6 Record a custom configuration file in , You can try our experimental Mono.Profiler. Android package . We are working hard in the future .NET Recording custom profiles is fully supported in version .

see xamarin-Android#6547 and dotnet/maui#4859 Understand the details of this improvement .

Start tracking or analysis AOT


Mono.Profiler. Android






Single file assembly memory

Before , If you are in your favorite zip File utility Release android .apk Content , You can see .NET The assembly is located in :


These documents are through mmap System calls are loaded separately , This is every... In the application .NET The cost of the assembly . This is android Used in workloads C/ c++ Realized , Use Mono Callbacks provided by the runtime for assembly loading .MAUI Applications have many assemblies , So we introduced a new $(androidUseAssemblyStore) characteristic , This feature is available in Release Enabled by default in version .

After this change , You will get :


Now? android To start, just call mmap two : Once it was assemblies.blob, The second is architecture specific Blob. This pair has many . net The application of the assembly has a significant impact .

If you need to check the compiled android Of these assemblies in the application IL, We created an assembly store reader tool to “ Unpack ” These documents .

Another option is to disable these settings when building the application :

dotnet build -c Release -p:AndroidUseAssemblyStore=false -p:Android EnableAssemblyCompression=false

So you can use your favorite compression tool to decompress the generated .apk file , And use ILSpy Such a tool to check .NET Assembly . This is a good way to diagnose trimmers / Linker problem .

see xamarin-android#6311 Learn more about this improvement .

mmap system call




Assembly store reader






Spanify RegisterNativeMembers

When used Java establish c# Object time , Will call a small Java Wrappers , for example :

public class MainActivity extends Android.app.Activity
    public static final String methods;
    static {
        methods = "n_onCreate:(LAndroid/os/Bundle;)V:GetOnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler\n";
        mono.Android.Runtime.register ("foo.MainActivity, foo", MainActivity.class, methods);

The method list is a \n and : separated Java Native interface (JNI) Signature list , These signatures are in escrow c# Rewritten in code . For in c# Each... Rewritten in Java Method , You'll get one of these methods .

When practical Java onCreate() Method is called as a android Activities :

public void onCreate (Android.os.Bundle p0)
    n_onCreate (p0);

private native void n_onCreate (Android.os.Bundle p0);

Through all kinds of magic and gestures ,n_onCreate Call to Mono Runtime , And call c# Medium OnCreate() Method .

Split \n and :- The code for the delimited method list is in Xamarin Early use string.Split() Compiling . so to speak ,Span It didn't exist at that time , But now we can use it ! This improves any inheritance Java Class c# Cost of class , So this is a ratio .NET MAUI Broader improvements .

You may ask ,“ Why use strings ?” Use Java Arrays seem to have a greater impact on performance than delimited strings . In our tests , call JNI To get Java Array elements , Performance worse than string .Split and Span New usage of . For how in the future .NET Build it again in version , We have some ideas .

except .NET 6 outside , For current customers Xamarin. Android This change is also included in the latest version of .

see xamarin-android#6708 Learn more about this improvement .

Java Native interface (JNI)






System.Reflection.Emit And constructor

In the use of Xamarin Early stage , We have one from Java call c# A somewhat complicated method of constructor .

First , We have some reflection calls that occur at startup :

static MethodInfo newobject = typeof (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers).GetMethod ("GetUninitializedObject", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)!;
static MethodInfo gettype = typeof (System.Type).GetMethod ("GetTypeFromHandle", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)!;
static FieldInfo handle = typeof (Java.Lang.Object).GetField ("handle", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)!;

It seems to be Mono Left over from earlier versions , And continues to this day . for example , Can be called directly RuntimeHelpers.GetUninitializedObject().

Then there are some complicated System.Reflection.Emit usage , And in System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo Pass on one cinfo example :

DynamicMethod method = new DynamicMethod (DynamicMethodNameCounter.GetUniqueName (), typeof (void), new Type [] {typeof (IntPtr), typeof (object []) }, typeof (DynamicMethodNameCounter), true);
ILGenerator il = method.GetILGenerator ();

il.DeclareLocal (typeof (object));

il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldtoken, type);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Call, gettype);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Call, newobject);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc_0);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Stfld, handle);

il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc_0);

var len = cinfo.GetParameters ().Length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg, 1);
    il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i);
    il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Call, cinfo);

il.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

return (Action<IntPtr, object?[]?>) method.CreateDelegate (typeof (Action <IntPtr, object []>));

Call the returned delegate , bring IntPtr yes Java.Lang.Object Handle to subclass , The object [] Is this particular c# Any arguments to the constructor .emit There is a huge cost for using it for the first time at startup and for every subsequent call .

After careful examination , We can handle Field is set to internal , And simplify this code to :

var newobj = RuntimeHelpers.GetUninitializedObject (cinfo.DeclaringType);
if (newobj is Java.Lang.Object o) {
    o.handle = jobject;
} else if (newobj is Java.Lang.Throwable throwable) {
    throwable.handle = jobject;
} else {
    throw new InvalidOperationException ($"Unsupported type: '{newobj}'");
cinfo.Invoke (newobj, parms);

What this code does is create an object without calling the constructor , Set handle field , And then call the constructor. . This is to be c# When the constructor starts ,Handle In any Java.Lang.Object It's all effective on the Internet . Any inside the constructor Java interoperability ( For example, call other on the class Java Method ) And call any basic Java Constructors all need Handle.

The new code significantly improves the Java Call any c# Constructors , So this particular change improves more than just .NET MAUI. except .NET 6 outside , For current customers Xamarin. android This change is also included in the latest version of .

see xamarin-android#6766 Learn more about this improvement .



System.Reflection.Emit And methods

When you are in c# Rewrite a Java When the method is used , such as :

public class MainActivity : Activity
    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

In from Java To c# In the process of conversion , We must encapsulate c# Method to handle exceptions , for example :

    // Call the actual C# method here
catch (Exception e) when (_unhandled_exception (e))
    androidEnvironment.UnhandledException (e);
    if (Debugger.IsAttached || !JNIEnv.PropagateExceptions)

for example , If in OnCreate() Managed exception not handled in , This will actually cause the machine to crash ( And there is no managed c# stack trace ). We need to make sure that the debugger breaks when we attach exceptions , Otherwise... Will be recorded c# stack trace .

from Xamarin Start , The above code is through System.Reflection.Emit Generated :

var dynamic = new DynamicMethod (DynamicMethodNameCounter.GetUniqueName (), ret_type, param_types, typeof (DynamicMethodNameCounter), true);
var ig = dynamic.GetILGenerator ();

LocalBuilder? retval = null;
if (ret_type != typeof (void))
    retval = ig.DeclareLocal (ret_type);

ig.Emit (OpCodes.Call, wait_for_bridge_processing_method!);

var label = ig.BeginExceptionBlock ();

for (int i = 0; i < param_types.Length; i++)
    ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg, i);
ig.Emit (OpCodes.Call, dlg.Method);

if (retval != null)
    ig.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, retval);

ig.Emit (OpCodes.Leave, label);

bool  filter = Debugger.IsAttached || !JNIEnv.PropagateExceptions;
if (filter && JNIEnv.mono_unhandled_exception_method != null) {
    ig.BeginExceptFilterBlock ();

    ig.Emit (OpCodes.Call, JNIEnv.mono_unhandled_exception_method);
    ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
    ig.BeginCatchBlock (null!);
} else {
    ig.BeginCatchBlock (typeof (Exception));

ig.Emit (OpCodes.Dup);
ig.Emit (OpCodes.Call, exception_handler_method!);

if (filter)
    ig.Emit (OpCodes.Throw);

ig.EndExceptionBlock ();

if (retval != null)
    ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, retval);

ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

This code is called twice as a dotnet new android Applications , but ~58 One at a time dotnet new maui Applications !

We realized that we could actually write a strongly typed for each generic delegate type “ Fast path ”, Instead of using System.Reflection.Emit. There is a generated delegate that matches each signature :

void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState);

// Maps to *JNIEnv, JavaClass, Bundle
// Internal to each assembly
internal delegate void _JniMarshal_PPL_V(IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr);

So we can list all the used dotnet maui Signature of the application , such as :

class JNINativeWrapper
    static Delegate? CreateBuiltInDelegate (Delegate dlg, Type delegateType)
        switch (delegateType.Name)
            // Unsafe.As<T>() is used, because _JniMarshal_PPL_V is generated internal in each assembly
            case nameof (_JniMarshal_PPL_V):
                return new _JniMarshal_PPL_V (Unsafe.As<_JniMarshal_PPL_V> (dlg).Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V);
            // etc.
        return null;

    // Static extension method is generated to avoid capturing variables in anonymous methods
    internal static void Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (this _JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0)
        // ...

The disadvantage of this method is , When using a new signature , We have to list more . We don't want to list every combination in detail , Because it can lead to IL Growth in size . We are studying how to .NET This has been improved in version .

see xamarin-android#6657 and xamarin- android #6707 Learn more about this improvement .



xamarin- android #6707


The updated Java.Interop APIs

Java.Interop.dll In the original Xamarin api That's true api:

  • JNIEnv.CallStaticObjectMethod

stay Java In the “ The new method ” Less memory per call :

  • JniEnvironment.StaticMethods.CallStaticObjectMethod

When built as Java Method generation c# When Binding , Update is used by default / Faster way — stay Xamarin.Android It's been a while since I was born . before ,Java Binding an item can make $(AndroidCodegenTarget) Set to XAJavaInterop1, It caches and reuses in every call jmethodID example . see also java.interop Document to get the history of this feature .

Other problems are “ Manual ” Where to bind . These methods are often used , So it's worth fixing these !

Some examples to improve this situation :

  • JNIEnv.FindClass() stay xamarin-android#6805

  • JavaList and JavaList stay  xamarin-android#6812









Multidimensional Java Array

Direction Java Pass it back and forth c# Array time , The intermediate step must copy the array , So that the appropriate runtime can access it . This is really a developer experience , because c# Developers expect to write something like this :

var array = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4};
MyJavaMethod (array);
 stay MyJavaMethod It will do :
IntPtr native_items = JNIEnv.NewArray (items);
    // p/invoke here, actually calls into Java
    if (items != null)
        JNIEnv.CopyArray (native_items, items); // If the calling method mutates the array
        JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef (native_items); // Delete our Java local reference

JNIEnv.NewArray() Visit one “ Type mapping ”, To know which Java Class is used for the elements of an array .

dotnet new maui Specific... Used by the project android API There is a problem :

public ColorStateList (int[][]? states, int[]? colors)

Find a multidimensional int[][] An array can access the... Of each element “ Type mapping ”. When additional logging is enabled , We can see that , Many examples :

monodroid: typemap: failed to map managed type to Java type: System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e (Module ID: 8e4cd939-3275-41c4-968d-d5a4376b35f5; Type token: 33554653)
monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from
monodroid-assembly: at android.Runtime.JNIEnv.TypemapManagedToJava(Type )
monodroid-assembly: at android.Runtime.JNIEnv.GetJniName(Type )
monodroid-assembly: at android.Runtime.JNIEnv.FindClass(Type )
monodroid-assembly: at android.Runtime.JNIEnv.NewArray(Array , Type )
monodroid-assembly: at android.Runtime.JNIEnv.NewArray[Int32[]](Int32[][] )
monodroid-assembly: at android.Content.Res.ColorStateList..ctor(Int32[][] , Int32[] )
monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ColorStateListExtensions.CreateButton(Int32 enabled, Int32 disabled, Int32 off, Int32 pressed)

In this case , We should be able to call JNIEnv.FindClass() once , And reuse this value for each item in the array !

We are studying how to .NET This is further improved in the version . An example of this is dotnet/maui#5654, Here we simply consider the complete use of Java To create an array .

see xamarin-android#6870 Learn more about this improvement .





by android Image use Glide

Glide It's modern android Application recommended image loading Library . Google Docs even recommends it , Because of the built-in android Bitmap Classes can be difficult to use correctly .glidex.forms Is in Xamarin.Forms Use in Glide The prototype of the . But we will Glide Upgrade to the future in .NET MAUI Loading images in “ The way ”.

In order to reduce the JNI Interoperability overhead ,.NET MAUI Of Glide The implementation mainly uses Java Compiling , for example :

import com.bumptech.glide.Glide;
public static void loadImageFromUri(ImageView imageView, String uri, Boolean cachingEnabled, ImageLoaderCallback callback) {
    RequestBuilder<Drawable> builder = Glide
    loadInto(builder, imageView, cachingEnabled, callback);

ImageLoaderCallback stay c# Subclass to handle completion in managed code . As a result, , come from web The performance of the image should be better than before in Xamarin.Forms The performance obtained in has been significantly improved .

See dotnet/maui#759 and dotnet/maui#5198.









Reduce Java Interop calls

Suppose you have the following Java api:

public void setFoo(int foo);
public void setBar(int bar);

The interoperability of these methods is as follows :

public unsafe static void SetFoo(int foo)
    JniArgumentValue* __args = stackalloc JniArgumentValue[1];
    __args[0] = new JniArgumentValue(foo);
    return _members.StaticMethods.InvokeInt32Method("setFoo.(I)V", __args);

public unsafe static void SetBar(int bar)
    JniArgumentValue* __args = stackalloc JniArgumentValue[1];
    __args[0] = new JniArgumentValue(bar);
    return _members.StaticMethods.InvokeInt32Method("setBar.(I)V", __args);

So calling these two methods will call... Twice stackalloc, Two calls p/invoke. Create a small Java The wrappers will have more performance , for example :

public void setFooAndBar(int foo, int bar)

Translated into :

public void setFooAndBar(int foo, int bar)

.NET MAUI Views are essentially c# object , There are many properties that need to be specified in the Java Is set in exactly the same way . If we apply this concept to .NET MAUI Each of the android View in , We can create one ~18 The method of parameter is used for View establish . Subsequent property changes can directly invoke the standard android api.

For very simple .NET MAUI Controls , This is a significant improvement in performance :




Standard deviation

0 generation

Already allocated


323.2 µs

0.82 µs



5 KB


242.3 µs

1.34 µs

1.25 µs


5 KB


354.6 µs

2.61 µs

2.31 µs


6 KB


258.3 µs

0.49 µs

0.43 µs


6 KB

see also dotnet/maui#3372 Learn more about this improvement .



take android XML Migration to Java

review android Upper dotnet Trace output , We can see that reasonable time is spent on :

20.32.ms mono.andorid!Andorid.Views.LayoutInflater.Inflate

Review stack trace , Time is actually spent on android/Java Expand the layout , And in the .NET There is no work at the end .

If you look at the compiled android .apk and res/layouts/bottomtablayout. stay android Studio in ,XML It's just ordinary XML. Only a few identifiers are converted to integers . It means android Must parse XML And pass Java Reflection of api establish Java object —— It seems that we do not use XML You can get faster performance ?

standard-passing BenchmarkDotNet contrast , We found that when it comes to interoperability , Use android The layout is even better than using c# Worse :




Standard deviation

Already allocated


338.4 µs

4.21 µs

3.52 µs

744 B


410.2 µs

7.92 µs

6.61 µs

1,336 B


490.0 µs

7.77 µs

7.27 µs

2,321 B

Next , We will BenchmarkDotNet Configured as a single run , To better simulate what happens at startup :


The median


4.619 ms


37.337 ms


39.364 ms

We are .NET MAUI See a simpler layout in , Bottom tab navigation :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    android:layout_weight="1" />
    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

We can port it to four Java In the method , for example :

public static List<View> createBottomTabLayout(Context context, int navigationStyle);
public static LinearLayout createLinearLayout(Context context);
public static FrameLayout createFrameLayout(Context context, LinearLayout layout);
public static BottomNavigationView createNavigationBar(Context context, int navigationStyle, FrameLayout bottom)

This makes us in the android When creating the bottom tab navigation on the, you can only from c# Switch to Java 4 Time . It also allows android The operating system skips loading and parsing .xml Come on “ inflation ”Java object . We are dotnet/maui Implemented this idea in , Delete all at startup LayoutInflater.Inflate() call .

see also dotnet/maui#5424, dotnet/maui#5493, and dotnet/maui#5528 Learn more about these improvements







Delete Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting

hosting Provides a .NET Universal host , Used in .NET Manage dependency injection in the application 、 logging 、 Configure and apply the lifecycle . This has an effect on the startup time , It doesn't seem to be suitable for mobile applications .

from .NET MAUI Remove Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting Use is meaningful .. net MAUI There is no attempt to communicate with “ Universal host ” Interoperate to build DI Containers , It has its own simple implementation , It is optimized for mobile boot . Besides ,. net MAUI No logging providers will be added by default .

Through this change , We see dotnet new maui android Application startup time is reduced 5-10%. stay iOS On , It reduces the size of the same application , from 19.2 MB => 18.0 MB.

See dotnet/maui#4505 and dotnet/maui#4545.

.NET Universal host






Reduce... At startup Shell initialization

Xamarin. Forms Shell Is a mode of cross platform application navigation . This pattern is in .NET MAUI Proposed in , It is recommended as the default way to build applications .

When we found that we used Shell Cost of ( about Xamarin and Xamarin.form and .NET MAUI), We found a few places to optimize :

  • Do not resolve routes at startup —— Wait until a navigation that requires them occurs .

  • If no query string is provided for navigation , Just skip the code that handles the query string . This will remove overuse System.Reflection The code path of .

  • If the page is not visible BottomNavigationView, Then do not set menu items or any appearance elements .

see also dotnet/maui#5262 Learn more about this improvement .

Xamarin. Forms Shell




Fonts should not use temporary files

A lot of time is spent on .NET MAUI The application loads fonts on :

32.19ms Microsoft.Maui!Microsoft.Maui.FontManager.CreateTypeface(System.ValueTuple`3<string, Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight, bool>)

When checking code , It does more work than it needs :

  1. take androidAsset Save file to temporary folder .

  2. Use android API, Typeface.CreateFromFile() To load the file .

We can actually use it directly Typeface.CreateFromAsset() android API, No temporary files at all .

see also dotnet/maui#4933 Learn more about this improvement .



Calculate on the platform at compile time

{OnPlatform} Use of markup extensions :

<Label Text="Platform: " />
<Label Text="{OnPlatform Default=Unknown, android=android, iOS=iOS" />

… It can actually be computed at compile time ,net6.0-android and net6.0-ios Will get the appropriate value . In the future .NET In the version , We will be on XML Element to do the same optimization .

See dotnet/maui#4829 and dotnet/maui#5611.





stay XAML Using the compiler converter in

The following types are now in XAML Compile time conversion , Not at runtime :

  • Color :dotnet /maui# 4687


  • Corner radius : dotnet / maui # 5192


  • Font size :dotnet / maui # 5338


  • Grid length , Line definition , Column definition :dotnet/maui#5489


This leads to .xaml File generation is better / Faster IL.

Optimize color resolution

Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color.Parse() The original code can be rewritten , To better use Span And avoid string allocation .




Standard deviation

0 generation

Already allocated

Parse ( Before )

99.13 ns

0.281 ns

0.235 ns


168 B

Parse ( after )

52.54 ns

0.292 ns

0.259 ns


32 B

In the ReadonlySpan<char>dotnet/csharplang#1881 Upper use switch sentence , In the future .NET This situation is further improved in version .

notice dotnet / Microsoft.Maui.Graphics # 343 and dotnet / Microsoft.Maui.Graphics # 345 Details about this improvement .



dotnet / Microsoft.Maui.Graphics # 343


dotnet / Microsoft.Maui.Graphics # 345


Do not use culture - aware string comparisons

Review a new naui Project dotnet Trace output , You can see android The real cost of the first region awareness string comparison on :

6.32ms Microsoft.Maui.Controls!Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellNavigationManager.GetNavigationState
3.82ms Microsoft.Maui.Controls!Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellUriHandler.FormatUri
3.82ms System.Private.CoreLib!System.String.StartsWith
2.57ms System.Private.CoreLib!System.Globalization.CultureInfo.get_CurrentCulture

actually , We don't even want to use a culture comparison in this case — It just comes from Xamarin.Forms Introduced code .

for example , If you have :

if (text.StartsWith("f"))
    // do something

under these circumstances , You can simply do this :

if (text.StartsWith("f"))
    // do something

If executed throughout the application ,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture Can avoid being called , And it can be improved slightly If The overall speed of the statement .

To solve the whole dotnet/maui The situation of repurchase , We introduced code analysis rules to capture these :

dotnet_diagnostic.CA1307.severity = error
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1309.severity = error

see also dotnet/maui#4988 Learn more about improvements .



Lazily create logs

ConfigureFonts() API It took some time at startup to do something that could be deferred to the future . We can also improve Microsoft.Extensions General usage of logging infrastructure in .

Some of the improvements we have made are as follows :

  • Postpone creation “ Recorder ” class , Create them until you need them .

  • The built-in logging infrastructure is disabled by default , Must be explicitly enabled .

  • Delay call android Of EmbeddedFontLoader Medium Path.GetTempPath(), Until you need it .

  • Do not use ILoggerFactory Create a generic recorder . But directly get ILogger service , So it is cached .

see also dotnet/maui#5103 Learn more about this improvement .



Using factory methods for dependency injection

When using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection, Registration service , such as :

IServiceCollection services /* ... */;
services.TryAddSingleton<IFooService, FooService>();

Microsoft.Extensions Something must be done System.Reflection To create FooService The first example of . This is noteworthy dotnet Trace output in android On .

contrary , If you do :

// If FooService has no dependencies
services.TryAddSingleton<IFooService>(sp => new FooService());
// Or if you need to retrieve some dependencies
services.TryAddSingleton<IFooService>(sp => new FooService(sp.GetService<IBar>()));

under these circumstances ,Microsoft.Extensions You can simply call lamdba/ Anonymous methods , Without a system . Reflection .

We're in all dotnet/maui Improved on , And used bannedapianalyzer, So that no one will accidentally use TryAddSingleton() Slower reloading .

see also dotnet/maui#5290 Learn more about this improvement .





Default VerifyDependencyInjectionOpenGenericServiceTrimmability

.NET Podcast The sample cost 4-7ms Time for :


MSBuild attribute $(verifydependencyinjectionopengenericservicetrimability) Trigger the method to run . This feature switch ensures that dynamallyaccessedmembers Correctly applied to open generic types in dependency injection .

On the basis of .NET SDK in , When publishtrim =true when , The switch will be enabled . However ,android The application is Debug There is no setting in version publishtrim =true, So the developer missed the validation .

contrary , In published applications , We don't want to pay the cost of this verification . So this feature switch should be in Release Close in version .

see xamarin-android#6727 and xamarin-macios#14130 Learn more about this improvement .

.NET Podcast






Load idly ConfigurationManager

configurationmanager Not used by many mobile applications , And creating one is very expensive !( for example , stay android It's about 7.59ms)

stay .NET MAUI in , One ConfigurationManager It is created by default at startup , We can use Lazy Delay its creation , So it will not be created , Unless you ask .

see also dotnet/maui#5348 Learn more about this improvement .



Improved built-in AOT The configuration file

Mono The runtime has a for each method JIT Time report ( See our documentation ), for example :

Total(ms) | Self(ms) | Method
     3.51 |     3.51 | Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.GridLayoutManager/GridStructure:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IGridLayout,double,double)
     1.88 |     1.88 | Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.AppThemeBindingExtension/<>c__DisplayClass20_0:<Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.IMarkupExtension<Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingBase>.ProvideValue>g__minforetriever|0 ()
     1.66 |     1.66 | Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.OnIdiomExtension/<>c__DisplayClass32_0:<ProvideValue>g__minforetriever|0 ()
     1.54 |     1.54 | Microsoft.Maui.Converters.ThicknessTypeConverter:ConvertFrom (System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,object)

This is a use of Profiled AOT Is under construction .NET Podcast Top level in the example jit Time choice . These seem to be what developers want in . net MAUI Common used in applications api.

To ensure that these methods are used in AOT In profile , We are dotnet/maui These are used in api

_ = new Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.GridLayoutManager(new Grid()).Measure(100, 100);

<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ProfiledAot_AppThemeBinding_Color" Color="{AppThemeBinding Default=Black}"/>
<CollectionView x:Key="ProfiledAot_CollectionView_OnIdiom_Thickness" Margin="{OnIdiom Default=1,1,1,1}" />

Calling these methods in the test application ensures that they are in the built-in . net MAUI AOT In profile .

After this change , We saw an updated JIT The report :

_ = new Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.GridLayoutManager(new Grid()).Measure(100, 100);

<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ProfiledAot_AppThemeBinding_Color" Color="{AppThemeBinding Default=Black}"/>
<CollectionView x:Key="ProfiledAot_CollectionView_OnIdiom_Thickness" Margin="{OnIdiom Default=1,1,1,1}" />

This leads to further additions :

var split = "foo;bar".Split(';');
var x = int.Parse("999");

We are right. Color.Parse()、Connectivity Made similar changes .NETworkAccess DeviceInfo. Idiom ,AppInfo..NET MAUI Should be used frequently in applications requestdtheme.

see also dotnet/maui#5559, dotnet/maui#5682, and dotnet/maui#6834 Learn more about these improvements .

If you want to .NET 6 Record a custom AOT The configuration file , You can try our lab pack Mono.Profiler.Android. We are working hard in the future .NET Recording custom profiles is fully supported in version .

See our documentation


.NET Podcast










Enable AOT Delayed loading of images

before ,Mono The runtime will load all... At startup AOT Images , To verify hosting .NET Assembly ( for example Foo.dll) Of MVID Whether or not AOT Images (libFoo.dll.so) matching . In most .NET In the application , some AOT The image may need to be loaded later .

Mono A new ——aot-lazy-assembly-load or mono_opt_aot_lazy_assembly_load Set up ,android Workloads can be selected . We found that this would dotnet new maui The project in Pixel 6 Pro The startup time on has been improved by about 25ms.

This is enabled by default , But if you need to , You can be in your .csproj This setting is disabled in the following ways :


see dotnet/runtime#67024 and xamarin-android #6940 Learn more about these improvements .



xamarin-android #6940


Delete System.Uri Encoding objects not used in

One MAUI Application's dotnet Trace output , Displays approximately 7ms It took a while to load UTF32 and Latin1 The first system of coding . Use Uri api:


This field was accidentally left in place . Just delete s_noFallbackCharUTF8 Field , You can improve any use System.Uri Or related api Of . net Application launch .

See dotnet/runtime#65326 Learn more about this improvement .



Application size improvements

Fix the default MauiImage size

dotnet new maui The template displays a friendly " Network robot ” Image . This is done by using a .svg File as a MauiImage And content :

<svg width="419" height="519" viewBox="0 0 419 519" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<!-- everything else -->

By default ,MauiImage Use .svg The width and height values in are used as the “ Base size ”. Review build output , These images are scaled to :

    appiconfg.png = 1824x1824
    dotnet_bot.png = 1676x2076

This is for android It seems a little too big for the equipment ? We can simply specify in the template %(BaseSize), It also provides an example of how to choose the right size for these images :

<!-- Splash Screen -->
<MauiSplashScreen Include="Resources\appiconfg.svg" Color="#512BD4" BaseSize="128,128" />

<!-- Images -->
<MauiImage Include="Resources\Images\*" />
<MauiImage Update="Resources\Images\dotnet_bot.svg" BaseSize="168,208" />

This results in a more suitable size :

    appiconfg.png = 512x512
    dotnet_bot.png = 672x832

We can also modify .svg Content , But this may not be desirable , It depends on how the graphic designer uses the image in other design tools .

In another example , One 3008×5340 .jpg Images :

<MauiImage Include="Resources\Images\large.jpg" />

Upgrading to 21360×12032! Set up Resize="false" Will prevent the image from being resized , But we set this as the default option for non vector images . Next , Developers should be able to rely on defaults , Or specify as needed %( Basic size ) and %( Resize ).

These changes improve startup performance and application size . see also dotnet/maui#4759 and dotnet/maui#6419 Understand the details of these improvements .





Delete Application.Properties and DataContractSerializer

Xamarin.Forms There is one API, Used by Application.Properties Dictionary persistent key value pairs . This is used internally DataContractSerializer, This is not the best choice for self-contained and pruned mobile applications . come from BCL Of System.Xml The part of may be quite large , We don't want to be in every .NET MAUI All applications pay for this .

Simply delete this API And all DataContractSerializer Use , stay android Can be increased by about 855KB, stay iOS On the rise about 1MB.

see also dotnet/maui#4976 Learn more about this improvement .



Trim unused HTTP Realization

System.NET.Http.UseNativeHttpHandler Not properly reducing the underlying hosting HTTP The handler (SocketsHttpHandler). By default ,androidMessageHandler and NSUrlSessionHandler Used to exploit the underlying android and iOS Network stack .

By fixing this problem , In any .NET MAUI More can be deleted from the application IL Code . In one example , A use HTTP Of android The application can completely delete several assemblies :

  • Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll

  • System.Formats.Asn1.dll

  • System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll

  • System.NET.NameResolution.dll

  • System.NET.NETworkInformation.dll

  • System.NET.Quic.dll

  • System.NET.Security.dll

  • System.NET.Sockets.dll

  • System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll

  • System.Runtime.Numerics.dll

  • System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding.dll

  • System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.dll

  • System.Threading.Channels.dll

see dotnet/runtime#64852, xamarin-android#6749, and xamarin-macios#14297 Details about this improvement .







.NET Podcast Improvements in the example

We made some adjustments to the sample itself , The change is considered to be “ Best practices ”.

Delete Microsoft.Extensions.Http usage

Use Microsoft.Extensions.Http Too heavy for mobile apps , And does not provide any real value in this case .

therefore ,HttpClient Don't use DI:

builder.Services.AddHttpClient<ShowsService>(client => 
    client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Config.APIUrl);

// Then in the service ctor
public ShowsService(HttpClient httpClient, ListenLaterService listenLaterService)
    this.httpClient = httpClient;
    // ...

We simply create a HttpClient To use... In services :

public ShowsService(ListenLaterService listenLaterService)
    this.httpClient = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri(Config.APIUrl) };
    // ...

We recommend that for every application that needs to interact web The service uses a separate HttpClient example .

see also dotnet/runtime#66863 and dotnet podcasts#44 Learn more about improvements .



dotnet podcasts#44


Delete Newtonsoft.Json Use

.NET Podcast  The sample uses a named MonkeyCache The library of , It depends on Newtonsoft.Json. This in itself is not a problem , It's just .NET MAUI + Blazor The application depends on some ASP.NET Core Libraries, in turn, depend on System.Text.Json. This app is actually for JSON Parsing library “ Paid twice as much ”, This has an impact on the size of the application .

We transplanted MonkeyCache 2.0 To use System.Text.Json, Unwanted Newtonsoft. This will iOS The size of the app on is from 29.3MB Reduced to 26.1MB!

See monkey-cache#109 and dotnet-podcasts#58 Learn more about improvements .

.NET Podcast 








Run the first network request in the background

review dotnet Trace output , Initial request at ShowsService Blocking UI Thread initializes connection .NETworkAccess Barrel.Current. obtain ,HttpClient. This can be done in the background thread - This results in a faster startup time . stay Task.Run() Encapsulate the first call in , The startup efficiency of this example can be improved to some extent .

stay Pixel 5a Average operation on the equipment 10 Time :

Average(ms): 843.7
Average(ms): 847.8
Average(ms): 817.2
Average(ms): 812.8

For this type of change , Always suggest according to dotnet Follow up or other analysis results to make decisions , And measure changes before and after changes .

see also dotnet-podcasts#57 Learn more about this improvement .



Experimental or advanced options

If you want to android Further optimize your .NET MAUI Applications , Here are some advanced or experimental features , Not enabled by default .

trim Resource.designer.cs

since Xamarin Since the birth of ,android The application contains a generated Properties/Resource.designer.cs file , Used to access the androidResource Integer identifier of the file . This is a R.java Class c# / Hosted version , These identifiers are allowed as normal c# Field ( Sometimes const), Without the need for Java Do any interoperability .

In a android Studio“ library ” In the project , When you include a like res/drawable/foo.png Such a document , You will get a field like this :

package com.yourlibrary;

public class R
    public class drawable
        // The actual integer here maps to a table inside the final .apk file
        public final int foo = 1234;

You can use this value , for example , stay ImageView Show this image in :

ImageView imageView = new ImageView(this);

When you build com.yourlibrary.aar when , android Of gradle The plug-in doesn't actually put this class in the package . contrary ,android The application actually knows what the value of an integer is . therefore ,R Class is in android Generated when the application is built , For each android The library generates a R class .

Xamarin.Android Took a different approach , Integer repair at runtime . use c# and MSBuild Is there really no good precedent for doing such a thing ? for example , One c# android The library may have :

public class Resource
    public class Drawable
        // The actual integer here is *not* final
        public int foo = -1;

Then the main application will have the following code :

public class Resource
    public class Drawable
        public Drawable()
            // Copy the value at runtime
            global::MyLibrary.Resource.Drawable.foo = foo;

        // The actual integer here *is* final
        public const int foo = 1234;

This has worked well for some time , But unfortunately , image androidX、Material、 Google Play Services The number of resources in Google's library has begun to compound . for example , stay dotnet/maui#2606 in , Set... On startup 21497 A field ! We created a way to solve this problem , But we also have a new custom pruning step to perform the repair at build time ( During pruning ) Not at runtime .

<AndroidLinkResources>true</ AndroidLinkResources>

This will make your version version replace the case as follows :

ImageView imageView = new(this);

contrary , Direct inline integer :

ImageView imageView = new(this);
imageView.SetImageResource(1234); // The actual integer here *is* final

A known problem with this feature is :

public partial class Styleable
    public static int[] ActionBarLayout = new int[] { 16842931 };

Replacement... Is not currently supported int[] value , This makes it impossible to enable it by default . Some applications will be able to turn this on ,dotnet new maui Templates , Maybe a lot .NET maui android Applications will not encounter this limitation .

In the future .NET In the version , We may enable... By default $(androidLinkResources), Or completely redesign .

see xamarin-android#5317, xamarin-android#6696, and dotnet/maui#4912 Learn more about this feature .









R8 Java Code shrinker

R8 Is the whole program optimization 、 Shrink and shrink tools , take java Byte code conversion to optimized dex Code .R8 Use Proguard keep The rule format specifies entry points for applications . As you expected , Many applications require additional Proguard Rules to keep working .R8 May be too radical , And deleted Java Something called by reflection , wait . We don't have a good way to make it all .NET android Application defaults .

To choose to use R8 for Release edition , Please in yours. .csproj To add the following :

<!-- NOTE: not recommended for Debug builds! -->
<AndroidLinkTool Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">r8</AndroidLinkTool>

If you start your application Release The build crashes when enabled , Check adb logcat Output , Look what's wrong .

If you see java.lang. classnotfoundexception or java.lang. You may need to add one ProguardConfiguration File into your project , such as :

  <ProguardConfiguration Include="proguard.cfg" />

-keep class com.thepackage.TheClassYouWantToPreserve { *; <init>(...); }

We are studying in the future .NET Enabled by default in version R8 The option to .

Please refer to our D8/R8 file .

our D8/R8 file



Profiled AOT By default , Because it gives the best tradeoff between application size and startup performance . If the size of the application is independent of your application , You can consider all .NET Assembly usage AOT.

To choose to join , In your .csproj Add the following Release To configure :

<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">

This will reduce what happens during application startup JIT Amount of compilation , And navigate to the back screen .


LLVM Provides a modern optimizer independent of source and target , It can be done with Mono AOT Compiler Combined with output . As a result, , The size of the application is slightly larger , Longer release build time , Better runtime performance .

To select to LLVM be used for Release edition , Please add the following to your .csproj in :

<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">

This feature can be used with Profiled AOT( or AOT-ing everything ) Use a combination of . Compare before and after the application , understand EnableLLVM Impact on application size and startup performance .

at present , One needs to be installed android NDK To use this function . If we can address this need ,EnableLLVM Will be the future .NET The default options in version .

For more information , Please refer to us about EnableLLVM Documents .



EnableLLVM Documents


Record custom AOT The configuration file

Summary AOT By default, we use the .NET MAUI and android Provided in the workload “ built-in ” Profile , Useful for most applications . For best startup performance , Ideally, an application specific configuration file should be recorded . In this case , We have an experimental Mono.Profiler.Android package .

Record the configuration file :

dotnet add package Mono.AotProfiler.android
dotnet build -t:BuildAndStartAotProfiling
# Wait until app launches, or you navigate to a screen
dotnet build -t:FinishAotProfiling

This will generate a... In your project directory custom.aprof. To use it in future builds :

  <androidAotProfile Include="custom.aprof" />

We are working hard in the future .NET Recording custom profiles is fully supported in version .




I hope you like our .NET MAUI Performance discussion . Please try .NET MAUI And you can http://dot.net/maui Learn more about !


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